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french connection
      #218029 - 16/10/12 05:48 AM

to let the cat out of the bag ...
I bought a rifle

this time a Mas 36 in 10,75x68, here are the pics from the e-auction

serial number is 1940 but I am not sure that 1940 rifles at least were ever made in 10,75x68. this hunting rifle was also made in 8x60S and a 7mm wildcat so its possible that most of the 1940 were smallbore's.
maybe not the best rifle but it was offered and I dont know if seeing a better again.
you may notice that the rifle have some small problem's: small chip on the forearm, the buttstock was made new some time possible because the old one was brocken, colour of the buttstock is not right and need a checkering, the rifle miss the safety lever

the safety lever was the biggest thing in my eye's but I learned that this part is available because its used in the FR F1 sniper rifle.

some work for the next year

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Edited by CptCurl (10/11/12 10:42 PM)

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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #218031 - 16/10/12 06:16 AM

Very nice find ! Those stock parts are IMO the easiest part to renovate or even change if needed. In my eyes your rifle need new bluing too.


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Re: french connection [Re: Igorrock]
      #218046 - 16/10/12 11:34 AM

I would love to find one in Australia but i have never seen one. I am sure you will get much joy from it.

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Re: french connection [Re: Viking338]
      #218058 - 16/10/12 06:35 PM

Different concept. Never seen one of those. Interesting.

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Re: french connection [Re: Sville]
      #218079 - 17/10/12 04:00 AM


Different concept. Never seen one of those. Interesting.

Certainly is strange, along with the rear-locking bolt. Nice to see two lugs, though.

The bore might clean up nicely with some scrubbing.


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Re: french connection [Re: Sville]
      #218083 - 17/10/12 05:31 AM


Different concept. Never seen one of those. Interesting.

WHAT? I am working hard here and you dont notice this

yes, think I will get everything back to the old glory but saying "glory" well this is a working gun as it can be. the woodwork would be the easiest part, new rust blueing of course and a little luck to find a safety lever.
and we will study the rifle together...

vive la 10,75x68

Edited by NitroX (30/09/14 02:36 AM)

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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #218174 - 19/10/12 08:53 AM

there are four pictures of mine in lancaster other thread in post #11.
got it off gunbroker 4 or 5 years ago.

check under the forearm, it will have the year it was built on the barrel shank and possibly a spare front sight insert

Edited by dirtyjim (19/10/12 08:56 AM)

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Re: french connection [Re: dirtyjim]
      #218206 - 20/10/12 05:04 AM

you have a very nice one

wish mine come close to this when I am ready. bad news is that the seller told me his local bureaucracy would need up to 3 month's for the export licence so I would not get the rifle into my hands before 2013.
dirtyjim, could you make pics from everything you find on the rifle? which year was your rifle made?
and one question that interest me the most: do you shoot your rifle and have the feeling the muzzle brack actually works?

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Edited by CptCurl (10/11/12 10:43 PM)

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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #218212 - 20/10/12 07:58 AM

i put quite a few rounds through it and i think the brake works quite well. it weighs right at 8 pounds and as long as your not on a bench recoil is very mild for a big bore without a pad.
here are a few more pics, if there is any specific parts you would like pictures of let me know & i'll take them.
i think you'll realy like the rifle once you get it. they stand out.

barrel date

caliber markings on top of barrel and closeup of the rear sight

inside of forearm and spare front sight insert. it comes with both a bead and a sourdough

closeup of the brade/front sight

closeup of the receiver markings

Edited by CptCurl (10/11/12 10:44 PM)

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Re: french connection [Re: dirtyjim]
      #218219 - 20/10/12 02:54 PM

thank you very much, where are the proof marks on the rifle?

your rile is No.1866 made in 1950 that dated mine with No. 1940 at least behind this. we will see when it was made and this will give us a little impression about the amount of production.

this was the first rifle I have seen

an american soldier bought this in Vietnam from an old french master. looks like there is no serial number.

this 8x60Magunm looks like No.692 supporting my theory that all rifles in 3 different caliber forming a series

this 7x54 have no serial number in the left side

I believe that most of the 10,75 Mas are still in the hand of french ex colonial's in africa. one guy on gunboards told he have meet a french in 2006 in Ivory coast who had two of them.

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
bringing civilisation to the barbarians

Edited by CptCurl (10/11/12 10:45 PM)

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Reged: 21/09/08
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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #218225 - 20/10/12 09:51 PM

We loose our colonies there are 50 years ! In the last years i have never seen in West-Africa a 10,75x68 MAS but few Mauser hunting rifles caliber 10,75x68 . The local hunters in Burkina Faso know this cartridge , but the problem is to get ammunition in this countries .

May note in passing , Ivory Coast is today a very bad place for the white people .

Edited by grandveneur (20/10/12 10:15 PM)

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Re: french connection [Re: grandveneur]
      #218229 - 21/10/12 04:45 AM

yes I know what you mean grandveneur, its a question of age sometimes. but I see it a little bit more generously so for example every french in Burkina Faso is an ex colonial( in fact he is). he is more special than other strangers and is in a community with his fellow countryman and deal with them.

thats what moblotaire wrote
"When I was deployed in Ivory Coast (2006) I met a french citizen living in the Northern part of the country. He had two such rifles. Yet it was impossible for him to cross the "border" between the North and South (a kind of civil war was taking place at that time) with a weapon. And if ever I had been able to buy one (or the two of them) , customs paperwork would have been a nightmare. Corruption in the country and french paperwork "red tape

No I didn't take any picture of the rifles.
At that time I was deployed in Abidjan (capital city near the sea) and the guy was just passing by at the French camp."

in the end the 10,75mm Mas is very rare

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
bringing civilisation to the barbarians

