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.333 member

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EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game
      #45149 - 29/12/05 02:35 PM

Is one just as well situated against dangerous game with an EXTRACTOR rifle as one would be with an EJECTOR rifle?


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.416 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: BigFiveJack]
      #45152 - 29/12/05 02:49 PM

Extractors are fine. Ejectors are fine also. What ever floats your boat.

Lovu Zdar

A Man of Pleasure, Enterprise, Wit and Spirit Rare Books, Big Game Hunting, English Rifles, Fishing, Explosives, Chauvinism, Insensitivity, Public Drunkenness and Sloth, Champion of Lost and Unpopular Causes.

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.450 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: BigFiveJack]
      #45157 - 29/12/05 03:17 PM

Extractors are fine.

If you practice reloading at your local range, you can get
almost as fast with relading a DR that has extractors
as you can with Ejectors.

I have used both and it doesn't worry me either way what
I have.

Not having to pick up empties off the ground is one thing
I do like with Extractors. (I only do this AFTER the animal
is dead).

500 Nitro

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.375 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: BigFiveJack]
      #45158 - 29/12/05 03:17 PM

I prefer ejectors on my .470NE, if youn hunt DG and after firing at "Buff and miss or shot placement not good you want to clear those empty cases quick as possible and reload but a extractor with practice is possible just as fast.


"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." — John Wayne

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Reged: 07/05/03
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: BigFiveJack]
      #45166 - 29/12/05 03:45 PM

Ejectors are far superior, end of story.
Anyone who thinks they can operate a non ejector as fast as an ejector double, does not know how to use the ejector gun properly IMO.
This does not mean that non ejector guns are unsuitable for use on DG, just that ejectors are better.

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.416 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: 4seventy]
      #45179 - 29/12/05 04:44 PM

My thoughts exactly. Only one of my doubles has ejectors, but I wish they all did. ...especially the top-lever hammer .450: wouldn't that be nice!

Anything that speeds-up the reload during an encounter with dangerous game is going to increase the odds in the long run.

If you don't want the cases to eject, it's no trouble to place the palm of the hand over the breech when opening the gun. In the hunting field during a dust-up, I simply eject the empties against my shirt-front, and they fall at my feet. No problem!

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.400 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: BigFiveJack]
      #45193 - 29/12/05 06:25 PM

What a crock! Those who can't reload just as fast with a non-ejector are six-fingered twits that shouldn't be allowed to own a gun, and should be confined to a padded playpen and fed with a spoon! Such spastics are a danger to themselves and those around them! Only a pimp in a New Orleans whorehouse would have ejectors on a fine double rifle!

OK, just kidding, don't anybody get their panties in a knot. Seriously though, the speed of the reload has nothing to do with ejectors/extractors, as long as you know what you're doing. I don't particularly care for the "resisted closing" option.

"Serious rifles have two barrels, everything else just burns gunpowder."

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.416 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: 400NitroExpress]
      #45196 - 29/12/05 08:39 PM

That must be why Brit 'best' guns are almost always ejectors, they're made for 6-fingered twits! I take it that you see a lot of Holland Royals in the New Orleans whorehouses you visit, 400NE?

...and what's a 'resisted closing' option? Sounds like you've had a bad experience with a buggered gun. No resistance to closing on my Jeffery .400 ejector, nor any other ejector gun I've played with.

When the bull drops, the bullshit stops!

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.333 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: Marrakai]
      #45198 - 29/12/05 08:55 PM

I have ejectors on my 450/400. I prefer extractors!

The opening/closing of a non ejector rifle is much easier than a rifle with them.

We band of brothers!


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.400 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: Rusty]
      #45203 - 30/12/05 01:28 AM

Can some one explain to me if the Chapuis cocks the ejectors on opening or closing. I know it cocks the hammers on opening.

You guys should try closing a Purdy. It cocks the ejectors and the self open device. But, from what I've heard - A gentleman who owns a Purdy need not worry about reloading and closing his rifle, thats the job of his black-o-matic.


"Speak Precisely" G. Gordon Liddy.

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: bonanza]
      #45204 - 30/12/05 01:32 AM

If you want easy. Try an underlever hammer gun - it cocks nothing on open or closeing.


"Speak Precisely" G. Gordon Liddy.

