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maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight
      #362891 - 02/03/22 06:12 AM

Some times ago xausa send me a mail about the old ZKK 600 flip up sight and if its possible to find it today.
I was going a long way and end with an outcome.
the original factory is closed for some years now but a contact of a friend can get the orignal drawings. a minimum of 100 can be made against cash in advanve.
is there an interest in this things here also?

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: lancaster]
      #362897 - 02/03/22 07:43 AM

These sights should be on every open sighted rifle - they are brilliant!
What the 'scout' rifle should have had for starters!
It you could get a copy of the drawings Lancaster, it would be great to get them stored here for posterity as well!
It would be awesome to get one on my CZ550!

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: 93x64mm]
      #362901 - 02/03/22 08:04 AM

I will never get the drawings, the people who have them know what it is.

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: lancaster]
      #362904 - 02/03/22 08:54 AM

It would be good to see the sights back in some form of production. However you must remember that the receiver also needs to be milled out to accept the sight. This isn't an impossible task, just needs the right equipment and setup. Up until quite recently the Harlan Satrang at Triple River gunsmithing (used by CZ USA for their custom shop) would mill the receiver and supply the sight parts for around US$300. Since his passing, I don't know if anyone acquired his jigs and drawings.

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: Hunter4752001]
      #362908 - 02/03/22 10:02 AM

Back starting in 1973, I used mine (on a ZKK602 in .358 Norma, then .385H&H) for 3-postions shooting, right up until I build a .308 match rifle specifically for that event.
I really liked the pop-up peep.
I also used cast bullets in both barrels for competition.


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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: DarylS]
      #362911 - 02/03/22 10:20 AM

If I had a vintage Brno with the sight missing, I'd be all over that like a fat kid on a cupcake (quoting my hunting mate here!).

Guess I'll be waiting a long time for someone to remake the Model 1910 Ross pop-up peep. Could use one of them right now...

Great to see this being considered, though. Hope it gets the support it deserves and eventuates.

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: Marrakai]
      #362912 - 02/03/22 10:27 AM

Could these sights be built on a rear talley base that could then be fitted on any rifle? I know talley makes a peep insert but it has to be mounted onto the base after removing the ring.

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: thirdbite]
      #362915 - 02/03/22 11:22 AM


I have two BRNO ZKK with this folding peep sight. Really clever design!

But, for rifles without integral bases, there was another VERY clever design, by Redfield. Really small, strong and with height and windage regulations! I have one, still not installed. Can be installed on almost all rear bases:

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: thirdbite]
      #362933 - 02/03/22 09:21 PM


Could these sights be built on a rear talley base that could then be fitted on any rifle? I know talley makes a peep insert but it has to be mounted onto the base after removing the ring.

Really good idea to make some up.

The above idea is even better. if one could remove the scope by QD rings. And put on a peep site by a QD lever as well.

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: NitroX]
      #362937 - 02/03/22 10:06 PM

Remarkable coincidence!
I just acquired one of those marvelous Redfield folding peepsights a few days ago myself, scored it on ebay for twenty bucks. New, never been fitted. Still in transit.
It was a post here on these forums some time ago that got me interested in tracking one down. Not yours though, the pic I saw was of a mounted example.

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: Marrakai]
      #362942 - 02/03/22 11:23 PM

Hi Marrakai,

Good for you! I also bought mine on Ebay. Came mounted on a Redfield one piece base for the Browning BLR short lever rifle. That base is one of the old Redfield, machined steel.
By the way, if anyone here needs that base, just let me know!



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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: PatagonHunter]
      #363290 - 10/03/22 12:41 PM

I went partly down this track a few years ago and 3D CAD modelled up a few of the small parts that would have got lost when the main sight block and peep were removed. Springs are unique too.
They are surprisingly complex little items, must have required quite a few special jigs and fixtures to machine back in the pre-CNC days.

So even IF you possessed all the original drawings they would need to be redrawn to suit modern CNC manufacture referencing off a datum to suit XYZ planes.
Tolerancing is also critically important, without the original figures ideally you would need to measure at least 12-32 ZKK sights to work out where in the Bell Curve of tolerance they lie.
Or they won't fit all ZKKs from all production years!

And if you were going to all that trouble, why not make some improvements like click adjustable windage and/or elevation? The originals were pretty crude in this area and you can waste a LOT of ammo getting on target using the small etched marks.

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: PatagonHunter]
      #363292 - 10/03/22 12:48 PM



I have two BRNO ZKK with this folding peep sight. Really clever design!

But, for rifles without integral bases, there was another VERY clever design, by Redfield. Really small, strong and with height and windage regulations! I have one, still not installed. Can be installed on almost all rear bases:

Hell of an idea, that is.


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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: DarylS]
      #363673 - 19/03/22 08:53 AM

AHR have been supplying and fitting the BRNO pop up peep sights to BRNO’s and CZ’s for a few years.

Maybe they stopped when he went full on custom only? Worth checking.

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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: Rockdoc]
      #363686 - 19/03/22 08:46 PM

i have a peep sight on my .22 cz 252 just replaces the standard blade on sight works well


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Re: maybe a new run of the ZKK 600 flip up sight [Re: greenshoots]
      #363994 - 28/03/22 01:28 AM

I might (and that is a qualified "might") be able to source a couple of those Redfield rear sights. I had one on my 9.3 for a while but ran into the problem of needing to replace the front sight to get elevation settled. It was easier to just go back to the barrel sight, so I never got around to it.

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