Edited by lancaster (21/10/12 05:19 AM)

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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #222271 - 23/12/12 11:57 PM

if you believe in coincidense the 8x60S Mas 36 No .682 was coming back in an auction and thanks to Igorrock I was able to get into my hands. its a so called "Deko" wallhanger that was drilled and welded in 2009 for whatever reasons. good for me because I will butcher it to get another orignal stock and the missing safety lever for my old 10,75x68. still waiting for the french export licence

the missing part

the cut down bolt with a 8x60 stamp

drilled and welded

No 682 made in 1947

8x60 Magnum on the barrel allmost vanished under the thick black coating

the action is surprisingly small and you dont believe that the 10,75x68 will fit into but it does very well

side by side with a M 98 in 10,75x57 you maybe get an imagination how handy the rifle is because its so small in thickness

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
bringing civilisation to the barbarians

Edited by CptCurl (04/06/13 08:15 PM)

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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #222273 - 24/12/12 12:42 AM

I am impressed that you like this rifles ! LA NATION VOUS EST RECONNAISSANTE ! I had one by the military basic training . I prefer the US M 14 !

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Re: french connection [Re: grandveneur]
      #222276 - 24/12/12 01:00 AM

yes, like it very much
its my mission to find the rare things! only a Mannlicher Schönauer M 1910 and I have all bolt action I was looking for

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #222312 - 25/12/12 12:30 AM

Problem with M-36's (military ones at least, not sure of these sporters) when I was using them was reloading from the shoulder, just about punch yourself in the nose each time cycling the bolt! French must have been shorties back then =D

Nice rifles guys, M-36 in 10.75x68 is on my want list..


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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #238222 - 23/11/13 03:22 AM

now rechambered to 284 Winchester this was once a 7x57 mauser and like the version in 7x54 Mas its without a muzzle brake


Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #238227 - 23/11/13 05:20 AM

Nice rifle. Do you have any idea which kind of scope mounts they used to have on these MAS rifles ?


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Re: french connection [Re: Igorrock]
      #238250 - 23/11/13 07:15 PM

there is one of this typical post war military side mounts, clumsy and rugged

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #239003 - 09/12/13 07:00 AM

now when the 2013 ends it comes clear that this deal never happen. while waiting for the export licence I lost contact to the seller.
meanwhile I have solve the question which ammo the rifle was made for. what we know is that the 10,75 Mas was build in 1950 probably earlier. the only ammo brand available in theory was than kynoch but I dont now when kynoch start to make this caliber again after ww2. one source says big bore ammo was rare many years after WW 2 at least outside of the empire. DWM and RWS ammo was not available before 1955 but nobody expected to see german made ammo ever again in 1950! so there was also czechoslowak made ammo but Sellier&Bellot and Považská Bystrica by Sellier&Bellot told me this caliber was available from 1957 to 1965. I dont have informations about Považská Bystrica only the ammo box come up from time to time.

post war DWM

RWS, Kynoch and Sellier&Bellot

Považská Bystrica

than I found a pic of a french ammo box, 10,75x68 on Mauser 98 clips

dont know who L.D.&Cie was, the box could be post WW2
looks clearly like a gunmaker box but you can see "chargees en france" what I would translate as loaded in france.
very possible the ammo there is in fact this:

this ammo was made after WW 2 in the french military arsenal in Toulouse. its an old trace for me because I found this before in a french cartridge collector manual

a experimental anti tank cartrige for a cone bore rifle after Gerlich made between 1950 and 1952. obviously someone in this arsenal use his postion for leting made a lot of 10,75x68 sporting ammunition, maybe a fanatical big game hunter

no doubt that this was the ammo this special rifle was build for.

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
bringing civilisation to the barbarians

Edited by lancaster (09/12/13 03:41 PM)

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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #239017 - 09/12/13 03:30 PM


now when the 2013 ends it comes clear that this deal never happen. while waiting for the export licence I lost contact to the seller.

That´s a pity! Maybe you have to buy one military version and build your own using parts from yours deko-rifle....


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Re: french connection [Re: Igorrock]
      #239019 - 09/12/13 04:01 PM

dont laugh, readyness is all

the deactivated 8x60S is now in reserve and I have ordered the missing bolt parts. a lothar walther .404 blank ( walther dont make 10,75x68 barrel blanks anymore and the proof house accept the 404 jeffery barrel)stand on the work bench of my gunmaker. the only realy difference would be the rear sight but the rest will be more or less the same. problem for me is to change the caliber designation on the receiver.

steal is very thin there and to grind it out will not look good in the end.
so "8x60" have to be filled somehow and 10,75x68 can be engraved than. this are the kind of problem I have to deal with.

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #239021 - 09/12/13 06:53 PM

Just make a correct size sign from 1 mm steel sheet and silver solder it to the place. If you are very carefull and round it´s bevels and edges right, nobody but youself will notice it.


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Re: french connection [Re: Igorrock]
      #239047 - 10/12/13 03:28 AM

thank god this would be my biggest problem
the 10,75 is a very natural conversion to this rifle.you can see on the pics how well the 10.75x68 fits into the original magazine.

side by side with a mauser 98 clip

the 10,75 was made by six ammo firm's in four country's in the 1950s. it was the real workhorse and I dont think another bigbore cartridge had have such a wide distribution in this time.

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Re: french connection [Re: lancaster]
      #239209 - 13/12/13 06:37 AM

another ex 7x54 or 7x57 rechambering to 284 win
its the rifle No.837, notice the original caliber detail on the rifle was carefully changed to 284 Win. the other mas in 284 Win I have linked above with the number 157 still have the "7x57" on the left side of the magazin.


Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
bringing civilisation to the barbarians

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