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.30 and 9mm airgun slugs
      #381299 - 17/12/23 12:30 AM

this are no cast bullet but lead so thinking it fits best here. I see this on the website of an airgun dealer don't knowing what it is. Don't have the airguns and don't want to buy them but allways be interestet what else you can do with such stuff.

4,5 mm, 5,5mm, 6,35, .30 or 7,62mm and 9 mm - 7,65Browning and 9 mm Parabellum bullet for comparison

the .30 caliber Diabolo measure .299 front and .3095 back 2,9 gramm or 44,6 grains

the 9 mm/.35 measure .355 front and .359 back 5,2 gramm or 80,2 grains

they are made by a smaller firm , JSB, in the czech republic and production never meets demand. whenever dealer get them they are sold out very quickly.

they fit any 7,62/308 barrel and 9 mm/.357 barrel so I am sure to find some usage the maker did not think about before.

the can looks impressive alone

second are special slugs for 6,35/.25 caliber high power airguns. you got them in different weights form 28 grains to 46 grains. .251 diameter it s a perfect fit for reloading the 6,35 Browning/.25 ACP. this little cartridge together with the mouse gun is used by some hunter here to shot game in the trap because its small and light and enough also for fox and badger at close range.

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Re: .30 and 9mm airgun slugs [Re: lancaster]
      #381301 - 17/12/23 12:36 AM

I'm about 100% certain those thin skirts will blow out on just about any reasonable smokeless load (like overcharging a Minie bullet).

However.....I wonder if seating them upside down and using a light powder charge would make for a close range "barn load" for rats or something.

Or, just get a .30 or 9 air rifle.

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Re: .30 and 9mm airgun slugs [Re: 9.3x57]
      #381303 - 17/12/23 01:03 AM

you are right about this but there is more possible

buying such an air rifle is pointless here, yes some airgun freaks have them.
any .22 lr rifle will have more energy on small game than this things not to talk about .22 Mag or the new .17 HMR that find a lot of new friends here in the last years for shooting small game.
problem under local gun law is any airgun with a muzzle energy over 7,5 joule need a gun licence and a place in the gun safe, same like a AR 15 clone rifle
so most people don't want to waste space in the new 600 -1000 euro expensive gunsafe for such things.
last year I had to sold two "high power" airguns from an estate. was only trouble and hassle.
the .17 caliber diana was sold to someone in belgium (where all airguns are free) for small money. the .25 caliber weihrauch was send to the proof house in suhl with a low power spring to be proofed and get a stamp like a real firearm so it was free then to sell it without a licence. cost for the proof house was 120 euro, when the rifle was sold there was no profit at all but we were happy to get rid of it.

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Re: .30 and 9mm airgun slugs [Re: lancaster]
      #381306 - 17/12/23 02:08 AM

I've been thinking the same thing Lancaster.
This place has more "bullet" shaped projectiles in a usable diameter range:

Was thinking for Rook Rifles some may be appropriate.

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Re: .30 and 9mm airgun slugs [Re: Huvius]
      #381309 - 17/12/23 03:25 AM

this is the same bullet design like the .25 caliber Diana ( btw, comming from argentina ) can on my last pic. its an impressive selection of caliber and weight there. Haendler & Natermann making them in europe but iirc only .22 and 25 caliber. the .25 slugs are like made orignal for the little 25 ACP, maybe useful for the 297/250 rook or light loads in the 25-20. other slugs may fit other small obsolete cartridges. of course, they say not for firearms but this are hollow points with a dish base that will stand light loads any time. because of the pure lead you can also increase the diameter by pressing the slug a little bit.

its true, the pellet design is very sensitive but I am sure something will be possible

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Re: .30 and 9mm airgun slugs [Re: lancaster]
      #381312 - 17/12/23 05:15 AM

I guess I am an airgun freak. LOL. I own 4 .25 calibre PCP air rifles, along with a couple 22 Cal. PCP rifles, as well as a couple Weihrauch model 97 springers, in .177 and .22.

The most powerful is an AirForce Condor, which will drive my cast 51gr. flat nose, boat tail bullets at well over 1,000fps.
The way the rifle us currently set up, I am shooting 25.89gr. JSB Hades pellets (skirted) at 1,074fps with good accuracy to 120yards. Normally this pellet's accuracy falls off past 80yards, but not in this rifle. Just lucky. I shoot 2" diameter rocks on our silhouette range.

My best air rifle is an FX, made in Sweden, the Dreamline model. It also is .25 calibre, however it does not produce the power of the Air Force rifle, however, it is a beautiful rifle (for an air rifle) & like the Condor and my Aselkon MX9 in .25, will produce 1/2" 5 and 10 shot groups at 55yards.

Air rifles are just like RF and CF rifles, in that they shoot best with particular pellets and/or slugs and not with others. One must experiment with them to find what they want to shoot.
My Condor and FX along with a couple Weihrauch springers prefer the JSB Hades pellets in .177, .22 and .25, however the Aselkon MX9 prefers the 34.95gr. JSB heavy pellet.
I also have a .45 calibre SamYang rifle that is legal for small big game in B.C., like deer, Black Bear and wolves.

I do not consider this rifle powerful enough for the game it is legal to use on. It needs a power boost modification by a friend who lives in Red Deer, Alberta, if I ever get around to sending it to him.

There are some air rifles not on the market capable of shooting large game of NA. I would say all except the big bears and buffalo. Need more power for those.
The AEA Zeus in .72 calibre comes to mine. Lots of videos on line on it shooting and shooting deer, hogs and etc.

None of the slugs available have grease grooves & they are dead soft lead so they expand when shot from sub-sonic air guns.
I am testing Neilson Sugs in my HW97 in .22, as well as the cast slugs (NOE mould) in the Condor. The other .25 calibre rifles don't like them.


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Re: .30 and 9mm airgun slugs [Re: DarylS]
      #381329 - 17/12/23 09:38 PM

if such an airgun don't need a gun licence everything is fine, its a fortunate country. I would not use them for big game but they are fine if you have a rabbit problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndAzw9SUaLc

but we have not seen rabbits here for over 30 years when they were eradicated completely by myxomatosis. and no, its forbidden to return them because they are a plague.

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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