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      21/12/09 01:03 AM

The "1361" is just an assembly number(or maybe serial number??) and should be on all major components as I see it on the underside of the top strap of the frame as well as the auto-safety rod. Piles of similar components were at a craftsmen's bench/station and his task was to finish a particular component. Then groups of components were brought together and assembled via their respective numbers. I offer the possiblity as the serial number as there are other numbers on the top strap and if those same numbers are on other components, they might be the assembly number. The "1315" is the the 1315th example to pass thru the Brno/Wiepert proofhouse in 1949. I meant to comment on the wear on the locking bar, which may indicated that many heavy shot charges have been ignited in it. And a follow up was that I intended to ask how you over came that because the lock-up is an essential component coupled with the nose. Both have to be kept pretty clean.

Age, use & wear seem to have a large impact on disassembly and a Brno in somewhat tattered condition just may be more difficult to get apart but by design it seems to have been made for easier component replacement. The couple that I've handled actually were gummed up with crud and old oil in the frame.

Very nice effort in the restoration.

Kind Regards,


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* My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* tkv000 11/12/09 04:14 PM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* sambarstalker   11/12/09 09:09 PM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* 450_366   12/12/09 08:00 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* tkv000   12/12/09 10:07 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* mehulkamdar   12/12/09 10:52 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* alexbeer   12/12/09 01:36 PM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* ellenbr   13/12/09 12:52 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* tkv000   13/12/09 03:00 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* ellenbr   13/12/09 06:03 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* tkv000   13/12/09 03:46 PM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* ellenbr   14/12/09 05:45 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* tkv000   14/12/09 05:56 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* ellenbr   14/12/09 06:58 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* RHB   17/12/09 01:48 PM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* mehulkamdar   18/12/09 04:18 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* ellenbr   20/12/09 12:51 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* tkv000   20/12/09 03:41 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* ellenbr   20/12/09 07:04 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* RHB   20/12/09 05:04 PM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* RHB   20/12/09 05:06 PM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* ellenbr   21/12/09 01:03 AM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* RHB   22/12/09 06:35 PM
. * * Re: My first SxS CZ-ZP47 *NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY* RHB   20/12/09 03:32 AM

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