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.375 member

Reged: 10/01/03
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Using your double to its fullest
      #21243 - 24/11/04 06:00 AM

Several questions in other posts prompted me to write this.
I have been using my 3 doubles for 6 to 7 years. I have used them for game from coyote, deer, pigs, caribou, bear, plains game, buff and elephant.
I have done quite a bit of shooting and experimentation with different loads and bullets.
These are some of my findings.
With a little work... sometimes not much at all, I have been able to get several different bullets to hit with the sights and regulate to the rifle. I have found all the talk about doubles being a nightmare to load for are completely false. I have had some bolt rifles that were way more "finicky" than my doubles.
Example; in my 450 No2, the 350 Hornady, 480 Woodleigh soft and solid, 500 Hornady s&s, and the 500 Swift A- Frame all hit together to 100 yards on paper.
Same with 300gr Hawks, 400gr Hawks, 300 and 400 gr Barnes X bullets, 400gr Woodleigh soft and solids in my 450/400 3 1/4".
In the 9,3x74R I can use 285 Hawk, 286 Woodleigh soft, and 286 Nosler Partition out to 200 yards with the same scope setting. At 300 yards the round nose bullets drop a few inches below the pointed Nosler. Also I discovered that at 100 yards with a Woodleigh soft in the right bbl and a Nosler Partition in the left my R/L group is a little snaller that if I shoot 2 Woodleigh's or 2 Noslers.
I think being able to have 2 different bullets in your double at the same time is one of the advantages of the double. Not only soft and solid when in Africa, but many times when hunting North America I carry a "soft" soft in the right bbl and a "harder" soft in the left. This has worked well for me several times. Sometimes when hunting deer,pigs and turkey at the same time I put a soft in the right and a solid in the left. Inside of 30 yards it does not make any difference which bbl I fire first, at 100 yards it does, I must shoot the right bbl first to get proper impact points with the 9,3.
Also being able to silently change from one ammo type to another is a good feature, as anytime we encountered elephant while hunting plains game the PH had me change to 2 solids while we avoided the elephants.
When in Africa on the buttstock of my 450 No2 I carried only solids. On the 9,3x74R the last 4 rounds were solids. I had extra softs and solids on my belt.
I always put the softs in front and the solids in back, thus there is no problem finding the one you need.
When under a time frame I load off the buttstock, and refill it as necessary.
After using my doubles almost exclusively for the past several years I consider the double rifle far superior to any other rifle as a hunting gun, at least to 250-300 yards.
That immediate second shot is very handy.

If I had the money I would get a 2 barreled set from Chapuis, a 375H&H and a 300 Win Mag. Now I could really put some theories to the test with that combo.

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.400 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: NE450No2]
      #21255 - 24/11/04 06:56 AM

My DR will print a sub 2.5 inch six shot group in the 10 ring with 235, 270 and 300 grain bullets at 50m. It was very easy to work up the loads to do this. I just got a 470 and will do the same for 375, 425 and 500 grainers.


"Speak Precisely" G. Gordon Liddy.

"Life is absurd, chaotic and we must define its purpose with our actions" Abert Camus

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.400 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: bonanza]
      #21261 - 24/11/04 09:08 AM

Bonanza ,you are really haveing good luck with that 375H&H Merkel double! By the way congratulations on your win at the big bore shoot! I wanted to go to that shoot as well, but had a sittuation that didn't allow it!

The 375H&H, and 375 H&H flanged are both noted for placeing several different weights of bullets in the same general grouping. You however, have taken that to the extreme with 2.5" groups with all of them. Good Show!

NE 450 No2, is correct in that the double rifle is a far better general hunting rifle than many are willing to admit. Some of those are very knowlegable people, and are only ignorant of the double rifle's capabilities,when properly loaded. I have often said "Nobody with good sense, will stand at 300 yds, hopeing I can't hit him with any double rifle I own!" That may sound a little optimistic, on my part, but all one must do is to find the trejectory of his most accurate barrel, and use the rifle like a single shot!

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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.333 member

Reged: 07/07/04
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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: NE450No2]
      #21268 - 24/11/04 12:24 PM

Now "to the fullest" you need an extra set of shotgun barrels...like my new Searcy due within a month.

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.416 member

Reged: 09/01/03
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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: NE450No2]
      #21294 - 25/11/04 12:24 AM

Don't have time to stuff about with different bullets and loads, or test silly theories....

...too busy hunting!!

Once you've nailed regulation with Woodleigh softs and ADI powders, everything else is just fiction.

