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Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70
      16/12/13 11:06 PM

You can always have a go at the 450 3/4 NE. That is what I have converted from the 45/70 in my No.1, just a simple and cost effective rechamber, no need to change the tube!! More than enough power to tame the largest beast that walks this Earth or any other close by

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* How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 FrankS 14/12/13 05:46 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 aromakr   15/12/13 03:11 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 HuviusModerator   15/12/13 03:59 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 DarylS   15/12/13 05:34 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 AkMike   16/12/13 04:46 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 BB416   16/12/13 11:06 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 headoftheholler   16/12/13 11:15 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 Grenadier   17/12/13 12:31 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 michaelj   17/12/13 04:53 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 AkMike   17/12/13 05:29 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 93x64mm   17/12/13 07:05 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 DarylS   18/12/13 04:41 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 AkMike   18/12/13 05:39 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 DarylS   19/12/13 03:44 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 FrankS   22/12/13 10:41 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 AkMike   23/12/13 05:42 AM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 AZDAVE   23/12/13 01:48 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 Ireload2   25/12/13 06:52 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 lancaster   27/12/13 03:35 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 Al333   27/12/13 04:40 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 FrankS   05/01/14 05:19 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 DarylS   26/12/13 05:24 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 DarylS   26/12/13 05:28 PM
. * * Re: How hard would it be to convert a ruger #1 in 45/70 to 50-70 Rell   27/12/13 02:32 PM

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