"Life is absurd, chaotic and we must define its purpose with our actions" Abert Camus

"I''m the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude."

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.400 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: Marrakai]
      #45212 - 30/12/05 02:42 AM

"...Brit 'best' guns are almost always ejectors..."

With respect to double rifles, that's BS. British Best Sidelock non-ejector DRs are common. Off the top of my head, I can think two non-ejector Holland Royals for sale on the web now. "Best" has nothing to do with ejectors.

I've never shot ANY ejector gun that was as easy to close as a non-ejector gun. There are no free lunches and ejectors must be cocked on closing, making them harder to close.

"Serious rifles have two barrels, everything else just burns gunpowder."

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Reged: 10/08/04
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: 400NitroExpress]
      #45213 - 30/12/05 03:00 AM

I'm a convert to extractors as well.

To BigFiveJack's original question - I understand the theoretical argument of being able to load faster (in a DG situation), but I also realize that by hunting DG in Africa once a year - my odds are greater of winning the lottery than ending up in a worst-case-scenario situation where more than two shots from me will save the day.

Some will disagree with the following, but I'm talking about safari hunting in 2006 - not 1906 and in today's circumstances, it's the PH who is better trained and experienced that will save your bacon, not you reloading your double faster and making shoe-lace shots with a double while your PH is running for cover.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be prepared to perform your best, it's just that your best training is not as good as the PH's experience and no DR or reduced reloading time will give a visiting hunter the advantage over the PH's experience.


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.416 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: new_guy]
      #45224 - 30/12/05 03:38 AM

Don't you just love it.

The Double Rifle version of the "Is a 45-70 a Dangerous Game Rifle Debate."

Lovu Zdar

A Man of Pleasure, Enterprise, Wit and Spirit Rare Books, Big Game Hunting, English Rifles, Fishing, Explosives, Chauvinism, Insensitivity, Public Drunkenness and Sloth, Champion of Lost and Unpopular Causes.

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.400 member

Reged: 02/02/03
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: mickey]
      #45233 - 30/12/05 05:23 AM

Mickey , this is a case of opinion only, between three folks who are all well versed on double rifle. Heads butting over who knows better than the other, nothing more.

Marrakai, 4seventy, and 400nitroexpress are all well up on the ins, and outs on fine Britt doubles! Marrakai, and 4seventy, I only know from what I've read on the internet, but 400, I know personally, and know for a fact that he knows of where he speaks, on Brittish double rifles, and the features they are most often seen with. That is not to say he knows more than the other two, just that he may knw some thing better, and the other two my know other things better. I benefit from both sides of this, when I filter out the little I know, that maybe none of the three knows! Added together, with the little I know, makes me the winner when it is all done. That is if I believe everything they write, which I don't, because I have my own opinions as well!

Now! Let me tell you what I think, about this string. I say let those who want to use ejectors use them, and those who don't, disconnect them. I'm of the latter group. I have doubles with, and without, but my large rifles for
BITE-BACKS, have extractors, or disconnected ejectors! I would like a RELIABLE selector switch to change from ejector, to extractor, and back, like an old Heym 88 I used to have, then one could be on both sides without offending anyone! I really don't care if my choice offends anyone, they don't pay a dime on my rifles, or safaris!

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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.450 member

Reged: 06/01/03
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: 4seventy]
      #45244 - 30/12/05 07:47 AM


"Anyone who thinks they can operate a non ejector as fast as an ejector double,
does not know how to use the ejector gun properly IMO."

Speak for yourself.

I use multiple DR's both with and without Ejectors and through practice have learnt
to reload an Extractor gun NEARLY as fast as an Ejector gun. It takes a lot of practice to
become proficent in the reloading method but it is very fast and removes much of the
"double handling" (moving your hands around the gun) you sometimes see when
users are relaoding.

As the post above says, it is personal preference only that counts on this subject.

500 Nitro

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.333 member

Reged: 05/12/05
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: 500Nitro]
      #45257 - 30/12/05 10:02 AM

A question from a novice...

Can you convert an ejector to an extractor, and if so, is it easer to do than converting an extractor to an ejector? Boy, that's like asking "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood". For non US residents, a woodchuck is a large rodent that digs burrows that can break a horses leg. They are like beavers, without the tail. And they taste like chicken.

I am picking up my first DR in January, and it is an ejector.

