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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Reged: 23/11/03
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Loc: Retired in Oklahoma
Re: What animal gave you the most personal satisfaction?
      20/11/09 02:22 PM



: When Dad left to go back to Oregon he gave me a big hug and said, "thanks Kid! (at 62 being called kid feels good.) As Dad started to get in his car to leave, he stopped and turned to me and said "Send me the regulations for next year." "Yessir!"

Agree with the other post...this, in a very large part, is what hunting is about..sharing and spending time with family, friends, etc...

Would be willing to bet, Double D would not be happier if he had shot a record book buck--its the hunt and experience that makes it all worth it..

Congrats Double D...great job...


Actually Ripp, you don't know how close you are.

We only have a three week season in this part of Montana.

For me the first week is trophy season.

Second week is antler season.

Third week is kill anything that will put meat in the freezer.

Opening morning Dad and I were out trying find him a doe. The truck hunters had the deer running all over the place. Dad and I had walked about 1/2 mile from the road and were just watching a herd of does running aver a ridge way off to the east of us.

As we sat there watching I saw movment in a coulee about 300 yards away. 4 small bucks and a slick head came running straight towards us. We sat still and they ran by us about 50 yards away. I saw dad fidget a bit and then the deer dropped in the coulee and out of sight. The last one the largest of the group stopped just before it would drop out of sight and looked right at Dad and I.

The deer was an okay second week deer and a third week deer for sure. But not something to shoot first week.

As we sat there watching, dad says, "are you going to shoot that our what!" Dad speaks, I shot.

Later that evening, I hear dad on the phone with my brother, saying how it was a good thing he was with me, or I probably never got a deer. Luv ya Dad!!

This deer will never make it in any record book, but it will always be the trophy deer Dad and I got together.

DD, Ret.

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. * * Re: What animal gave you the most personal satisfaction? DoubleD   11/11/09 09:51 AM
. * * Re: What animal gave you the most personal satisfaction? Ripp   20/11/09 01:09 AM
. * * Re: What animal gave you the most personal satisfaction? DoubleD   20/11/09 02:22 PM
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. * * Re: What animal gave you the most personal satisfaction? NitroXAdministrator   09/11/09 05:36 PM
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. * * Re: What animal gave you the most personal satisfaction? NitroXAdministrator   11/11/09 08:08 PM
. * * Re: What animal gave you the most personal satisfaction? Ripp   10/11/09 01:45 AM

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