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.224 member

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Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275?
      #245485 - 11/04/14 08:18 AM

Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? Rings being made to fit the original Rigby mounting system. I can go with either 30mm or 1 inch but leaning towards 30mm. My biggest question is 42mm objective or 24mm objective. I mainly hunt whitetail in the South East but will be going Red Stag hunting in Scotland next year and eventually a Safari. Looking at 1X - 6X or 2.5X to 10X. Advice and thoughts appreciated. Thank you.

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.375 member

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: PH4]
      #245489 - 11/04/14 09:55 AM


If we are talking about modern scopes, I havefound the Swarovski 3-9x36 to be a good compromise for " period " rifles.

Small objective for low mounting, great optics,inch tube so it doesn't overpower the rifle, and great value for money at the price.

Otherwise an 4x32 early West German Ziess DIATAL, if you can find a good example for around $4-600


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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: paradox_]
      #245494 - 11/04/14 12:42 PM

I had a 3-9x32 1" tube Burris with stadia wires on my BRNO 7x57mm - wonderful scope.


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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? *DELETED* [Re: PH4]
      #245495 - 11/04/14 12:42 PM

Post deleted by Daryl_S


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: DarylS]
      #245497 - 11/04/14 01:06 PM

Kahles helia. 2.5 -7, post reticule, I think it suits perfectly. Left the factory with a 2.5 Nickel.

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Claydog]
      #245504 - 11/04/14 04:45 PM

4x36 imo, a classic.

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Fontainebleu]
      #245514 - 11/04/14 08:12 PM


Otherwise an 4x32 early West German Zeiss DIATAL, if you can find a good example for around $4-600

Here seems to be some confusion about the Hensoldt, Wetzlar and Zeiss, West Germany, scope line. As the Hensoldt factory was owned by Zeiss West for many years anyhow, the company name you find on these scopes was changed from "Hensoldt" to "Zeiss" in the late 1960s, without any design changes. So you will see the same scopes marked either "Hensoldt" or "Zeiss". Their 1960s -70s 4x32 scopes are named either
DIASTA with 26 mm STAhl = steel tube or
DIATAL with an ALuminum tube, always with integral mounting rail.
Usually these came with internal elevation adjustment only, windage adjustment by opposing screws in the mount. Much rarer are the more expensive variations DIASTA-D and DIATAL-D with internal adjustments for both elevation and windage. All four models feature the same excellent optics. The photo shows, top to bottom, DIASTA-D, DIASTA, DIATAL, all three still marked "Hensoldt" and all 4x32.

IMHO these old Hensoldt/Zeiss scopes are still optically the best 4x scopes ever made. As they are much more compact than "modern" scopes with their huge ocular bells and 30mm tubes, they are perfect for mounting on slim, compact vintage hunting rifles. As they contain fewer lenses than any variable scope, even less than modern ones with centered reticles, their low light capabilities are astounding. Their 4x magnification is low enough to make short range shots at running game possible (once stopped a charging wounded boar at about ten feet). On the other hand 4x is high enough for nearly all practical long range shots at big game. As someone wrote years ago: "If you have to enlarge a game animal more than four times to hit the boiler room, you should think about the range being a bit long."
These old Diatal and Diasta scopes appear frequently on German ebay and egun. 4x Diatals usually go for Euro 50-70.-, Diatal-Ds for 80 - 130, Diastas 70 - 100, Diasta-D 80 - 120.