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.400 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: Grizzly]
      #45265 - 30/12/05 11:00 AM

Sure. Deactivating the ejectors is easily done, and it then functions as an extractor gun. Converting an extractor gun to an ejector can also be done but such conversions are rare. Not worth the aggravation or expense. Nobody wants automatic case losers that bad.

"Serious rifles have two barrels, everything else just burns gunpowder."

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.375 member

Reged: 01/10/03
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: Grizzly]
      #45268 - 30/12/05 11:17 AM

I did not know woodchucks needed a DR get a English .470NE double , that should sort them out!


"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." — John Wayne

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.333 member

Reged: 05/12/05
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: RLI]
      #45276 - 30/12/05 12:32 PM

THEY ARE DEADLY! The Piranha of the plains. In their massive herds, they are deadly.

Those beaver like teeth will cut your torso down to their level.

We do not talk about these beasts in the states, largely because we want to save this dangerous game for ourselves. Sorry guys, but I let the secret out.

A chuck is most dangerous when cornered, and is like 10 wombats, plus two. The horror....the horror....

In my book, I would rather wrestle a grizzly to submission than encounter a hungry chuck herd. The reason you have never seen this isbeacuse no one, even a film crew, has survived it.

Forget the 470, a belt fed 50 BMG is your only hope.

For Trade: Chuck hunt in the US for a Cape Buffalo hunt in Africa. Also willing to sell a large bridge in Brooklyn, NY for pennies on the dollar. Hurry - many offers! Also, please provide e-mail address so Nigerian relatives can send you $20 million to get $25 million out of Nigeria.

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Reged: 07/05/03
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: Grizzly]
      #45280 - 30/12/05 12:44 PM

Here in Aus our native Wombat does the same thing and digs these burrows that injure horses motorbikes 4x4's tractors and people.
They are big solid f#ckers and make mature boar pigs look like wimps and are fully protected, but I'm sure they would make for very good bullet penetration testing.

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.333 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: 4seventy]
      #45281 - 30/12/05 12:56 PM

Do the large wombats herd? That would be terrifying.

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Reged: 07/05/03
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: Grizzly]
      #45285 - 30/12/05 01:19 PM

In reply to:

Do the large wombats herd? That would be terrifying.

Never seen 'em herd Grizz and hope i never do.
If i had to face an angry large wombat herd however, I'm damn sure I'd want an EJECTOR double!
If i was forced to use an extractor gun then I'd want 500 Nitro and 400 Nitro Express to be my PH's.

Edited by 4seventy (30/12/05 01:48 PM)

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.333 member

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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: 4seventy]
      #45286 - 30/12/05 01:26 PM

Well, everyone has their answer!

Sorry Rusty, but you need to pay attention to these silent killers. Small but deadly when in groups.

Like women with small bre...sorry. I had a flashback. DAMMIT - BRING ON THOSE WOMBATS!!!

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.375 member

Reged: 10/01/03
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Re: EXTRACTOR Rifles for Dangerous Game [Re: Grizzly]
      #45305 - 30/12/05 07:19 PM

Well, here is my opinion. I have both types of doubles.
If I was in a reloading contest I think I can reload an ejector double a little faster. However in the field, when not under duress I spend more time with an ejector gun trying to catch my brass.
With an extractor gun it is an easier, faster reload, with an extractor gun to open the gun, pull out the brass and place it in your pocket, then reload the rifle. With an ejector gun you have to be sure you hand is positioned to "catch" the brass as it is ejected out of the rifle.
With an ejector gun IF you are under duress, you simply open the gun, flip the chambers toward the ground, OR give the gun a quick backward jerk, OR simply pluck out the brass dropping it at you feet, [which ever method you like] then reload the gun.

When I was in Zim I fired 17 rounds at game with my 450 No2[extractor].
I only dropped 3 rounds on the ground, the rest of the time I felt I had the necessary time to put the empties in my pocket.

With my 9,3x74R double [ejector] I "caught" all the brass and put it in my pocket except for a round or 2 when shooting my kudu at a little over 300 yards.

Bottom line for ME is, I have both types of doubles. It does not make ANY difference to ME whether a double is extractor OR ejector. I can change between the two types with out problem.

I have read where elephant hunters/poachers prefered an extractor gun because they are silent when opened and thus can be reloaded silently.

I say use what you like best.

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