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NitroExpress.com: just picked up a winchester grand european in 270/270, ammo?

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Reged: 23/03/18
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just picked up a winchester grand european in 270/270, ammo?
      #326598 - 29/03/19 11:23 AM

Any suggestions on ammo? Anyone have one I this caliber, if yes, what does it regulate best with?


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Re: just picked up a winchester grand european in 270/270, ammo? [Re: ChrisB]
      #326599 - 29/03/19 12:07 PM

No personal experience with the Winchester.
Do you reload?
That said, over the last while there has been much written about how pooly they were regulated.
I would just pick a 150grain load and if it doesn’t work see if JJ Perodeaux or Aaron Little will re regulate it for your chosen load. Yes, costs money, but better than tearing your hair out.

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Re: just picked up a winchester grand european in 270/270, ammo? [Re: 3DogMike]
      #326625 - 30/03/19 10:59 AM

Yes, I do reload, so if I can find something it likes, I should be able to feed it. I haven't yet reloaded for 270, but load for about 30 other calibers. I'll have to see what projectiles are available. I cast lead and run some gas checked rounds in my .458 Lott bolt gun for range practice, but don't think I can cone up with a regulating load in 270 with 'slow' lead.

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Re: just picked up a winchester grand european in 270/270, ammo? [Re: ChrisB]
      #326627 - 30/03/19 01:24 PM

The only way to run close to 3,000fps with cast, is to use a harden-able alloy and an excellent lube, like LBT Blue.
The old style WW can be oven heated and quenched to reach (after sitting 12 hours) a hardness of up to 34 brinel.
Hard lead shot, having about 5% antimony and also with the requisite arsenic for hardening, can reach very close to this.
For comparison, Linotype is 21/22 and Monotype is about brinel 26.
I have a few lee moulds for .270, however, it would be cheaper for you to buy them locally due to horrific shipping costs from here.


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Re: just picked up a winchester grand european in 270/270, ammo? [Re: DarylS]
      #326637 - 31/03/19 03:31 AM

Try Norma 150 gr. factory loads. Those did the best in the one I played with. Accuracy from each barrel wasn't bad, but regulation was lacking: the Norma loads got the groups from each barrel to touch, but not overlap. If I remember right, my kid brother finally found a left-handed bolt he liked and got rid of the double.

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.224 member

Reged: 23/03/18
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Re: just picked up a winchester grand european in 270/270, ammo? [Re: Jim_C]
      #326849 - 05/04/19 12:48 PM

Touch is good enough for me

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Reged: 02/02/03
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Re: just picked up a winchester grand european in 270/270, ammo? [Re: 3DogMike]
      #328121 - 08/05/19 09:03 AM


No personal experience with the Winchester.
Do you reload?
That said, over the last while there has been much written about how pooly they were regulated.
I would just pick a 150grain load and if it doesn’t work see if JJ Perodeaux or Aaron Little will re regulate it for your chosen load. Yes, costs money, but better than tearing your hair out.

I have one chambered for 9.3X74R and regulation doesn't exist, with these little double rifles. However the advice above is golden. JJ Perodeaux, or Aaron Little will fix you up. Alittle costly but the little double is worth fixing. Let us know how it turns out!


..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
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