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Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington
      #350683 - 21/02/21 07:58 AM

Report on a Forum Nitro Express team effort.

Thanks to Ripp’s post “222 Remington Rifle Cartridge Family Portrait”
http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=345355&page=0&fpart=1&vc=1 , as well as to Marrakai and to .264 that shared with us photos of their respective Sako Riihimäki stutzen rifles L46 & L461 in .222, I was infected by the L46 virus in late 2020 and managed to convince myself that I was missing such a nice .222 stutzen bolt action rifle on my gun rack!

I then started trawling the net for such a beauty: almost never seen in France where I reside, extremely uncommon in Germany, Austria and the UK where I buy from on a regular basis, available from time to time in the US and in Australia but commanding high prices there, in addition to probable troublesome shipping issues and side costs to be expected. I decided therefore to explore opportunities in Finland, Sako’s home country, and immediately found one for sale online, in addition at palatable cost.

I sought - at that point, support from our Finish Forum member Igorrock for making initial contact with the seller, who unfortunately declined to sell outside Finland; however Igorrock kindly found almost immediately a similar rifle for sale and - icing on the cake, at a price lower than the previous one!

In December 2020, once all paperwork expedited – a simple & smooth process within the European Union even in Covid-19 time, the rifle was at home.

Sako L46 rifles were manufactured in Riihimäki (Finland) from September 1946 until September 1962. This one’s serial number #28507 dates her to 1955, according to Internet sources. She is a “Sweet Little Sixty-Six” (referring to Chuck Berry’s “Sweet Little Sixteen”); a real little gem (but I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder) of 107 cm length, with a 60 cm shinning barrel, weighing 2,9 kilos unscopped. She came to me with a five-round magazine and I managed to find three additional ones from other sources; magazines are always a potential issue with out-of-production rifles, so I preferred to get some spare ones from start.

This pretty little stutzen was sold unscopped and Igorrock sourced in Finland original Sako steel scope mounts, specifically engineered for the tronconic shape of the rifle’s rail, an oddity.

With regards to a rifle scope, I had nothing on shelf that would have matched with the L46; my available scopes in 26 mm (central tube) were either too long in size (and I would have had to remove the rear sight, as it is often the case with this rifle) or not powerful enough in magnification (I did not want to fit a X4 scope for engaging fox-sized targets at 100/200m). I spotted in Germany a second-hand Khales Super 3-9x38 dating back to the early 1960’s; Forum member Lancaster agreed to purchase it for me as – again, the seller did not want to sell abroad.

This vintage Khales scope was unfortunately too long by circa 5 mm/0,2in when I mounted it and I could not close the bolt easily; I decided therefore to scope the L46 with a brand-new Swarovski Habicht Nova 4x32 that I had in stock at home.

I test-shot the rifle last week with both RWS Soft Point 50gr and Sako Gamehead Soft Point 55gr; same good results at 100m/110y, 3 shots in 2cm/0,78in. These results should obviously be slightly improved after some practice with the trigger (adjustable) that is new to me and I will try to go to the range again as soon as possible in order to zero the L46 at 200m.

I have not dropped my initial intent of fitting the rifle with a 3-9 rifle scope, however the only not Asian-made one (to my knowledge) that is short enough (less than 30cm-long) is the Swarovski Z3 3-9x36; unfortunately the maker has stopped some years ago to sell the Z3 range in Europe, second-hand ones are really rare on the local market for the time being, I do not want to order one in the US in order to avoid troublesome ITAR regulatory regime and the manager of a rifle shop I buy from once in Montréal (Canada) has told me that they are bound by Swarovski not to export to Europe; but sooner or later I will get one!

I now look forward to fox stalking from 1st June 2021 in France, when the new season will open!

Thank you again to Ripp, .264 and Marrakai for triggering my interest in the .222 and in the L46/461 as well as to Igorrock and to Lancaster for making this lucky acquisition possible.


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.700 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Louis]
      #350691 - 21/02/21 11:31 AM

Nice "grab" Louis. That's a great looking rifle. I have a Sako A1 varmint rifle in .222.
It is amazingly accurate using several of the Hodgdon powders along with Reloader #7 and 36gr. to 55gr. bullets.
I am sure you will improve your grouping, although it's just fine as it is, and especially as it is a full stocked rifle.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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.416 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: DarylS]
      #350692 - 21/02/21 01:08 PM

I'm not ashamed to say, I'm almost jealous here

Great find, and what a nice shooting rifle!

