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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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.400 member

Reged: 02/03/06
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      #55089 - 18/04/06 11:27 AM

For thus of us who have NOT BEEN to Africa maybe some not so subtle hints are needed to have a fun hunt---

Some obvious ones--

Don't ask 50 times "when will we be there?"!!

Don't bring your high velocity "utrazapper" with its 170 DB muzzlebreak! You know! The hyper velocity big bore you have just shot 5 times before bring on your safari! Maybe you should ask your PH's advice?!

Don't pack all camoflage clothes where it is prohibited!!

Don't comment about your meticulous food preferences unless allergic!!

Don't make wonderful comments about your marksmanship--you surely will be doomed to miss everything and be unable to hit the broad side of a barn!!

Don't interfere with your hunt by getting sloshed every PM and being unable to hunt the following morn!!

Don't go for long walks at night unarmed around camp-YOU"RE IN AFRICA DUDE!!

Don't be unable to keep up with the PH or follow his hand signals given while facing big trophies or maybe the Buff of the season!!

and for sure---
Don't be the unfit slowest one in your stalking & tracking cause if attacked and everyone hauls butt---
guess who will be EASY PICKIN"S??!!

Forum members, any other pearls for us African newbies??

An armed man is a citizen of his country, an unarmed man just a subject.

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.416 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: hoppdoc]
      #55093 - 18/04/06 12:24 PM

Don't show up overweight and out of shape.

Don't take a tape measure.

Don't forget to leave a tip.

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.416 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: 500grains]
      #55097 - 18/04/06 12:40 PM

Don't be an Ass.

Don't forget to take care of your feet to eliminate blisters.

Don't talk so much.

Don't inform everyone of your legendary ability as a hunter.

Don't try vegemite.

Lovu Zdar

A Man of Pleasure, Enterprise, Wit and Spirit Rare Books, Big Game Hunting, English Rifles, Fishing, Explosives, Chauvinism, Insensitivity, Public Drunkenness and Sloth, Champion of Lost and Unpopular Causes.

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.450 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: hoppdoc]
      #55103 - 18/04/06 01:26 PM

Don't question your PHs judgement.

Don't abuse the staff.

Don't take forever to take the shot after the PH says "take him".

Don't be a braggard.

Listen to your PH.

Be respectful of the staff.

Learn to get on target and shoot quickly.

Study the anatomy of the game you want to take.

Be thankful for the opportunity to be on Safari-millions of hunters will never get the chance.

Follow the packing list given to you by the booking agent or PH.

Always, always, always handle your firearm in a safe manner.

Schedule a few days before, or after the Safari to see the country and meet some of the local people. There's more to Africa than just the hunting.

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.400 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: hoppdoc]
      #55110 - 18/04/06 02:42 PM

Take cigaretts for the game scout and trackers, even if you don't smoke.

Take along several of the inexpensive one use cameras.

Take a LOT of photos and video.

Take extra batteries.

Take electric outlet adapters to re-charge batteries at every chance.

Hunt with Class and Classics

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.333 member

Reged: 18/04/04
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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: luv2safari]
      #55135 - 18/04/06 11:56 PM

-- Taken well broken-in boots, and socks that work properly with those same boots

-- Take rifles chambered for standard factory cartridges, and properly headstamped ammunition. Leave all wildcats and weird, obscure factory chamberings at home

-- Take an extra scope that's already sighted-in for your main rifle, plus a few basic screwdrivers and gun repair tools

-- Keep you passport with you at all times, and keep it in a waterproof cover; a sandwich-size Ziplock bag will do

-- Take it easy on the booze. Don't get hammered every night,. and don't try to get into some sort of a drinking contest with your PH. All sorts of good reasons to be moderate in this department...........

-- Always take a lens brush and lense cleaning tissues and solutions

-- Take at least two good books, plus a magazine or two

-- Take a journal, plus a notepad and a couple of pens. I've found that Fisher's pocket-size "Space Pen" writes on anything, even upside-down, and lasts forever

-- ALWAYS carry a pair of good leather gloves, and I've long-since found that Churchill's "Western Glove" is about as good as gloves get. They'll save you from countless cuts and abrasions.........

