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The criminal waste of kangaroo meat
      #244055 - 21/03/14 02:28 AM

Culled kangaroos to be processed as pet food as part of two-year trial
Updated Wed 19 Mar 2014, 8:00pm AEDT


VIDEO: Government to trial culled kangaroo meat as pet food (7pm TV News VIC)

Kangaroos will be shot and processed into commercial pet food as part of a two-year trial approved by the Victorian Government.

The trial applies to eastern grey and western grey kangaroos that have been culled under wildlife control programs.

In the past three years, the Department of Environment and Primary Industries has issued authorisations for the culling of up to 69,000 kangaroos.

Ninety-five per cent of them are discarded.

Victoria's Agriculture Minister, Peter Walsh, says the animals are supposed to be buried but that does not always happen.

"That is a waste and this is an opportunity for those carcasses to now be put into the pet food supply chain," he said.

"This is about utilising the carcasses that are currently there following a cull under a wildlife control permit."

Mr Walsh says the trial does not change the status of kangaroos as a protected species in Victoria.

The trial will take place in 12 local council areas including Southern Grampians Shire, Horsham, Benalla and Wangaratta.

Wildlife Victoria's Karen Masson says it is sad that culling is the only wildlife plan the Government can come up with.

"We would like to see them involved in more real management issues especially around kangaroos and other wildlife," she said.

"In a protein-starved world that's a criminal waste of a valuable resource.

John Kelly, Kangaroo Industry Association

John Kelly from the Kangaroo Industry Association wants the trial to go further.

"They've been largely left on the ground to rot and we've always been saying that in a protein-starved world that's a criminal waste of a valuable resource," he said.

Mr Walsh refused to be drawn about allowing the meat to be used for human consumption.

"It's not about a commercial kangaroo harvesting industry in Victoria," he said.

"It's about making sure the waste that's currently there is utilised."

John aka NitroX

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: NitroX]
      #244056 - 21/03/14 02:29 AM

I have five grey kangaroos on my vineyards right now. Even had I fifty kangaroos I could not shoot even a single roo for human consumption. I can not shoot any for any purpose. If I was permitted it would only be under a destruction permit and the roo carcase would have to be left on the ground to rot. At the best it would not be able to be transported on a public road.

Australia's gov'ts are environmental vandals and terrorists with their policies on one hand of total protection of native species and their desire to completely destroy introduced species even by cruel use of poisons.

Instead of sustainable management of wildlife. Including sporting hunting.

I would shoot from one to five roos a year on a number of properties out of maybe a population of 200 for personal use if I had the opportunity. Wild kangaroos represent one of the best and most natural methods to produce healthy free range organic meat in the Australian countryside.

John aka NitroX

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: NitroX]
      #244064 - 21/03/14 04:04 AM

See video:


John aka NitroX

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: NitroX]
      #244080 - 21/03/14 08:13 AM

Rules have been changed in Vic JH,roos shot under permit conditions are now allowed to be utilised "on farm" only.

I still reel in horror how 40,000 roos (thousand yep) were shot at Pucka around 15 odd years ago and all were buried...the Melbourne zoo was clamouring for the meat....all calls were denied.THis shows the absolute stupidity by those in charge.

Get off the chair away from the desk and get out in the bush and enjoy life.

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: gryphon]
      #244081 - 21/03/14 08:18 AM

I had a quick google..its still going


Get off the chair away from the desk and get out in the bush and enjoy life.

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: gryphon]
      #244096 - 21/03/14 10:37 AM

Wow is that stupid!

What does roo taste like? Big rabbit or deer?

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: Dumprat]
      #244101 - 21/03/14 01:33 PM

Roo meat has been available through Coles Supermarkets (and possibly Woolies) in Darwin for years, under the brand "Macro Meats - Gourmet Game". I would have great difficulty shooting one legally to eat in the Northern Territory, but I buy plenty from the shop. The "Kakadu BBQ" marinade fillet is my favourite, around 18 bucks a kilo but worth it! The un-marinated steak is cheaper. Low fat, with the Heart Foundation 'tick' right there on the pack!

Check it out here.

I would strongly urge anyone who isn't currently utilizing this wonderful source of well-priced, tender, tasty meat to add it to your very next shopping list and give it a try- you won't regret it!!