--Self-Appointed Colonel, DRSS--

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.333 member

Reged: 13/06/13
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: tinker]
      #350694 - 21/02/21 02:09 PM

Can you buy a new one.

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.375 member

Reged: 15/02/11
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Ahmed577]
      #350698 - 21/02/21 02:45 PM

Nice pick up Louis, you won't be disappointed.
Ive just purchased a L46 as well similar too yours 1954 model Front sight hood missing . Ive got a nickel supra 6x to go on it Waiting for it to get here before ordering original sako mounts . Low should fit with the supra. Trying to keep everything to the time period.
Marraki and I met at the collectors meet and compared the L46 and L461 Both fine rifles.
Hoping to give mine a run on the foxes as well in May.
The 4x habicht looks good on your rifle. Ive got a 4x Supra on one of my 243 styers and its a perfect match.
Ill post some pics when its all together.
cheers Mick

Edited by 264 (21/02/21 02:48 PM)

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.700 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: tinker]
      #350707 - 21/02/21 07:45 PM


I'm not ashamed to say, I'm almost jealous here

Great find, and what a nice shooting rifle!

Me too.

I thought in the past those stutzen barrels were shortish, and not ideal for a .222 and decent velocity but yours looks long enough and confirmed at 60 cm or 24 inch, ideal length.

I want one!

Always wanted an L46 Sako in .222 but the normal rifle model. Now I want a stutzen! Ha ha. Perhaps one day if God smiles on me.

I know so many wise tasteful guys have a L46 .222. They are real collectors items. The stutzen is just that even more special.

You do need a bigger than 3x scope on a .222. Head shooting foxes, hares, rabbits at 15- to 200 metres. Wallabies, Wallaroos and roos where legal. Goats and feral pigs as well. I insist on a minimunm of a 6x on a .22 centrefire and prefer a 8x or variable to 9x or 10x.

I wish we had roe deer to use a .222 on.

Well done to Igorrock and Lancaster. Great to see our good members being such good guys and helping out.

Lovely rifle. Great purchase. Well done.

John aka NitroX

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.470 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: NitroX]
      #350717 - 21/02/21 11:47 PM

thats realy a dandy rifle!cool

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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.333 member

Reged: 22/01/12
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Louis]
      #350721 - 22/02/21 02:21 AM


I have not dropped my initial intent of fitting the rifle with a 3-9 rifle scope, however the only not Asian-made one (to my knowledge) that is short enough (less than 30cm-long) is the Swarovski Z3 3-9x36; unfortunately the maker has stopped some years ago to sell the Z3 range in Europe, second-hand ones are really rare on the local market for the time being, I do not want to order one in the US in order to avoid troublesome ITAR regulatory regime and the manager of a rifle shop I buy from once in Montréal (Canada) has told me that they are bound by Swarovski not to export to Europe; but sooner or later I will get one!

I think that I can arrange that my friend, just drop me a call.


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.375 member

Reged: 13/05/15
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: DORLEAC]
      #350726 - 22/02/21 04:25 AM

Dear Daryl, Tinker, Ahmed577, Mick, Nitrox, Lancaster and Joël, thank you for your kind feedback.
Ahmed577, I can't understand your comment "Can you buy a new one"; a new Z3 rifle scope or a new L46 rifle?
Joël, I'll give you a call tomorrow morning.

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.700 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Louis]
      #350728 - 22/02/21 05:37 AM


I have not dropped my initial intent of fitting the rifle with a 3-9 rifle scope, however the only not Asian-made one (to my knowledge) that is short enough (less than 30cm-long) is the Swarovski Z3 3-9x36; unfortunately the maker has stopped some years ago to sell the Z3 range in Europe, second-hand ones are really rare on the local market for the time being, I do not want to order one in the US in order to avoid troublesome ITAR regulatory regime and the manager of a rifle shop I buy from once in Montréal (Canada) has told me that they are bound by Swarovski not to export to Europe; but sooner or later I will get one!



