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Hunting >> Hunting in Australia, NZ & the South Pacific

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Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun!
      05/08/13 04:00 PM


Guess she is only getting $10 bucks for hers...something wrong with their accounting, if min bounty is $50 and max is now $100.

She has presented 1165 fox scalps for a reward of $11,650


Agriculture Minister Peter Walsh said he was "very happy" with the figures.

"the increase in bounty that we did from $50 to $100 has given that added incentive for people going to hunt them"

anyway still a nice earner!

Can't be true, a gov't Minister would never get his numbers wrong ....

Actually you are all right. $10 for foxes, $100 for wild dogs, ie mixed blood dingoes.

Looked it up:


Victorian Fox and Wild Dog Bounty Terms and Conditions
1. Background

Foxes and wild dogs are established pest animals in Victoria and are beyond eradication, meaning they require ongoing management by all public and private land owners.

Effective fox and wild dog management requires an integrated approach utilising all available management practices including poison baiting, trapping, exclusion fencing, fumigation and appropriate animal husbandry. Hunting can play an important role in supporting an integrated management approach.

To reward eligible Victorian hunters for their efforts in contributing to fox and wild dog control the Victorian Government has announced a $4 million Fox and Wild Dog Bounty commencing from 1 October 2011.

This initiative will deliver on the Government’s commitment to reinstate a fox and wild dog bounty and reward eligible Victorian hunters with a $10 bounty reward for each fox killed and $100 for each wild dog killed, subject to the terms and conditions in this document.

The most effective means of achieving a sustained reduction in fox and wild dog numbers is through simultaneous and coordinated community baiting programs, implemented at a landscape scale and supported by other control techniques.

Existing fox and wild dog control programs being conducted on public land will continue during the bounty period.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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* NEWS: Alicia get your gun! NitroXAdministrator 05/08/13 02:47 AM
. * * Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun! Nordmann   05/08/13 02:58 AM
. * * Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun! NitroXAdministrator   05/08/13 04:00 PM
. * * Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun! NitroXAdministrator   05/08/13 04:03 PM
. * * Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun! Gaff   05/08/13 10:51 PM
. * * Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun! NitroXAdministrator   05/08/13 04:05 PM
. * * Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun! Homer   05/08/13 06:04 PM
. * * Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun! Rule303   05/08/13 08:11 PM
. * * Re: NEWS: Alicia get your gun! DarylS   05/08/13 04:43 AM

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