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      30/06/11 02:34 AM

Excellent - I wholeheartedly agree with just about everything. Who am I? - I ran a Riot Squad and Perimeter Security Squad for 13 years at a local Prison as Riot Squad commander and Firearms Instructor & these are my thoughts on the text above.

This is merely nitpicking - amounting to personal preferences (and training), mostly.

I do have a huge preference for pump guns and would have no qualms using my Mossberg's short rifled tube for buckshot or finer shot for indoor use. A choke to tighten patterns or extend the range is not necessary in a defense scenario indoors. I would not use, nor recommend a semi-auto - either for personal defense, or police work. Autoloaders are too slow in firing accurately placed rounds - yes - that is a correct statement for myself and those I trained.

For someone without any or with little specific shotgun training, the auto would be faster, of course. For me, it's too complicated a mechanism to be trusted. I've owned a few and went back to pumps (in a previous life - before jail).
I'm not intersted in stats stating how wonderful some autos are - it's my opinion and my rule. I can shoot more accurately and faster with a pump on multiple targets using either my current Mossberg or an 870 Rem. I ran the 3 empty is my rule for multiple targets. That's 3 empties in the air - until 1 round left. At least 1/2 my 'crew' could do that & the rest weren't far behind. It took practise.

No sights are needed for an indoor 'competition' imho- a bead will suffice. I'd never see it in actual use, but some people need one. Outside and if shooting slugs, sights would help if there is time to access them for accuraty placed single rounds. Ghost ring or open? Choice to the beholder, but the ghost ring would be quicker (depending on gun fit) as indicated in the artice.

I've never tried nor used any of the low recoil rounds used today, so cannot comment on them or their effectiveness. I've only used 3 dram 1 1/8oz. Trap loads and 9 ball, 00 Buck Federals (.32") in training my staff with 7+1 shot M870's. As the author indicated, for home defense, the tube extensions are probably irrevelent and when loaded with 8 rounds, can effectively slow the swing and target aquisition for those of slight stature.

Excellent article all round, I thought.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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* HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS Ripp 29/06/11 11:43 PM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS DarylS   30/06/11 02:34 AM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS Ripp   30/06/11 03:15 AM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS Ben   30/06/11 08:13 AM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS DarylS   30/06/11 01:02 PM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS Ripp   30/06/11 02:43 PM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS 4seventy   30/06/11 11:56 AM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS tinker   30/06/11 12:44 PM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS DarylS   30/06/11 12:49 PM
. * * Re: HOME DEFENSE SHOTGUNS tinker   30/06/11 02:12 AM

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