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Single Shot Rifles at Auction
      #230486 - 25/05/13 10:50 AM

Once again, I thought I would start a thread on the single shot auction scene.
Maybe John can create individual forum topics for the Mausers, Doubles, Mannlichers and Singles at auction for us all to share. But until then, here is my first entry for the "Singles at Auction" thread.

At the upcoming Holt's auction. Certainly, quite a special rifle:

Sale A1072 Lot 1220

serial number on barrel and face of action only, 27in. round nitro barrel engraved 'ALEXR. HENRY & CO. 22 FREDERICK ST. EDINBURGH.', block mounted open sights and two folding leaf sights marked for 100, 200 and 300 yards, ramp-mounted bead fore-sight, Fraser patent sidelever falling block action, patent no. 5403 of 23rd December 1880, automatic safety with gold-inlaid 'S' detail, the hand mounted with a fully adjustable folding peepsight, partially chequered trigger, fine and bold acanthus scroll engraving, the action unsigned, retaining much original colour-hardening and finish, 14 3/8in. well-figured pistolgrip stock with cheekpiece, horn pistolgrip-cap, inlet sling eye, including chequered horn buttplate, fore-end with fluted tip and engraved Deeley & Edge patent release catch, weight 6lb. 12oz.

Other Notes: Current research suggests that only around four hundred Fraser patent falling block rifles were ever produced. Daniel Fraser died in 1902 and although the company continued in business under the guidance of Daniel Fraser's son, Donald, for nine years, it is surmised that most of the falling block rifles were made during Daniel's lifetime. The Henry records show just 20 Fraser patent rifles being sold by them.

Estimate £8,000-12,000

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Edited by CptCurl (27/05/13 09:03 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Huvius]
      #230499 - 25/05/13 10:49 PM

looks like it was made yesterday

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #230729 - 31/05/13 08:37 PM

I want one!




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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: CptCurl]
      #230735 - 31/05/13 10:12 PM

look here

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Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:36 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #230770 - 02/06/13 07:45 AM

"I want one!"

Easy - just get a phone or internet connection and outbid the rest !!

Hopefully I will listen with interest (if I can get there), there is other stuff I fancy

Good luck !


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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: TH44]
      #234776 - 27/08/13 08:57 PM

Holland & Holland Rook rifle in sweden, converted to 6x70R:



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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Igorrock]
      #235328 - 09/09/13 12:07 AM

very interesting Werndl stutzen in 11x58R for your next red deer hunt in the alps


so close to the 1860 muzzle loader jägerstutzen as possible

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:37 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #236390 - 04/10/13 10:46 AM

Igorrock posted a very nice Sharps Borchard midrange rifle at the upcoming Walterborg auction but they also have this W.W. Greener Rook rifle as well.


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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Huvius]
      #236393 - 04/10/13 12:27 PM

Yes, they describe it like this:

"KULGEVÄR, Engelskt, enkelskott, fabrikat: W.W Greener, modell Rook Rifle, kal. troligen 360 No.5 Rook , vapen ID: SE0512829, tillvnr. 35207, piplängd 71 cm, oktagonal pipa med W.W. Greener. 68 Haymarket London graverat på spången, siktet märkt med 50 och det fällbara siktbladet märkt med 100 Yds, kornet laxat i den lättrade spången, kornskydd i mässing, top lever, utanpåliggande hane, ejektor, flamhärdad baskyl och lås,framstocksknopp och pistolgreppsrosett av horn, nätskuren framstock och kolv som avslutas med en bakkappa av stål, kolven lagad vid pistolgreppet och en del repor och tryckmärken, i övrigt Gott skick
Utropspris: 8000 - 9000 SEK"

Rifle, English, single shot, make: WW Greener, model Rook Rifle, Cal. probably 360 No.5 Rook, gun ID: SE0512829, makers nr. 35207, barrel length 71 cm, octagonal barrel with W. W. Greener. 68 Haymarket London engraved on the barrel rib, sight marked 50 and the folding sight blade marked with 100 Yds, foresight mounted in the knurled rib, brass foresight protection, top lever, side lock with hammer, ejector, color case hardened baskyl and lock, the fore stock knob and pistol grip cap of horn, checkered fore stock, butt stock ends with a plate of steel, butt stock repaired at the pistol grip, some scratches and dents, otherwise in good condition
Estimate: 8000 - 9000 SEK (1260 - 1400 US$)


Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:39 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Igorrock]
      #236905 - 19/10/13 09:34 PM

nice break action in 11,15x60R


unique action by Immanuel Meffert in 5,6x35R Vierling

you have to push a knob to pull the breech block back, 70cm long barrel and double set trigger


the rare and favorite Dreyse needle fire Jägerbüchse Model 1865


iirc, Kuduae have a pic showing one of his great grandfathers with a Zündnadel Jägerbüchse

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:40 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #237490 - 05/11/13 04:10 PM

Now, this would be a pretty good kit.
Looks like the rifle is an Alex Henry hammerless paptent.
There are a LOT of nice and rare rifles in this auction!


