.416 member
Reged: 16/02/04
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I heard there are some forest bovines in Poland which can be hunted. Has anyone heard of this?
.333 member
Reged: 17/09/03
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European bison may be??
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My daughter in law is from Poland and says that they are highly protected, but she thinks there is limited hunting on some private land that is VERY expensive.
She will ask her family in Poland for more information.
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Does anyone have a picture they could post of these animals?
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.300 member
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Oh for Heaven's sake! Go back to the thread "Really BIG European game". There're pix of both the wisent and the reconstructed aurochs and they are both forest bovines in Poland. Sheesh!
-------------------- Sarge
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Well, that's what I get for not reading all of the threads before making a post.
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Really Big European Forest Game
-------------------- John aka NitroX
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.224 member
Reged: 09/04/05
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Try 'Hyde Park Corner' I am sure they can help you: web page
.416 member
Reged: 11/01/05
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Loc: Saverne, Alsace, France
This forum is in Polish.
I had a look at "the Hyde Park". If I remember from my travels in Poland, The Buffalo's (Wisent) name in Polish is ZUBRA. I don't find this word on the thread. Can You help?
-------------------- "I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."
.224 member
Reged: 09/04/05
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Larcher, with such a small gene pool it's like asking Chinese how much dinero for a Panda hunt, no thanks, but one of the members suggested this site: web page I don't know them, and I am not associated with them. I did notice they have 2 pics of the same animal with 2 different hunters.
.416 member
Reged: 27/02/04
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In reply to:
I did notice they have 2 pics of the same animal with 2 different hunters.
Very observant of you.
So which one of these "hunters" is actually the "hunter"? 
This guy?  
Or this guy? 
Of course, we could be mistaken, and maybe the animal was shot by both hunters for some reason. Giving them legitimate cause to both have their pictures taken. Kind of strange though for the company to use both pictures for promotional reasons, since I would have thought they had another picture or two of differant animals they could have used instead. Notice that several of the other pictures they have are of the same animals from differant veiws/angles.
.416 member
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Apparently, these guys shot the same animal as each other too! I guess it happens a lot there. 
.700 member
Reged: 25/12/02
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Is the rifle the same?
A legitimate reason might be one guy is the client and the other the guide.
I often pose the PH or guide with the animal alone as well as myself alone and both together. Different angles etc. Sometimes other people eg last trip a couple of other clients who accompanied me and one of whom filmed with my video camera for me (Anne). Usually the commentary reveals who is who.
If there is a Polish commentary on this website maybe that reveals all or not ? 
PS Some hunting magazines do exactly what Erik alludes to. On the years they run hunting stories and test reports of rifles. The same animal is used in a number of different stories with different people and apparently different rifles used to kill it sometimes as well. Amazing how tough some deer can be!
-------------------- John aka NitroX
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.375 member
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I would guess that the hunter is the one holding the rifle in the pictures, the guides are the ones that looks not so comfortable to be in the pictures and not holding the rifle.
Only my wild guess though......
Christer Hansson
.416 member
Reged: 11/01/05
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Loc: Saverne, Alsace, France
Yes CChunter,
You are right, "the hunter is the one holding the rifle in the pictures", look at the branch put up in his hat, it's a reverence for the game.
-------------------- "I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."
.416 member
Reged: 27/02/04
Posts: 4636
That explains a lot. But it's still an odd way to market hunts IMO. It would have been better to just have the hunter with his animal pictured, instead of these additional photos with the guide. I still think it kind of looks like they are trying to fool potential future customers into thinking that they are differant animals.
.416 member
Reged: 11/01/05
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Loc: Saverne, Alsace, France
Yes I fear they are tempting to fool future customers. Anyhow, I'll love to shoot (or arrow) a bison. The bison is perhaps closer to my home than You are. Good luck
-------------------- "I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."
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Sometimes a bunch of photo-images are provided to the graphic-arts company contracted to design the web-page or brochures. They would be expected to select suitable images for the promotional literature or on-line advertising. If they do not understand the subtleties, duplication can occur through no fault of the 'safari' company.
-------------------- Marrakai
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.400 member
Reged: 21/09/08
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Forest bovine shot on the Polish border but on the Belorussian side.
