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Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff
      04/02/09 10:59 PM


What caliber are you considering?

Of the three rifles mentioned, I would rank them:

(1) Merkel - first choice for me.
(2) Krieghoff - but not even close. Too non-traditional.
(3) Blaser. I would not consider owning one.

I would rather shoot my Tupperware stocked, stainless steel M70 .300WSM with its 2.5-10 Leupold than a Blaser. In other words, if Blaser were the only choice, I'd stick to bolt guns.

Among the double rifles I own is a Merkel .500NE which I bought new as soon as I learned Merkel was chambering that round. It's serial No. 3 of the .500NE series. I have shot it hundreds of times until I lost count. I was determined to make it fail, if it would, during the one year warranty. I thought for sure the stock would crack, at least. Guess what? Nothing. Action off face? Hell it's just now getting to where it closes smoothly without having to push the lever to the left. Cracked stock? Not a sign. The wood is as hard as any I have seen. Accurate? You bet. Looks? It's not a Woodward, Purdey, Henry, or H&H, but it does have the lines and build of a traditional A&D boxlock. Can't say that for the Blaser or K gun.

Do I like it? Hell yes! Do I compare it to a Woodward, Purdey, Henry, or H&H? Certainly not. It cost under ten grand brand new. Not a fair comparison. But some days I like hamburger, and some days I like filet mignon.

Three years ago I took it deer hunting one very cold morning. The thermometer said about +2 F. There were a few inches of light powdered snow. It was about 5:30 a.m. and dark as pitch. While walking to the hunting area through rough, rocky woods I put my foot on a slick log that was hidden under the snow and frozen to the ground. In an instant my foot slid out from under me, and I fell to the ground. The Merkel went down hard on a rock. The fall left a slight scratch on the left barrel, but the stock made no contact. I got up, brushed off the snow, and went on hunting. Under the circumstances nothing I could have done would have prevented that fall, so I accepted the blemish to the Merkel and have no regrets. I can't say I would feel so blithe if it had been a Woodward, Purdey, Henry, or H&H.

If I ever go to Africa for DG or to Oz for Asian water buff the Merkel will go along while the others stay home.

Now the Merkel is built with ejectors and still can be had for under ten grand. What a deal!

One last thing. I don't own stock or have any relationship with any gun maker. I have no axe to grind like the gun rag writers. I'm just me, and double rifles are my passion. If it were a POS I would say so without hesitation.

Just my $0.02, and maybe worth nothing. Others disagree, and I respect their opinions. Obviously my preferences are my opinions, but my shooting experience with the Merkel is fact. I have never fired a Blaser or a Kreighoff.

You should also consider the Chapuis. They seem to be pretty darn good guns. But in the end, for the money, you can't beat the Merkel.

Back to the first question - what caliber? The dinosaur slayers aren't for everybody. They certainly aren't a good choice for a first DR, unless you are a person who likes to go out banging away with a .458 Win Mag just for kicks. All the talk is for the big DG double rifles, but nine times out of ten the medium calibers are much more useful and fun.

Another question - do you load your own ammo? If not, you will find any DR to be a frustrating experience.




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* Merkel versus Krieghoff versus Blaser empirevr 03/02/09 08:05 PM
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. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff empirevr   08/02/09 07:55 PM
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. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff empirevr   09/02/09 08:06 PM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff Ripp   10/02/09 01:28 AM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff empirevr   10/02/09 06:06 PM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff CptCurlAdministrator   04/02/09 10:59 PM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff empirevr   04/02/09 11:39 PM
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. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff doubleriflenut   07/02/09 07:56 AM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff Ripp   08/02/09 08:15 AM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff empirevr   07/02/09 07:54 PM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff NitroXAdministrator   05/02/09 12:52 AM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff CptCurlAdministrator   05/02/09 02:30 AM
. * * Re: Merkel versus Krieghoff Der_Jaeger   04/02/09 11:43 PM

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