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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

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Reged: 26/01/04
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Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE
      29/10/04 07:45 AM

I would buy one of the new Searcy PH models..they shoot great and send most all loads to the same POI and you can shoot monolithic solids or Hp in them..Something English rifles will not do...I have shot English guns all my life, but I am sold on the Searcy guns for hunting...

Regardless of what one hears, most of the old English guns have seen better days, I see them all the time and hear the bragging that goes with them and 95% of them are pretty much junk, the bores are poor and that has become acdeptable, the action is more times than not off the face and the owner does not know it, and hey most of them are 100 years old and steel in those days was not as good....I have used and shot many of these old guns, but after owning my Searcy I will never shoot another medicore English gun...

A high dollar English double in near mint condition is a thing of beauty and a great investment in your future, but not something I want to haul to Africa at the hands of baggage handlers and camp staff!

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* Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE crl 29/10/04 04:49 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE NE450No2   30/10/04 11:04 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE 470Rigby   29/10/04 11:28 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE 4seventy   02/11/04 07:16 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE Marrakai   29/10/04 09:49 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE bonanza   29/10/04 05:23 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE nitro476   29/10/04 05:21 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE crl   29/10/04 05:23 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE mickey   29/10/04 01:38 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE kos   29/10/04 03:02 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE bonanza   29/10/04 05:27 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE crl   29/10/04 06:05 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE DUGABOY1   29/10/04 08:51 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE EricD   29/10/04 06:17 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE atkinson6   29/10/04 07:45 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE Martin   30/10/04 10:10 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE AussieMike   30/10/04 11:35 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE NitroXAdministrator   31/10/04 03:38 PM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE nitro476   29/10/04 08:21 AM
. * * Re: Another newbie Question: 450 NE or 470 NE bonanza   29/10/04 05:35 AM

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