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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Paradox and Bore Guns

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Re: Ok dumb question?
      24/07/09 12:52 PM


You are very welcome.
I'm glad that I could give you something of use.

For the sake of vernacular, for the most part today's guns are typically called rifled shotguns
We can leave the reasons alone from here on.

If you're after a proper groove diameter projectile shooting 'bore rifle', you're (for the most part) shopping for an antique. Nothing wrong with that, but the selection process can be a bitch and a half - and it can be quite costly.

The 20-bore SxS rifled shotgun from Galazan is designed and built to run sub-caliber saboted bullets, as per modern shotgun slug factory ammunition. If I recall properly (via a telephone conversation with the folks at Galazan early on in production) their gun is built to run the Remington ammunition. As it features 'adjustable regulation' my guess is that a pretty wide range of ammunition can be made to work with it. The groove depth, rate of twist, and rifling profile are all design-specific to best work with sabots and sub-caliber bullets.
Don't expect that gun to work very well with high-energy roundball loads or full-diameter slugs.
Might work, but that's not the premise.

My preference is for the glorious old black powder bore-rifles, and I'm lucky to have ended up with the ones I have - even luckier that they run well.
It takes time and (to some extent) money to get into and stay in the chase for a good one.
Especially one that will fit the needs of your local hunting regulations - and that will run properly and safely for you to hunt with.
I'd suggest you stay away from non-standard gauges (like 14 or 24 or 18...) for the purpose you're discussing. That might just be enough to send your field-warden into a gun-confiscating tailspin. At least you should do your own footwork (or phone-work) and find out for yourself before you buy a rifle.

I don't know of a modern (production-built) SxS or O/U bore-rifle that's set up to run full-gauge projectiles.
If you can be content with running saboted sub-gauge projectiles in something like the Galazan 20-bore rifled shotgun, you're lucky. They're available and they're affordable.
All you need to do is call them on the telephone and read the credit card number, then wait a few months for delivery.


--Self-Appointed Colonel, DRSS--

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* Ok dumb question? MichaelR 23/07/09 01:31 PM
. * * Re: Ok dumb question? Birdhunter50   24/07/09 09:27 PM
. * * Re: Ok dumb question? MichaelR   29/07/09 09:57 AM
. * * Re: Ok dumb question? tinkerModerator   29/07/09 12:23 PM
. * * Re: Ok dumb question? tinkerModerator   23/07/09 02:46 PM
. * * Re: Ok dumb question? MichaelR   24/07/09 11:13 AM
. * * Re: Ok dumb question? tinkerModerator   24/07/09 12:52 PM

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