John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

Edited by NitroX (22/02/21 05:44 AM)

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.400 member

Reged: 01/03/07
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: NitroX]
      #350729 - 22/02/21 06:23 AM

It´s nice to see the rifle finally arrived.


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.700 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Igorrock]
      #350741 - 22/02/21 02:47 PM

Back in the 70's I shot 3 position and prone matches with a bunch of WW11 vets. Most of them lived on Vancouver Island during the summer & fall hunting season, but had lodging on the mainland for the winter and spring-time. That is where we shot - at the Barnet Range, on the Burnaby highway, just outside Port Moody, B.C.
Where was I going with this? Well, most of those "old guys" shot .222 Sako A1's (like mine) for 3 po and prone competition. Th eodd guy used a L46 sporter in .222. They also used them with 50gr. Spire Points or 50gr. Speer Spitzers for the island deer in the fall. One guy used the 70gr. Speer, but some said it didn't shoot well in their 14" twists. Their "cabins" bordered crown land and they'd just sit on the porch, the table was a bench rest & POW! The freezer was filled quite easily.
The coastal "black tails" are not large deer like the mainland muleys.

A .222 should make a credible goat rifle for Australia, no?


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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.416 member

Reged: 09/01/03
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: DarylS]
      #350761 - 22/02/21 10:43 PM

Welcome to "The Club" Louis!

Membership fee is a case of any lager you like, sent to either Mick or myself and we'll see that it gets processed!

Great to hear that Igorrock, Lancaster and Joël could help you out. A team effort indeed!

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.375 member

Reged: 13/05/15
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Marrakai]
      #350767 - 23/02/21 03:58 AM

Marrakai, thank you for inviting me to join "The Club"; I feel deeply honoured and if you PM your postal address then I will make sure that a case of beer is delivered to that address so that you can quench Mike's thirst the next time he will pay you a visit!

All, the Swarovski Z3 3-9x36 was in fact a non-starter; I thought this Z3 total length was below 30 cm / 11,811 in but in fact it is 30,8 cm / 12,125 in. This is slightly longer than the Khales 39S2, which is already too long for the L46 scope rail. I'll keep therefore the Swarovski 4x32 for the time being.

Daryl, thank you for this recollection and useful background information!

Igorrock, you were 'the man' of the project; thank you again!


"Everything that doesn't kill me makes me stronger"

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.470 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Louis]
      #350772 - 23/02/21 06:38 AM

If you ask me I would say "Yes",we can change the scope mount here so it takes the kahles scope

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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.375 member

Reged: 12/05/07
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: lancaster]
      #350776 - 23/02/21 10:42 AM

Well done Louis, those early Sakos are the quintessential small bores wonderfully proportioned.
Well found!!

Walk softly and carry a big stick

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.300 member

Reged: 28/11/19
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: lancaster]
      #350783 - 23/02/21 11:58 PM


If you ask me I would say "Yes",we can change the scope mount here so it takes the kahles scope

Change the scope mount? You're asking for trouble suggesting that within earshot of Sako owners!

Long, long ago, I came into possession of a complete and NIB Pachmayr scope mount stamped Sako L469. With a bit of milling, it was exactly what I needed for a project I had underway at the time. It was in perfect condition however, and a fairly rare model, so I was loath to cut it. I posted an offer to make it available at my cost to any Sako owner who wished to use it. I was immediately subjected to sarcastic messages, incensed that I would suggest replacing the (admittedly very good) factory mounting system.

I learned a valuable lesson and kept the mount.

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.577 member

Reged: 19/02/07
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Louis]
      #350784 - 24/02/21 05:13 AM


Report on a Forum Nitro Express team effort.

Thanks to Ripp’s post “222 Remington Rifle Cartridge Family Portrait”
http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=345355&page=0&fpart=1&vc=1 , as well as to Marrakai and to .264 that shared with us photos of their respective Sako Riihimäki stutzen rifles L46 & L461 in .222, I was infected by the L46 virus in late 2020 and managed to convince myself that I was missing such a nice .222 stutzen bolt action rifle on my gun rack!