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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Huvius]
      #238226 - 23/11/13 05:15 AM

break action single shot in 9x57R

Kipplaufbüchse von J.P. Sauer & Sohn AG Eckernförde. Beschuss 12/56. Änderung von 8x57 IRS auf 9x57R. Lauf achtkant in rund übergehend mit angefräster Laufschiene, 65 cm lang, innen wie neu, außen nur leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Brünierung 95 %. Klappvisier 100/200 m. Hervorragende Schussleistung.
Zielfernrohr Zeiß Diavari VM 2 1/2-10x50 T mit Leuchtabsehen (Absehen 4 mit Leuchtkreuz). Bestzustand, wie neu, keine Kratzer an den Linsen, optisch und mechanisch bestens. Feste Suhler Einhakmontage.
Doppelter Laufhakenverschluss mit Greener Querriegel, absolut fest!!! System grau eingesetzt mit leichter Arabesken und Randstichgravur. Was kaum jemand weiß: Diese Büchsen haben eine Stangensicherung!!!!!! die schon erheblich sicherer ist als die sonst üblichen reinen Abzugssicherungen. Goldmonogramm auf dem Greener Hebel. Deutscher Doppelzüngelstecher.
2 Schäfte!! Montiert ist der Schweinerückenschaft mit doppelter bayrischer Falzbacke, Kaisergriff und leichtem Biberschwanzvorderschaft aus Luxus Maserholz mit schmaler Old Englisch Gummikappe. Schaftlänge 36 cm. Dazu der Orginalschaft von Sauer & Sohn. Beide Schäfte ohne Dellen und Kratzer mit nur ganz wenigen kaum sichtbaren Gebrauchspuren.
Gesamtlänge des Gewehrs: ca 105,5 cm. Gewicht ohne Zielfernrohr: ca. 3.2 kg, mit Zielfernrohr ca. 3,7 kg.
Das Gewehr ist eingeschossen mit einer flach schießenden, präzisen, starken, auf alles Wild gut wirkenden Handlaborierung mit 225 gr. Nosler Accubond Geschoss. Ca 50 Schuss davon werden mitgegeben, sind also in der Auktion enthalten, ebenso 50 Schuss Fabrikmunition von Browning, hergestellt von Norma, mit 250 gr. = 16 Gramm Teilmantelrundkopfgeschoss.

Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:41 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #238275 - 24/11/13 07:05 PM

Thank you Lancaster, good of you to keep us informed of these cool rifles !

I like the look of that caliber, make a good Lee Speed round I think ?

I was going to do a 8X57R on a BSA barrel, but it wouldn't go that small, so went to 375
a 9X57R would be good I think ?

Edited by Huvius (22/02/14 11:04 AM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Sarg]
      #239248 - 14/12/13 06:56 AM

Frabz Sodia/Ferlach single shot rifle with side lock and two barrels in 6,5x68R and 9,3x64
made in 1966

Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:42 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #242874 - 22/02/14 06:09 AM

from the upcoming Springer's /Vienna auction


single-shot rifle‚ Nik. Szailer - Vienna‚ rotating cylinder action‚ System Werndl 1867
calibre: 11.2x51R Kropatschek-Heissig, serial number: 780, Construction year: ca. 1870, barrel length: 26.8 inch, octagonal barrel, 3.30 kg / 7.28 lbs, double set triggers, oil finished stock, fore-end with cross-latch, steel buttplate, stock length: 13.4 inch, carved horn finger rest, sights: adjustable sights, Technical condition: 3

Sporterised Werndl rifle with one original cartridge, tang peep sight holder, peep sight missing.

hammer break-action rifle‚ Joh. Kaletzky‚ T-bolt action‚ lever action
calibre: 8x50R Mannlicher, serial number: 11390.98, year of proof: 1898, barrel length: 23 inch, octagonal barrel, 3.70 kg / 8.16 lbs, single set trigger, extractor(s), fine English scroll, oil finished stock, two-piece fore-end with staghorn tip, artificial horn buttplate, stock length: 13.8 inch, Prince-of-Wales grip, sights: iron sights, Kahles & Bondy - Vienna, Hair crossing, dovetailed mounts, Technical condition: 3

Sporting a very early Kahles scope (serial number 310), this slightly pitted, with silver stock escutcheon initialised "IS", including 59 cartridges.

Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:43 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #242877 - 22/02/14 07:20 AM


thanks for posting these!
I really like the Kalezky rifle.


Edited by Huvius (22/02/14 11:06 AM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: fuhrmann]
      #242893 - 22/02/14 07:03 PM

to bad the peep sight is lost
show again who popular the 11,2x51R Kropatschek was in the time from 1870 to 1890 in this area
its not for no reason Waffen Dorfner in Vienna still make a commercial and CIP proofed load.

