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Re: 400 Holland & Holland: Pressure & Velocity Data
      11/03/04 01:54 PM

Some background info: Case water capacity of the 416 Rem is around 104 grains. Case water capacity of the 400 Holland & Holland runs from 98 to 102 grains, depending on the brass used: Norma brass is thicker, hence less capacity. I used 416 Rem brass and formed to 400 H&H in form dies I made. I also have a batch of Hornady cylindrical H&H brass, no headstamp, that I will try. Water capacity of the case formed from 416 Rem brass is right at 102 grains. So, for all practical purposes, case capacity is virtually identical for the 416 Rem and the 400 H&H. 416 Rem uses .416" dia bullets, 400 H&H uses .411" diameter bullets. The 416 Rem case, with the short neck, is deceiving at first glance as the base of the bullet is way down in the powder space. 400 H&H has the base of the bullet at the neck/shoulder junction, where it should be. The 400 H&H appears to be more efficient than the 416 Rem case, IMHO this is due to the 416 Rem having that bullet way down in the powder space. So, with all this said, below is the latest data I obtained on March 8, 2004, for the 400 H&H.

400 Holland & Holland Cartridge 8 March 2004
400 Grain Woodleigh Softnose Weld Core
CCI 250 Primer Hodgdon H414 Powder

Velocities are corrected to the muzzle

Velocity Pressure Energy

2134 ft/sec 35,000 psi 4045 ft/lbs

2160 ft/sec 36,900 psi 4145 ft/lbs

2237 ft/sec 39,900 psi 4447 ft/lbs

2310 ft/sec 41,600 psi 4739 ft/lbs

2323 ft/sec 42,600 psi 4794 ft/lbs

2346 ft/sec 44,500 psi 4891 ft/lbs

2374 ft/sec 48,400 psi 5005 ft/lbs

2402 ft/sec 49,400 psi 5127 ft/lbs


At 49,400 psi, we still have room for more velocity. 5127 ft/lbs ain't bad!!!

100 yard figures for the 2402 ft/sec muzzle velocity load are: 2187 ft/sec, 4248 ft/lbs.

I did not list the powder charge, as I will not post loading data on a public forum. Too many idiots out there in cyberland.

Cartridge Overall Length 3.500 inches.

Barrel: 26 Inch Krieger Cut Rifled, 0.403” bore, 0.411” groove diameter. 12 inch twist. CrMo.

I plan on cutting the barrel to 24 inches for more tests. However, I have a lingering thought of leaving it at 26 inches in the Westley Richards long barrel style.

The starting load at 35,000 psi closely duplicates the 450/400. Nice pressure, sould be OK in a double rifle.

And, I likely will run some fine tuning and bump the pressure up to 55,000 psi. Should give 2500 ft/sec or so. I may try a slightly faster powder, as the 2402 ft/sec load is slightly compressed.

The 400 H&H pressures/velocities are interesting when compared to the 416 Rem, which most folks run up to 60,000 or so PSI. Like I said, the 400 H&H appears to be a very efficient cartridge design.

And, yes, the test platform is CRF, it is a mint 98 Mauser. After some more trials, I will install NECG sights and stock the rifle in a classic British style stock with proper drop and cast off for the iron sights.

Below: 416 Rem on left, 400 H&H center, 404 Jeffery on right. The 400 H&H is a die formed case, not yet fire formed. Fire formed case has a more distinct shoulder angle, I will post a photo of fire formed cases when I have the next batch of test fire rounds loaded.

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* 400 Holland & Holland: Pressure & Velocity Data CastOff 10/03/04 03:28 AM
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. * * Re: 400 Holland & Holland: Pressure & Velocity Data **DONOTDELETE**   23/03/04 01:03 PM
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. * * Re: 400 Holland & Holland: Pressure & Velocity Data Dark_Helmet   24/03/04 08:05 AM
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. * * Re: 400 Holland & Holland: Pressure & Velocity Data mickey   10/03/04 04:36 AM

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