I then started trawling the net for such a beauty: almost never seen in France where I reside, extremely uncommon in Germany, Austria and the UK where I buy from on a regular basis, available from time to time in the US and in Australia but commanding high prices there, in addition to probable troublesome shipping issues and side costs to be expected. I decided therefore to explore opportunities in Finland, Sako’s home country, and immediately found one for sale online, in addition at palatable cost.

I sought - at that point, support from our Finish Forum member Igorrock for making initial contact with the seller, who unfortunately declined to sell outside Finland; however Igorrock kindly found almost immediately a similar rifle for sale and - icing on the cake, at a price lower than the previous one!

In December 2020, once all paperwork expedited – a simple & smooth process within the European Union even in Covid-19 time, the rifle was at home.

Sako L46 rifles were manufactured in Riihimäki (Finland) from September 1946 until September 1962. This one’s serial number #28507 dates her to 1955, according to Internet sources. She is a “Sweet Little Sixty-Six” (referring to Chuck Berry’s “Sweet Little Sixteen”); a real little gem (but I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder) of 107 cm length, with a 60 cm shinning barrel, weighing 2,9 kilos unscopped. She came to me with a five-round magazine and I managed to find three additional ones from other sources; magazines are always a potential issue with out-of-production rifles, so I preferred to get some spare ones from start.

This pretty little stutzen was sold unscopped and Igorrock sourced in Finland original Sako steel scope mounts, specifically engineered for the tronconic shape of the rifle’s rail, an oddity.
1 as well as to Igorrock and to Lancaster for making this lucky acquisition possible.


Nice job Louis..

Nice to know I had at least one positive effect on someone..

I love the full stocked Sako's..

Have a nice Sako in .222 but not full stocked like this..

Congrats again..


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.400 member

Reged: 01/03/07
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Ripp]
      #350806 - 25/02/21 02:55 AM

By the way; I just noticed that I have one original SAKO hunting diopter for spare. Now in korona time it would be almost inpossible to post it to Australia but to any other land no problem. If any interest just send me PM.


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.700 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Igorrock]
      #350807 - 25/02/21 05:23 AM

About the title: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington

I thought that Stutzen meant not only full stocked, but short full stocked rifle. Just curious. Perhaps someone who knows the German language could enlighten me
because I do not know. I tried wikipedia but no success there.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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.400 member

Reged: 01/03/07
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: DarylS]
      #350810 - 25/02/21 05:57 AM

I think you´re right Daryl_S. I tested internet wordbook and it gives such adjektives as you mentioned.


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.333 member

Reged: 28/03/11
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Igorrock]
      #350840 - 26/02/21 03:54 AM

Very nice Sako L46, thanks for sharing
Below are pictures of mine. It is not full stock but this rifle has been with my family since it was new in the early 1950's (SN: 126XX) We hunted Fox with it and I can attest that it has taken well over 40 Fox up to the late 1960's. Since then it has been in the safe and not used to any extent.
Only thing that has ever changed on it from original is an updated scope

Edited by LRF (26/02/21 04:01 AM)

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.700 member

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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: LRF]
      #350841 - 26/02/21 04:52 AM

I've not seen a Sako I didn't like.
Louis' with the 24" bl. is the nicest, so far.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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.375 member

Reged: 13/05/15
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: DarylS]
      #350843 - 26/02/21 06:18 AM

Very nice rifle Lynn, thank you for sharing with us; I note that the rear scope has been removed as on many L46, was it for fitting the original rifle-scope ?
Rpeck (Canada) also posted some months ago pictures of a very nice L46 almost similar to yours, but in the 7x33 calibre.

"Everything that doesn't kill me makes me stronger"

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.333 member

Reged: 28/03/11
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Re: Sako L46 Riihimäki stutzen in .222 Remington [Re: Louis]
      #350851 - 26/02/21 10:38 AM


Very nice rifle Lynn, thank you for sharing with us; I note that the rear scope has been removed as on many L46, was it for fitting the original rifle-scope ?

Did you mean to say "the rear SIGHT has been removed"? If that is what you meant, to my knowledge there never was a rear sight. I just looked again at barrel and there is no indication there was any rear sight. Frankly, I have never ever gave it any thought or even ever noticed. I was born in 1950 so I don't know much about the first few years of this rifle.
I see the rear sight on your rifle, is that what you normally see on these?

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