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #242896 - 22/02/14 11:08 PM

This is very nice too: caliber 8x57 IS



Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:44 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Igorrock]
      #242920 - 23/02/14 05:59 AM

thats an very interesting rifle
it looks like they build a modified M 71 receiver around a M 88 bolt. possible that they bought a M 88 bolt by one of the firms in Suhl still making M 88 rifles and design a smart single shot with this.

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #242993 - 24/02/14 07:20 PM

unique action by Immanuel Meffert in 5,6x35R Vierling

you have to push a knob to pull the breech block back, 70cm long barrel and double set trigger


Here the same in .22:


now i have both........

some fine old guns from germany :

Edited by CptCurl (05/03/14 10:44 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: chapmen]
      #243051 - 26/02/14 05:06 AM

is there a reason it dont have a magazine?
seems hard to understand

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: lancaster]
      #243066 - 26/02/14 07:18 PM

The .22 is an target rifle, descriped in Bock's "Kleinkalibergewehre" 1924.
Before the egunauction i dont now the 5,6x35R model.
The rifles made by Meffert, but the construction is from Grothe/Stendal.
I have written an article about the .22 and Grothe in Visier some months ago.

some fine old guns from germany :

Edited by chapmen (26/02/14 10:31 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: chapmen]
      #245564 - 12/04/14 11:15 AM

George Gibbs Farquharson in the next Rock Island auction.

Description from the auction:

The top of the barrel is marked "METFORD 1764 GEORGE GIBBS 39 CORN ST. BRISTOL .275 BORE" behind the rear sight. The barrel is equipped with a raised blade front sight and a rear sight composed of three leaf sights (one fixed, two folding) and one ladder sight. The ladder sight is graduated 100-800 and marked "Charge/90/570" on the left side and graduated 200-500 and marked "Charge 100/360" on the right side. One of the folding leaf sights is marked "300/Charge" and "YDS/100/360", while the other folding leaf sight is marked "200/Charge" and "YDS/100/360". The action, trigger guard and lever feature a fine scroll engraving with the action marked "GEORGE GIBBS/BRISTOL" on the left side, "800" on top of the chamber and "BOLTED" in gold on the right side. The pistol grip stock and forearm are highly figured walnut with multi-point checkering on the forearm, checkered steel buttplate with compartment, metal grip cap with engraved compartment, silver blank initial oval and contrasting forend tip. Form fitting thin sheet steel panels are inletted and screwed onto both sides of the pistol grip and extend halfway down the butt for reinforcement. These panels are called Selous side plates and are named after the famed African hunter Frederic C. Selous (1851-1917). Selous is credited for designing stock plates, such as the type that are on this rifle, to reduce the chances of the stock breaking during heavy recoil. Famed British explorer, officer, hunter and conservationist, Frederic C. Selous was a true life adventurer best known for his exploits in South-East Africa who defined the popular image of the traveling Englishman in Imperial Africa. His circle of friends included other historical figures of the late 19th/early 20th century such as Theodore Roosevelt, Cecil Rhodes and Frederick Russell Burnham. While participating in British Army action against German forces on the banks of the Rufiji River during World War I, Selous was killed by a German sniper on January 4, 1917. He was 65 years old. Consignor states that this is "one of two [Gibbs rifles with Selous side plate] in existence. Drop at comb 1 1/2 inches, drop at heel 1 7/8 inches, cast off at heel 1/8 inches, cast off at toe 1/4". The rifle comes with a contemporary oak case lined in red felt, James Dixon & Sons oiler and brush.
Condition: Very good as custom refinished. The rifle retains 98% of the blue finish showing some high edge wear. There is some finished over pitting mostly on the Selous side plates. The forearm is a well made, high quality, custom replacement and the buttstock has a hole from a removed sling swivel. Mechanically fine.

He who lives in the past is doomed to enjoy it.

Edited by CptCurl (19/07/14 10:57 PM)

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Huvius]
      #245565 - 12/04/14 11:21 AM

Obviously, there are many more than two Gibbs Farquharsons with Selous plates so the consignor is in error on that point.
The rifle must have been chambered in 461 No.2 originally as that rear sight with the black powder charges and bullet weights conforms with the No.2 loadings. The gun looks to have been rebarreled while utilizing the original rear sight and as stated the forend is an obvious replacement.
I would like to get this rifle and put it back to its original configuration. That would be the only just treatment for such a rifle IMO.

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Re: Single Shot Rifles at Auction [Re: Huvius]
      #245568 - 12/04/14 12:08 PM

the Selous side plates must be a very special pleasure in cold winter and extreme hot summer times

nice Hollis & Son in .577/450

interesting scandinavian(?) stutzen with a falling block action in 12,7x44R

falling block rifle in 6,5x55 by H. Larsen Drammen/Norway (*18.12.1823 - + 06.01.1907)


Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
bringing civilisation to the barbarians

Edited by CptCurl (19/07/14 10:58 PM)

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