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Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD)
      26/11/10 08:02 AM

My 416 Taylor is a Classic stainless Win M70 and the Ruger is an old P14, quite heavily modified.
At one stage I tried a load of AR 2208 (Varget) in the Ruger and got a bit closer, but still not up to Taylor velocities. I'm thinking of trying a bit slower powder again, maybe even AR 2209 (H 4350) but I think it will be too slow perhaps. I've also just got a tin of RE 17, it might be just what I need, also have some VV N540 as well.
The Ruger hasn't fired a lot yet, so it needs a lot more work. I've got the page of load data from Hornady, so need to have a better read of that to see what they found.
A fellow shooter at Dalby has a 338-06 with a Douglas barrel which is a really slow barrel, he has trouble getting to the 3000 ft lb limit for Group 1, mine has a Lilja barrel and gets a lot higher velocities, and Fatboy has one with a MADDCO barrel that seems quite a deal faster again. (Although his is built on a pipe gun!)

All very interesting.


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* How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) Handloader52 24/11/10 08:26 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) pablo_mauser_66   24/11/10 09:09 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) gryphon   24/11/10 09:39 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) FATBOY404   24/11/10 12:15 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) tophet1   24/11/10 12:51 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) DarylS   24/11/10 01:48 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) DoubleD   24/11/10 03:36 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) Dr_Deer   24/11/10 10:11 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) DarylS   25/11/10 02:23 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) szihn   25/11/10 03:21 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) hunter_angler   25/11/10 06:03 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) 450_Ackley   25/11/10 07:03 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) Dr_Deer   25/11/10 11:57 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) hunter_angler   25/11/10 01:05 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) 450_Ackley   25/11/10 06:54 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) Dr_Deer   26/11/10 01:30 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) hunter_angler   27/11/10 06:14 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) 450_Ackley   27/11/10 08:20 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) mauserand9mm   27/11/10 10:55 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) szihn   27/11/10 11:31 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) CptCurlAdministrator   27/11/10 11:04 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) szihn   28/11/10 02:06 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) mehulkamdar   28/11/10 11:30 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) DarylS   28/11/10 05:54 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) 450_Ackley   28/11/10 06:36 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) DarylS   28/11/10 07:25 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) 450_Ackley   27/11/10 07:31 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) DarylS   27/11/10 04:14 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) hunter_angler   25/11/10 07:21 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) 450_Ackley   25/11/10 06:57 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) Con   01/12/10 05:59 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) CptCurlAdministrator   25/11/10 10:35 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) SharpsNitro   26/11/10 03:10 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) DarylS   26/11/10 04:36 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) 450_Ackley   26/11/10 08:02 AM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) ozhunter   24/11/10 07:37 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) Homer   24/11/10 08:09 PM
. * * Re: How popular is the 416 Taylor? (MD) Dr_Deer   24/11/10 10:07 PM

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