.700 member
Reged: 25/12/02
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GV, Thank you.mi was hoping you would post an image of your wisent. Waidmannsheil. (Btw is there any traditional French hunting congratulations?)
Looks cold!
What do you take from the animal, a shoulder mount, skull mount, hide rug, meat?
Are they considered endangered? Or CITES listed in any way?
I'd love to read a story of your hunt, or even just a few details of how the hunt was conducted.
From another linked thread;
My family originally came from the Eastern part of Germany (Prussia) and I was intrigued to see a European bison come from that area on the wall on Konopiste Castle in Czech from a similar time.
I would love to hunt one oneday, from the herds in the East of Poland but understand they are not cheap. Anyone know how much?
East Brandenburg so the West of Poland today. The trophy in Konopisye had the label, "Mezeritz" (spot?). A town in East Brandenburg a little north of my ancestors village. Strange maybe a small tamish herd? Or the Meseritz of the wisent was from a town with the same name in the East.
I'd like to use my "Zabardast", my Jeffery .450 NE, Afor European bison/wisent. Also for North American bison. It's my bovine slayer.
Search tags: "wisent", "bison"
-------------------- John aka NitroX
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The hunt took place in 2003, at a time when the trophy fees foe Wisent were still relatively low compared to nowadays.
The hunt was not very difficult since the area of Bialowieza Forest on the border Poland and Belarus are well recorded and well managed on both sides. The shooting was strictly regulated and the authorities determined which animal may and must be shot. I shot the Wisent with my rifle caliber 460 WBY-Magnum with a 500gr SP bullet and a stronger load because of the very low temperature in February. The only difficulty was that I had to shoot at long range, may be 200 Yards or more, because the terrain was very open and it was impossible to get closer to the herd of bisons. With the cartridge 460 WBY-Magnum it was not too much difficult and I had a good shooting position. The buffalo lay in place to the great satisfaction of the local hunting authorities who were used to follow wounded animals as most hunters use to small calibers for this strong game.
As for the trophy, things did not go so well. I could only take the skull with me and the skin was supposed to be sent to me, but unfortunately it got lost. That's why it did not work with a head and shoulder mount.
The herd stood outside the forest area in open fields and swamp areas. I approach the Wisent under the eyes of part of the herd.
pic upload
.470 member
Reged: 06/05/08
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to bad the skin gets lost. you would not wonder if this happen when some trophys were send from africa but there? could be its not so simple anymore today to hunt the polish -white russian border area.
460 Weatherby with a 300 grains bullet must be shot like a laser
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.400 member
Reged: 21/09/08
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A 300gr bullet is very light for this cartridge and has a poor ballistic. The lightest bullet I used was the 450gr TSX bullet from Barnes. The ballistic was very good. I shot a buffalo with it, but then stayed true again to the 500gr bullets.
The 500gr SP Interbond bullet from Hornady was perfect for hunting Wisent, as well as for some buffalos that I have shot with it in Africa.
.700 member
Reged: 25/12/02
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Thanks for posting. Your comments explain the hunt a lot. I'm guessing a .450 NEdouble rifle for that hunt would have been difficult with quite long range shots needed.
A great pity the hide didn't make it to you. Very disappointing when the headskins, hides etc get lost, stolen, swapped, damaged. I haven't had one stolen or lost completely, but have had a zebra black skin swapped for a brownish skin. An eland headskin missing most of its chest hair. Taxidermy and hunting skins, skulls export and shipping, is an area of high incompetence, inefficiency and fraud. One bill 10x its proper pricing, I told them to get ffffed ... And it was reduced tremendously. Another time given a bill for an Austrian, always higher. My papers lost one time. A friendly outfitter helped out. Nowadays the greenie terrorist factor is huge.
As commented the region of the wisest territory is a bit less accessible now. Eastern border of Poland, Western Belarus, Western Ukraine. The Ukrainian-Russian border seems mostly in the opposite Eastern andcSouthern Ukrainian regions, but who wants to be un-necessarily in any of these countries.
Wisent is a beast one rarely reads or sees hunted. Congratulations on it. You must have an interesting trophy room. Thanks for posting.
-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"