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Reged: 15/02/11
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Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar?
      11/06/12 05:14 PM

Ozhunter- it would be everything your mate, says and more...... I only targeted the bones, a saltwater 7wt would be perfect. For the bones. I used a 8wt sage RPLXI and it was a bit heavy on the smaller fish. My fly fishing was pretty rough compared to most of the trout guys. But seeing the fish was more important. We averaged around 90 fish for the week. The biggest I took was around 27 inches/ 8lb ( guide called it). Guides were very good, we ended up with two between three of us. Also took a few trevally with one good sized one on a small gotcha. Bigger one near spooled me on some of the big runs.
Others fished for giant trevally with 12 /13 wts and got some thumpers. A 80lb fish was caught by the crew before us.
There is great pelagic fishing off shore, and the yellow fin were taken by a research team whilst we were there.(july).
Fish had to be strip striked to hook them, if you lifted the tip to strike they spat the hook every time. Once hooked the runs from a small fish were unbeleivable. Even small fish taking you to the backing.
My best day was 33 fish and then moved on to find bigger fish. The largest fish taken was around 12lb.
We stayed at the captain cook hotel, old but clean and great food ( home style), lots of it.
Day started at around 5am breakfast then gear onto trucks or skiffs and onto the flats. Lunch was sandwiches we made ourselves. Usualy back by 17:00 wash gear shower and then happy hour at the beach bar. Dinner around 19:00. Ate mostly seafood, with one night mid week a pig on a spit and a large BBQ plate covered in cray tails. They couldnt understand why I didnt want pork.
The flies I tied were recomended by Tom Baxter from Alpine Angler and the guides liked my flies. I tied them spares and the guides didnt hack mine with scissors. The orange and bronze Gotchas in the pic above second row down on the right worked the best. The more damaged they got the better they worked. #2,4,6,8 all worked well, with the ankle deep water the smaller 8's work the best.
Spectacular flats and scenery, plenty of frigate birds , boobies , noddys , terns nesting sites etc
I prefered the road trips to going out in the skiffs to the pancake flats.
Also caught and ate land crabs and guides caught giant mantis shrimps. Around 12 inches long.
The guides prefered fish to eat were toadies or puffers, got them to show me how to clean them and remove the poison sack and blood vessels attached to it.... Didnt try it as its a long way to Hawaii for help.
We booked thru Tabori travel. Sydney to Nandi and then to Kiribati. Great experience. Cheers Mick
Happy hour on the beach
Dave and Iobu (guide)
Koreba Guide and truck
Bridge crossing
Stripped trevally

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* 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? ozhunter 25/04/12 10:10 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? 264   25/04/12 11:46 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? ozhunter   26/04/12 04:51 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? ozhunter   27/05/12 11:43 AM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? 264   11/06/12 10:47 AM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? ozhunter   11/06/12 01:34 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? 264   11/06/12 05:14 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? ozhunter   09/07/13 07:16 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? DarylS   10/07/13 12:42 AM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? 375Brno   28/07/13 10:30 AM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? 264   29/07/13 08:29 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? ozhunter   30/07/13 06:43 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? 264   30/07/13 07:28 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? ozhunter   30/07/13 07:56 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? Mike_Bailey   26/04/12 04:49 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? DarylS   25/04/12 10:37 PM
. * * Re: 9# or 10# weight fly kit for Barra and similar? DarylS   25/04/12 10:43 PM

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