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: kuduae]
      #245515 - 11/04/14 08:28 PM

Here is a .275 Rigby rifle mounted with a German EAW side mount and such a Hensoldt-Zeiss DIASTA-D 4x32 scope. See also, bottom of page 10: http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat....=0&fpart=10

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: kuduae]
      #245533 - 11/04/14 11:25 PM


I agree with kuduae about the Hensoldt-Zeiss Diasta/Diatal!!! I have both, a Diasta 4x32 with a single turret and an original Nš 4 reticle, mounted in an ORIGINAL Sporting DWM rifle made with the M93 Mauser action. In 7x57 of course! I bought this Diasta used but pristine, in 1981. And is still going strong! The Zeiss is the Diatal DA 4x32 without rail. Reticle Nš 1. I bought it new in 1974...And is, also, still going strong!!! In spite of a really "brutal" use...! Is mounted now in another 7x57 made on a Mauser 1935 with a military stock sporterized.
Another scope I strongly recommend is the Zeiss Diatal ZA !!!! Perhaps the best Zeiss Scopes series ever made!!! Started around 1978 or 79 if I remember correctly. The first Zeiss scopes with centered reticles. I also have one, also in 4x32 Ret Nš 4 mounted on a .375. If I have to select THE BEST riflescopes ever made, they should be these Zeiss ZA from the late 70īs to the late 80īs.....


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.275 member

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: PatagonHunter]
      #245669 - 14/04/14 10:08 AM

The Zeiss 4x32 diasta is a great scope but I had problems mounting it on my mauser m12. I tried mounting with leupold mounts and could not get the scope far enough back to get the eye relief to work. Ended up purchasing a Swarovski Z6 1-6x24, 30mm tube. mounted it in Talley fixed one piece aluminum mounts to keep the rifle light since I hike in long distances sometimes to where I hunt. I looked at a lot of scopes and found the Swaro to be the clearest, crispest optics right out to the edge of the field of view. At 1 power you can have both eyes open and use the rifle like you have iron sights for driven or running game. Every whitetail I have ever shot was running or at least walking. Going up to 4 or 6 power gives you the ability to hunt in more open terrain or stand hunt as well.

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: deepwoods]
      #245672 - 14/04/14 10:55 AM

The Kahles S2 series stacks up pretty well too, I have had a Ziess 4x32 from the same era but mine had ongoing issues. I run several of these on various Mausers, the 4x and 2.3-7 particularly suit the Kurz length actions but would work on the intermediate/standard. Both these scopes share the same tube/ocular/eyepice dimensions so if you are mounting on the ocular bell you rings will fit both.

The Kahles 7a reticule is un-supassed for our NZ style hunting, where shots range from the low light of deep bush to the glare of the open tops. Too my eye the optics of these 1960's scopes is less than 10% behind a current Kahles I have.

Southland, New Zealand

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Fontainebleu]
      #245702 - 15/04/14 12:28 AM


4x36 imo, a classic.

4x sounds perfect for a 7x57.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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Reged: 10/03/13
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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: NitroX]
      #246089 - 21/04/14 10:09 AM

There is a German on Ebay who has a lot of classic german scopes that most folks miss because he lists under Collectibles/military/german. His "handle" is germansniper1

I bought three recently a 6X42 Schmidt elevation only, a 6x42 Schmidt W&E and an 8x56 Kahles W&E.

8x56 will be poor man's substitute on Swede/Danish M41 project. All are 26mm, no problem as I bought out Leupold's entire inventory of 26mm rings when they discontinued them. The exact Swede repro mount in 26.5mm but a slim shim will fix that.

All have the triple post reticle.

Has another 8x56 Schmidt to die for but I've blown my scope fund.

This one even has rail rings !


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.333 member

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Ruger_450]
      #246113 - 21/04/14 07:15 PM

I have an old fixed 4x German Pecar with a 26mm tube on my No.1 in 7x57 and have never found it wanting.
Optics are crystal clear. I can see a 6" gong clearly at 275 yards and can hit it most times under field conditions.
Yep, the gong looks small, but it is clear.
My choice for the Rigby would be something similar, a good quality European fixed 4 power.


Details matter!

