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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

.416 member

Reged: 12/03/05
Posts: 4835
Loc: Nevada
      22/06/08 04:32 AM


First thing, please accept my warm welcome to this website.
I think you will find that NitroExpress is a great community of bright and generous folk.

What you have there is a very, very nice double rifle.
There isn't anything cheap about it.
You are fortunate to have gotten it for such a nice price, and it's also fortunate that you're comfortable with the marks from years of use and handling. That character to some people is seen as 'devaluation', it can also be seen as opportunity.

There are many features of this rifle that illustrate it's relatively high grade in it's class.
Note the double cross bolt locking lugs, the multi-piece forend, the ejectors, the specially shaped action where the wood meets (known as 'scalloped action'), and the claw mounting system for telescopic optics.
Also, the builder is known and recognized as having produced very fine rifles, and Ferlach has a long history of fine gunbuilding.

This really is a nice rifle!

You say you can get 8x60R (rimmed) ammunition in Spain.
I very much want some brass for this cartridge.
Can you please, please, please look into getting me some of this brass?
I currently do special modification of 7mm rimmed brass to get cases for my rifle, but I would very much want some original 8x60r Rimmed brass.

Furthermore on your rifle, it's important that you know for sure what your bore and groove measurements are.
Have you slugged your bores to make sure you know which bullet diameter (.318" or .323") to use for your rifle?
Can you share with us what your regulation load is for this rifle, what bullet at what velocity, what formula of powder and primer?
What is the accuracy of this rifle?
Do both barrels group together very well, is one barrel more accurate than the other, higher velocity than the other?

Congratulations on having gotten such a nice rifle at such a nice price.
You should be proud of yourself and of your rifle.


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* SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! herrdoktor 22/06/08 04:09 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! tarawa   28/06/08 04:54 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! xausa   22/06/08 08:22 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! herrdoktor   23/06/08 03:36 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! xausa   24/06/08 08:36 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! tinker   24/06/08 09:33 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! zimhunter   25/06/08 12:31 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! DoubleD   25/06/08 01:29 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! herrdoktor   25/06/08 03:09 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! mehulkamdar   28/06/08 10:56 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! herrdoktor   28/06/08 11:50 PM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! beleg2   23/06/08 06:58 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! beleg2   23/06/08 07:06 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! bonanza   24/06/08 04:01 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! herrdoktor   24/06/08 12:07 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! tinker   22/06/08 04:32 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! herrdoktor   22/06/08 05:26 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! 450_366   22/06/08 08:03 AM
. * * Re: SHOW YOUR CHEAP DOUBLES! tinker   22/06/08 05:46 AM

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