-- Sawyer brand insect repellants and sunscreens are the best I've ever used

-- Ballcaps are more practical and less of a hassle that wide-brim safari-style hats. I always take and extra cap as well, just in case.

-- Wipe your rifle and bolt off with a simple silicone rag at night, every night, to get rid of the day's accumulation of dust and dirt. Oils and greases should be avoided, since they attract dust, and African is a very dusty place as a rule.....

-- Surefire flashlights are indeed worth the money, and out-perform everyhting else on the market. Always have one in your kit.


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.275 member

Reged: 13/07/05
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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: allenday]
      #55145 - 19/04/06 12:47 AM

Don't show up with a shotgun and slugs to hunt dangerous game.....sorry, I couldn't pass that one up ! jorge

PS: Allen can you tell me more about the Churchill gloves? thanks

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.400 member

Reged: 09/02/03
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Loc: South Africa
Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: jorge]
      #55166 - 19/04/06 03:45 AM

Don't shoot until your PH (and only your PH) tells you to do so. Last year I had a client take three quick shots with his muzzle braked 416 blaser while I was assessing the trophy........ at the time my head was about 18 inches from and in line with the end of the barrel and my hands were full of binos........ My hearing in that ear now comes and goes and it often feels like I have my head in a galvanised bucket...... I haven't been to a doctor about it as I don't reckon I need one to tell me my hearings buggered...... but I'd estimate I've lost at least 30% of my hearing in that ear.

Oh yes, one other thing........ don't forget to speak up when you talk to your PH........

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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.400 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: shakari]
      #55172 - 19/04/06 05:39 AM

Don't shoot the wrong animal. The PH will be polite and not say a word.

Don't try vegemite, I know Vegemite has been said before, but it can't be said enough. That stuff is nasty!!

DD, Ret.

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.450 member

Reged: 06/01/03
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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: mickey]
      #55173 - 19/04/06 05:54 AM


Did you have a bad experience with Vegemite when you were over here
or are you just getting soft ? !!!

500 Nitro

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.375 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: 500Nitro]
      #55174 - 19/04/06 06:06 AM

Don't immediately raise your head to admire your shot. If the animal is still on its feet, keep shooting. Bullets are cheap, trophy fees are expensive.

Don't take forever to shoot when your PH says "Take Him" (think that was already covered).

Jot down some notes of the day's events at the end of each day.

Make sure your camera batteries are fresh before leaving camp!

Take an open mind, this isn't your back forty...

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.400 member

Reged: 09/02/03
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Loc: South Africa
Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: DPhillips]
      #55178 - 19/04/06 06:31 AM

I'd disagree with Allen's advice about a baseball cap. A wide brimmed hat will protect the top of your ears and if you get serious sunburn there it hurts like hell...... I discovered this many years ago when I had a long hunt in the Zambezi Valley in Mozambique and I ended up with the tops of both ears completely covered in scabs.

Actually, when I look back at it, it wasn't exactly the best hunt I've ever had as a little later I almost died of heatstroke........ but it was a loooong time ago, when I was young and dumb.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: shakari]
      #55181 - 19/04/06 07:16 AM

I prefer a roll-up boonie type hat with a ROUND brim. It doesn't give away motion like a ball cap or conventional hat. I had to learn this the hard way...

Hunt with Class and Classics

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.333 member

Reged: 18/04/04
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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: shakari]
      #55186 - 19/04/06 08:36 AM

Steve, I understand what you're saying. My dad (except for nearly four years during WWII) spent his entire life here in Oregon as a farmer and rancher, out in the sun on every fair day. He had skin cancer spots removed from his face and his hands, and he had portions of his ears removed due to skin cancer. He wore a wide-brimed, ear-covering hat in the summer, and a cap the rest of the year. It STILL wasn't enough!

Sunscreen's the only thing that sort of works, and I wouldn't want to 100% bet on its effectivness, either..........


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.450 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: allenday]
      #55198 - 19/04/06 10:35 AM

IIRC, I believe that South Africa and Namibia have the highest incidents of skin cancer, per capita, in the world. Lather on the sun screen.

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.450 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: hoppdoc]
      #55199 - 19/04/06 10:36 AM

I'd just like to add-keep an open mind, and above all else, have fun.

