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Hunting >> Hunting in Europe

.275 member

Reged: 27/04/07
Posts: 75
Loc: Portugal
Re: Driven boar in Europe
      05/08/08 12:38 AM

Hello again, late Nov couldn't be better for driven boar. There are mixed drives - wildboar, red dear and even muflon - but perhaps the most interesting are the ones exclusively dedicated to boar. Besides beeing cheaper than the mixed ones, you will regularly find the real athmosphere of this type oh hunting. It is possible to hunt on thursdays, saturdays and sundays and it will be advisable to take more than one to increase the odds. Prices range from 100€ and can reach some interesting figures if you insist in looking for quality. There is only one drive a day which takes the best part of the day. An average "montaria" envolves around 40 guns, and these days 10/12 boars can be considered a fair tableau but of course nothing is guaranteed. It is not uncommon to get only 2/3 boars or even worse. If this happens in a very expensive drive there is usually a compensation but not in regular priced drives. Most drives are organized by syndicates for the members but as it still is a common practice to pay the dogs's owners with a certain numbers of "portas" (stands) it is possible to acced through them. It is also good practice to get in touch with some of those dogs's owners and try to know the condition of the several "manchas" (areas that are hunted). It is easy for them to give you a valid idea about the drives because they usually know them from previous years and often go there some days before the drive to help choosing location of the stands. Traditionally the perfect moment in a "montaria" is a "close quarter encounter" with a "navalheiro" (old boar with nice tusks) and doubles are the right tool - 9,3x74R, 8x57JSR, 30R Blaser, etc. I'll try to find and post some pictures.

Edited by ducota (05/08/08 03:39 AM)

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* Driven boar in Europe bwanakim 11/07/08 10:09 AM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe ducota   05/08/08 12:38 AM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe ducota   05/08/08 01:40 AM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe bigmaxx   05/08/08 02:07 AM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe Marrakai   05/08/08 08:23 PM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe Ben   27/09/08 08:54 AM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe peter   11/07/08 05:37 PM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe bwanakim   12/07/08 10:27 PM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe ducota   26/07/08 03:20 AM
. * * Re: Driven boar in Europe bwanakim   01/08/08 07:23 AM

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