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: Marrakai]
      #244108 - 21/03/14 03:39 PM

Yes Marrakai. Roo meat is available throughout Australia. The roo meat in Victorian supermarkets comes from SA shot kangaroos.

All this meat comes from professionally shot roos for human consumption. Or the meat goes to dog food. But a lot is wasted also on destruction permits. If a farmer applies for a permit to protect, say a cereal crop, and say has 400 roos on it, he might get the right to shoot 20. Yes these can be utilised ON FARM, but in SA can not be transported on a public road, which sometimes may be necessary if the farm is not continuous.

But I am getting increasing mad that I as a sporting hunter can not shoot a small number of roos as a sporting proposition. It is simply ridiculous. They are extremely numerous. Not endangered in any way whatsoever. There are probably THREE kangaroos in Australia for every human.

John aka NitroX

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: Dumprat]
      #244109 - 21/03/14 03:42 PM


Wow is that stupid!

What does roo taste like? Big rabbit or deer?

Always hard to describe but more like venison.

As the meat is wild shot, it can vary quite a lot. Sometimes can be very nice, sometimes not so nice IMO. Guess it depends on whether the roo was an old buck or a younger tender female (doe?). Same with venison I guess.

I usually eat (bought) roo meat at least once a week.

John aka NitroX

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Reged: 26/02/04
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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: gryphon]
      #244111 - 21/03/14 03:51 PM


Rules have been changed in Vic JH,roos shot under permit conditions are now allowed to be utilised "on farm" only.

I still reel in horror how 40,000 roos (thousand yep) were shot at Pucka around 15 odd years ago and all were buried...the Melbourne zoo was clamouring for the meat....all calls were denied.THis shows the absolute stupidity by those in charge.

I read on another forum that it is OK to move legally shot roo meat in Vict now for personal use... this said

"nope . you can take 80 kg of meat off the property it's been like this for a few years now."

Might be worth checking out?? Bloody good idea that. Hopefully Vic keeps moving ahead like this!!


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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: Matt_Graham]
      #244117 - 21/03/14 04:24 PM

Interesting if it is true. Don't know about SA., would have to check.

What also shits me. Is when I have visitors from overseas. Every one so far has asked to be able to shoot a kangaroo. And usually want to take photos which is a problem. Also perhaps take the hide and have it tanned as a trophy.

Getting a tanned hide from a shop is easy. They process them in Thailand or Taiwan or somewhere ... of course it is not the "trophy" but from another animal shot anonymously by a professional shooter.

I have always referred them to an outfitter for the legal kangaroo "trophy" hunt.

What annoys me is we can not just drop down to some gov't office and buy say five sporting tags per person. It should be easy and perfectly legal. Same as hunting whitetail deer in the USA. Free meat, hides as trophies, etc, some good sport, if one uses sporting methods. Usually roos are easy to shoot though. But where hunted a lot are smarter and more wary than deer. Even the dumb ones are hard to hunt with a bow (not that I have tried of course because it is probably illegal, I was actually hunting rabbits ... ) and always know a person is there and constantly move out of bow shot range.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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Reged: 26/02/04
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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: NitroX]
      #244136 - 21/03/14 08:52 PM


Interesting if it is true. Don't know about SA., would have to check.

What also shits me. Is when I have visitors from overseas. Every one so far has asked to be able to shoot a kangaroo. And usually want to take photos which is a problem. Also perhaps take the hide and have it tanned as a trophy.

Getting a tanned hide from a shop is easy. They process them in Thailand or Taiwan or somewhere ... of course it is not the "trophy" but from another animal shot anonymously by a professional shooter.

I have always referred them to an outfitter for the legal kangaroo "trophy" hunt.

What annoys me is we can not just drop down to some gov't office and buy say five sporting tags per person. It should be easy and perfectly legal. Same as hunting whitetail deer in the USA. Free meat, hides as trophies, etc, some good sport, if one uses sporting methods. Usually roos are easy to shoot though. But where hunted a lot are smarter and more wary than deer. Even the dumb ones are hard to hunt with a bow (not that I have tried of course because it is probably illegal, I was actually hunting rabbits ... ) and always know a person is there and constantly move out of bow shot range.

