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Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee
      20/03/10 12:20 AM

Thank you,

Never had nor seen any of the P-H Customs although i recently acquired a mount for the No1 Custom. Here is my P-H No4 Supreme:-

OH that poor recoil pad has been replaced with a ribbed rubber BSA butt plate. I actually prefer the No1's but had to sell my P-H No1 Supreme quite a few years back whilst unemployed. Here it is with it's companions I had at the time:-

The one on the left was a Deluxe that I swopped the butt on with a fellow in the club who had an envoy/T4 type rifle and wanted a std military butt. The one on the right was also a P-H conversion but the barrel was badly worn. I still have the stock as the was broken up the make room on my licence.

Now the list for the BSA's so far is:-

Regent .222 Rem
Majestic Feather weight Deluxe .270
Majestic Featherweight with BESA .243
Monarch 1st Pattern .270
BSA Model E

As you can see I am missing a few like a Hunter, Viscount, Royal and a Monarch 2nd pattern but the one I really would like to find is Model 1929 Hi Velocity sporting rifle. I saw one but didn't know what it was quite a few years back so went away to do a little research on it and found out what it was but when I got back to the shop it had closed up !!!!!!!! so I never got it nor could I find out what happened to it. It was a .330 BSA Hi Velocity rifle.

I am thinking of making up one along similar lines out of the Century P-14 Sporter. Have already had it altered to .303 IMP and I have a nice Redfield Reciever sight so will need to source a suitable fore sight. The Model 1929 had a pop up peep sight from what I can make out so that would be the ideal but it will require a little thought. The hole in the top of the rear bridge on the Century rifle is uneven so it will have to be clean up. I was going to bore it out round and insert a plug like BSA did on the Model E but having a rear sight in the rear bridge would be neat. Just needs some thought and working out exactly how to make it work.

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* Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee Brithunter 18/03/10 01:10 AM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee 4seventy   19/03/10 09:23 PM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee Brithunter   20/03/10 12:20 AM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee 4seventy   20/03/10 04:05 PM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee Brithunter   20/03/10 09:56 PM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee mehulkamdar   19/03/10 02:58 AM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee Brithunter   19/03/10 08:34 PM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee 375BSA   22/04/10 01:31 PM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee MarinePMI   22/05/10 02:28 AM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee Brithunter   28/05/10 05:14 PM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee Phillip   31/05/10 08:04 PM
. * * Re: Hello, new here but some will reconise the name. BSA Lee darwinmauser   18/03/10 10:10 AM

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