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Re: Project 458 Win...
      08/03/04 05:15 AM

A friend of mine owns a pawn shop...that's where this came from. He recently sold me a pre 64 Win Mdl 70 transition era gun in '06 with a Lyman Alaskan that looked pretty scruffy...the scope is about 97%...! The stock was a throw away, but the metal cleaned up to 95% with about an hour's work and some light applications of cold blue in a couple of small spots. The stock was a throw away, but I had a decent cast off in the closet...price of everything...$200.00! It cuts a ragged hole with my 200 gr Nosler loading.

I KNOW how to pick MY friends!

This Enfield will be a future project. My current is having my pop's old pre 64 30-06 with the dog knot right under the front of the front sight (left there the very last time my dad could still deer hunt...snow in the barrel)re-barreled and re-worked to 375 H&H by Dennis Olson in plains, MT.

A pretty decent old fart of a Texas cowboy from Filer, ID. gave me a good buddy deal on the pre 64 Mdl 70 375 H&H barrel!
I just want to thank him...!

I'm also having a 1909 Argentine in 30-06 re-bored and chambered to 9,3x62. I got a WHALE of a deal on a shaped and 95% inletted Fajen European Classic Mauser Series 3 F14 barrel channel stock from Midway USA for $33.70...with Neidner type butt plate and grip cap...had to have two for the price. I'll dump the 9,3 into one and an '09 Argentine action 257 AK I have sitting around somewhere into the other.

What is the best top contour for the Enfield 14? I don't want to put much money in it, and will use something like the Leupold Weaver based QD scope mounts and a 1x4 VXII or 1.5x Burris I have stashed. I am open to suggestions from those who are more familiar with converting Enfields. Is there much involved in the Dayton Traister conversion, also?

Hunt with Class and Classics

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* Project 458 Win... luv2safari 07/03/04 02:13 PM
. * * Re: Project 458 Win... hubel458   07/03/04 04:23 PM
. * * Re: Project 458 Win... luv2safari   08/03/04 05:15 AM
. * * Re: Project 458 Win... 475Guy   07/03/04 04:31 PM
. * * Re: Project 458 Win... 475Guy   07/03/04 04:09 PM

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