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.416 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: 500Nitro]
      #55200 - 19/04/06 10:37 AM

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Did you have a bad experience with Vegemite when you were over here
or are you just getting soft ? !!!

500 Nitro

I'd sooner suck the snot out of a 5 year old's nose than eat another slice of bread and Vegamite.

Lovu Zdar

A Man of Pleasure, Enterprise, Wit and Spirit Rare Books, Big Game Hunting, English Rifles, Fishing, Explosives, Chauvinism, Insensitivity, Public Drunkenness and Sloth, Champion of Lost and Unpopular Causes.

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.450 member

Reged: 06/01/03
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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: mickey]
      #55201 - 19/04/06 10:45 AM


With an answer like that I think I'll stay away
from Washington tate / Seattle !!!

Jeez, you must hate it.

500 Nitro

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.700 member

Reged: 25/12/02
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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: mikeh416Rigby]
      #55205 - 19/04/06 12:01 PM

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I believe that South Africa and Namibia have the highest incidents of skin cancer, per capita, in the world. Lather on the sun screen.

Australia I think, as the black populations of these countries are not generally as susceptible. However the whites of these countries are not often even aware of skin cancer there being no public health campaigns (for some reason ).


Vegemite, the food of real men.


Safari dos:

* Take lots of vegemite, everyone loves it, leave any lrft over in camp for the next client, they will send you a thank you note.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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.416 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: NitroX]
      #55216 - 19/04/06 01:27 PM

Don't forget to take at least 2 differnent pairs of footwear so that if one give you blisters, you can switch off. Crazy Glue can seal over a really nasty blister, but it hurts like hell.

Don't foget to take a copy of Playboy mag for the younger PHs to enjoy.

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.400 member

Reged: 23/11/03
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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: hoppdoc]
      #55217 - 19/04/06 01:50 PM

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Don't be unable to keep up with the PH

If your PH is an Ironman Triathelete, tell him you aren''t...if you aren't.

My PH in South Africa started me on simple stuff to gauge my fitness in the bush and only one time tested my endurance...my very last hunt, up the side of a mountain in a snow storm to get a Mt. Reed Buck. I was four months out of knee surgery and got my shot one step less than the last step of I was capable of. The hillside was the transitional zone from hillside to cliff.

DD, Ret.

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Reged: 07/05/03
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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: mickey]
      #55218 - 19/04/06 01:52 PM

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Vegemite, the food of real men.

Mick, Nitro X is correct.
Also vegemite makes you shoot straighter, reload faster and the aroma wafting from the skin pores after feasting on the stuff is said to attract larger trophies and also beautiful women!
I bet Chuck Norris has been eating the stuff for years!

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.416 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: 4seventy]
      #55219 - 19/04/06 02:50 PM

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Poster: 4seventy
Subject: Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS?

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Vegemite, the food of real men.


Mick, Nitro X is correct.
Also vegemite makes you shoot straighter, reload faster and the aroma wafting from the skin pores after feasting on the stuff is said to attract larger trophies and also beautiful women!
I bet Chuck Norris has been eating the stuff for years!

You'll excuse me for not accepting either yours or Nitro's opinion on what is fit to eat. Especially coming from residents of a country who put fried eggs and red beets on a Hamburger.

The only thing Vegimite attracts are wild Pigs and Flys.

Lovu Zdar

A Man of Pleasure, Enterprise, Wit and Spirit Rare Books, Big Game Hunting, English Rifles, Fishing, Explosives, Chauvinism, Insensitivity, Public Drunkenness and Sloth, Champion of Lost and Unpopular Causes.

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.450 member

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Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: mickey]
      #55220 - 19/04/06 02:59 PM

OK. I know I'll catch some grief for this, but I've got big shoulders, and can take it. I've been on 7 Safaris, and I've never heard of vegemite. What the hell is it?

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.400 member

Reged: 09/02/03
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Loc: South Africa
Re: SAFARI "DO NOTS" and other SAFARI HINTS? [Re: mikeh416Rigby]
      #55221 - 19/04/06 03:05 PM

The Australian version of Marmite but nowhere near as good!

Seriously, it's a beefy thing you spread on bread or toast.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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