Yes rec licences or tags should be available in every state. QLD has them of course (50 per year) but it isnt used by many hunters (the dont bother) and it is only available to residents.

Tassie has the permit you buy for wallabies (what we call wallabies) and those small rat things they shoot.

I dont know of anywhere an outfitter can do actual legal 'trophy' hunts for exportable kangaroo. There are different ways you can get through some grey areas to do it but it doesnt satisfy the scratch and sniff test - certainly not for export.


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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: Matt_Graham]
      #244137 - 21/03/14 09:04 PM


KANGAROOS will be shot and processed for commercial pet food sale for the first time in Victoria under a two-year trial that could value the 69,000 kangaroos killed annually in Victoria at about $1.4 million.

The trial to be announced on Wednesday and begin on March 31 will only involve kangaroos that would have been killed anyway under wildlife control permits.


Get off the chair away from the desk and get out in the bush and enjoy life.

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: gryphon]
      #244138 - 21/03/14 09:08 PM

I DONT SEE WHAT THE CULL BITCHING IS ABOUT,HERE WE HAVE A GREEN (ah caps lock) bitch that agrees that 90 million have been killed since 1975 and yet still wants them protected....I wonder if the 90 million hadnt been killed how many we would have now.

A doe roo has one at foot,one in the pouch and one in the guts...they are top breeders.


Get off the chair away from the desk and get out in the bush and enjoy life.

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: NitroX]
      #244201 - 22/03/14 11:51 AM


There are probably THREE kangaroos in Australia for every human.

People around here without liscences shoot that many a week (and the rest), if the roo is lucky they'll take the back legs only for dog food... just for "fun".

Aim of the game is to hit it, if it doesnt drop *shrug* and go to the next one... No sport at all.

Annoys me to all buddugery.

I don't have anything against HUNTING roos, but shooting them for no real reason, just for the sake of "shooting" something. Doesnt even try and stalk either, just spots one and takes a crack (yes, i have a specific couple of people in mind writing this, none of the forum of course).

No discretion between bucks and does either.

vent about a couple of people over.

Carry on!

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: gryphon]
      #244214 - 22/03/14 02:27 PM


I DONT SEE WHAT THE CULL BITCHING IS ABOUT,HERE WE HAVE A GREEN (ah caps lock) bitch that agrees that 90 million have been killed since 1975 and yet still wants them protected....I wonder if the 90 million hadnt been killed how many we would have now.

A doe roo has one at foot,one in the pouch and one in the guts...they are top breeders.



We'd probably have LESS or a similar number. If they over ate vegetation, then we would have less. As they die off in droughts, the excess would die off anyway. Then breed up again like usual. I think it is the availability of water that is a key. And as you know, due to white man coming, we have bores, dams, tanks, pipes etc bringing water in summer and to dry places water never existed before. The reason we probably have at least EIGHT TIMES as many roos today as when Aboriginals occupied the whole country.

No reason at all not to utilise them in a sustainable managed way.

John aka NitroX

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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: Ash]
      #244221 - 22/03/14 05:42 PM

I very much agree that the slob element whether urban or rural need a swift kick up the arse and it is that Eurocentric perspective that has cheapened the intrinsic value of native fauna. What a pity!


There are probably THREE kangaroos in Australia for every human.

People around here without liscences shoot that many a week (and the rest), if the roo is lucky they'll take the back legs only for dog food... just for "fun".

Aim of the game is to hit it, if it doesnt drop *shrug* and go to the next one... No sport at all.

Annoys me to all buddugery.

I don't have anything against HUNTING roos, but shooting them for no real reason, just for the sake of "shooting" something. Doesnt even try and stalk either, just spots one and takes a crack (yes, i have a specific couple of people in mind writing this, none of the forum of course).

No discretion between bucks and does either.

vent about a couple of people over.

Carry on!

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.333 member

Reged: 15/05/05
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Re: The criminal waste of kangaroo meat [Re: NitroX]
      #244260 - 23/03/14 09:05 AM

In WA this week Lic roo shooters received notice from DEC ask to apply for
Permit to cull roos for the use of bating programme to start soon




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