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Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India
      28/09/08 07:09 PM



My feeling is that many of the guns that came to Australia probably came due to the efforts of the Anglo-Indian community which began migrating to Australia in the early 1970s under the then in practice "White Australia Policy."

Yes, Mehul, most of my Indian and Sri Lankan friends at the local church came here in the 1970s when the White Australia Policy ended. It had been a narrow-minded policy, analogous in a way with the Africa-for-Africans push seen in many parts of the 'Dark Continent'. Unfortunatly my friends from the Sub-continent don't have any db rifles or go hunting. Some don't even eat meat.

- Paul

True in part; The "White Australia" policy conveniently excluded all Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders from this as they were considered to be under "protection" from "evil outside oriental/commie influences" by being allegedly less mentally developed than perfidious Orientals (and whitefellas)and by implication those devious Indian/ Sri Lankan sub continental castes.

Read into this what you may but the state of Queensland laws were a model for those apartheid laws of South Africa and the two "Rhodesias." Under the original Queensland (state) Act blackfellas were classified as fauna and a blanket licence was given to pastoralists to shoot any male considered to be "of menace" within a procsribed distance of a homestead. The original QLD Act was titled "Sale of Opium and Protection of Aborigines Act". One might ask (metaphorically) from whom were the local folk to be protected from?

Apart from that the two Winfer fellas, John Saumders and others were a conduit for the ingress of fine pommy arms of all descriptions from Injah.

The ingress of "persons of tha Empah" during the mid to late 19th century was a major force in the formation of the Australian Labour Party to counter the implied effect of cheap labour undermining those "of British stock", despite the self imposed prohibition of whitefellas being unfit to undertake physical work in the tropics. Thus the "blackbirding" raids to the pacific Islands, mainly Fiji and Kanakh groups.

It's a bit more complex subject than might be undertaken within this forum.

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* Caliber bans in Sudan & India AfricanHunter 19/09/08 01:01 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India ChrisPer   19/09/08 03:34 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India NitroXAdministrator   20/09/08 09:37 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India beleg2   20/09/08 10:01 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India NitroXAdministrator   20/09/08 10:54 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India beleg2   20/09/08 11:22 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India mehulkamdar   21/09/08 12:05 AM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India Paul   21/09/08 09:19 AM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India mehulkamdar   27/09/08 07:32 AM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India 9.3x57   28/09/08 09:23 AM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India NitroXAdministrator   28/09/08 11:16 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India mehulkamdar   29/09/08 01:01 AM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India sukhpreet2000   18/12/08 08:31 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India Paul   28/09/08 11:11 AM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India kamilaroi   28/09/08 07:09 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India NitroXAdministrator   28/09/08 11:09 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India Squarebridge   28/09/08 11:48 AM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India mehulkamdar   29/09/08 12:57 AM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India RLI   28/09/08 02:01 PM
. * * Re: Caliber bans in Sudan & India Paul   28/09/08 04:22 PM

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