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: alexbeer]
      #246122 - 21/04/14 11:32 PM

Every person , rifle and situation are different but I have been hunting for 40 years since I was 7 years old and have never needed more than a 4x scope on my rifles .My old Rigby .275 is no different and has a German Nickel 4x scope on it .A beautifully balanced rifle like a Rigby should have a scope that maintains the balance and lines of a weapon .How many times have we seen a beautiful sporting rifle with a huge cumbersome clunky variable scope atop it ,big enough to photograph the moon and you asked yourself why??

Edited by Deutsche_Vortrekker (21/04/14 11:37 PM)

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.224 member

Reged: 27/07/04
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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Deutsche_Vortrekker]
      #246125 - 22/04/14 12:11 AM


Every person , rifle and situation are different


A lot of good suggestions already. A fixed 4x would indeed be a good choice.

My daughter has a semi-custom M70 Classic 7x57mm with a Leupold VX-R 2-7x33mm mounted. Scope works fine, however it's not aesthetically pleasing. I'm thinking we'll go with a Swarovski Z3 3-9x36mm before hunting season rolls around.

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: FOsteology]
      #246128 - 22/04/14 12:58 AM

Nice to see that most people understand that a quality fixed power scope is far superior to any variable for ethical big game hunting.

When my German scopes arrive, I'll post some pics.

Some of us post pics, some just talk about what they have.

A classic Unertl Falcon/Hawk/Condor/Vulture or any Kollmorgen would also be at home on a real classic design.

Hawk on a No. 1, just looks right.

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.224 member

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Ruger_450]
      #246131 - 22/04/14 01:21 AM


Some of us post pics, some just talk about what they have.

Perhaps some don't require the constant affirmation and adulation of our purchases and toys. The behavior typically comes off as being an attention whore.

However, for those interested, here's a couple pictures of my daughters M70 7x57mm

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Reged: 10/03/13
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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: FOsteology]
      #246132 - 22/04/14 01:35 AM

Nice rifle with a nice 4X and S&K rings it would really be handsome.

BTW, whomever you are, men to not refer to other men as attention whores while hiding behind a keyboard.

Such conversations, when done by men, are done FTF.

Perhaps, not trying to destroy this site, as you and your pals did over at [blank], would be worthy of your consideration.

Another example of an excellent, now hard to find fixed scope (2.5x Leupold Alaskan Jaeger mount) on my R.F Sedgley 400 Whelen.

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.224 member

Reged: 27/07/04
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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Ruger_450]
      #246135 - 22/04/14 01:53 AM

Stop pretending Larry. You know damn well my name is William.
Should you ever hobble your way out to Hondo, your favorite taco delicacy is on me pardner! Leave your purse at home. I'll be sure to show you and your posse a right proper Texas hospitality.

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Reged: 10/03/13
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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: FOsteology]
      #246137 - 22/04/14 02:02 AM

Well, that's 1/2 a name and no I did not know it.

The subject of this thread is a scope for a Rigby, not you using another opportunity to beat your chest and insult others. Please try to stay on topic and avoid slander.

Another nice fixed power application. 6X Leupold on an ex 30-06 No. 1 B now a 300 H&H 1 A with barrel band and King reflector front sight.

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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Ruger_450]
      #246140 - 22/04/14 02:30 AM

As this will no doubt continue, both individuals will be given a little holiday if they continue with the bullshit either on the forums and especially if the abuse and troublemaking continues on PMs.

I know EXACTLY what is going on.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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Reged: 02/04/14
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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? *DELETED* [Re: Ruger_450]
      #246155 - 22/04/14 03:58 AM

Post deleted by NitroX

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

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Reged: 10/03/13
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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? [Re: Bricktop]
      #246156 - 22/04/14 05:03 AM

Sorry that photo is a bit dark, perhaps these taken before the addition of the King reflector front sight will be more clear.

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Reged: 02/04/14
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Re: Any suggestions for new scope for Rigby .275? *DELETED* [Re: Ruger_450]
      #246168 - 22/04/14 07:35 AM

Post deleted by NitroX

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

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