When the bull drops, the bullshit stops!

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.416 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: Marrakai]
      #21301 - 25/11/04 01:58 AM

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Poster: Marrakai
Subject: Re: Using your double to its fullest

Don't have time to stuff about with different bullets and loads, or test silly theories....

...too busy hunting!!

Once you've nailed regulation with Woodleigh softs and ADI powders, everything else is just fiction.

It's called Fuckitis. I hear it is common amongst reloaders and such.

The only known cure is to buy another rifle so the I can improve this cartridge gene is re directed.

Lovu Zdar

A Man of Pleasure, Enterprise, Wit and Spirit Rare Books, Big Game Hunting, English Rifles, Fishing, Explosives, Chauvinism, Insensitivity, Public Drunkenness and Sloth, Champion of Lost and Unpopular Causes.

Edited by mickey (25/11/04 02:01 AM)

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.375 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: mickey]
      #21306 - 25/11/04 04:58 AM

Marrakai and Mickey
You might be missing my point about using different bullets in the double rifle.
When hunting deer and pigs the 300gr in the 400 and the 350gr in the 450 No2 give much better results. If you check an older Westley Richards catalogue you will see that they offered a 300 grain bullet in the 450/400 and a 385gr bullet in the 476WR. Other makers offered soft nose split, large lead roundnosed[sometimes called bluenose], lead barely showing, solids, etc.Both methods give a person the ability to match the bullet to the game.

Another factor; Woodleigh's are great bullets, but they come from overseas, thus there may be times that they are not available. Thus in each one of my doubles I have loads, proven loads, with other bullets. I keep a good supply of Woodleighs on hand, but a silly law could make export or import illegal.Also I can practice with other bullets saving the Woodleighs for the real deal.

Same for powders, for example in my 450 No2 I can use IMR 3031, IMR 4831, and RL-15 with equally good results.
In the 450/400 and the 9,3x74R, IMR 4831 and RL-15.
Plus with all the stories about how difficult doubles are to load for I just wanted to see if they were true.

I am simply using my Doubles to their fullest.

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.450 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: NE450No2]
      #21310 - 25/11/04 08:14 AM

You know, I hate to be the fall guy here, but my experience with double rifles has not been the same.

Over the past 22 years I have owned, loaded for, and shot 12 to 15 double rifles of various calibers. I am yet to find one that will regulate with a wide array of bullet weights.

My experience is in calibers ranging from .300 Mag. to .500 NE. As to the .500 NE I will admit that I have not tried many different bullets. 105gr. IMR 4350, Woodleigh 570 soft or solid, Fed. 215 - that's all it takes. No need to dig around further.

But again, I can't make my .300, the 8mm's I have had, my current 9.3, my former 9.3, my 9x57R, my .375 H&H, or my .500 BPE shoot any bullet weight but what it seemed to be regulated for. With the right bullet weight I can get fine results.

So now I've confessed, and I feel better.

Graeme Wright confesses to the same in his wonderful book. (I sure wish I could have had that book in the early 80's when I started this foolishness. By the time I got it I had my diploma from the school of hard knocks.)

Do the rest of you nimrods have magic double rifles that shoot all manner of bullets into the same ragged hole?

If so, please join the discussion and shed light on your technique. I would truly like to know how it's done.

Best regards,



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.400 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: CptCurl]
      #21312 - 25/11/04 09:22 AM

In reply to:

You know, I hate to be the fall guy here, but my experience with double rifles has not been the same.<<SNIP>>
Do the rest of you nimrods have magic double rifles that shoot all manner of bullets into the same ragged hole?

If so, please join the discussion and shed light on your technique. I would truly like to know how it's done.

Best regards,

CptCurl,If you have any doubt that what NE450No2 is saying, let me tell you I have personally witnessed the rifles, and loads being shot first hand. His formulas seem to work accross the board. I have personally had several doubles that would print two or three weight bullets in the same general group at 50 yds, of course with each weight utilizing it's own powder, and load. That is only done by finding a regulating load for each weight, and bullet. Of course, there are some doubles that simply do not follow the rules.

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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.375 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: DUGABOY1]
      #21321 - 25/11/04 03:39 PM

Thanks for your post.
I realize my post goes against common beliefs regarding double rifles, however I [and Mac] assure you my info is true.
I must admit I "stumbled" upon it by accident. When I was test firing my 450 No2 at Champlin Arms I wanted to see if it would shoot 350 grain Hornadays as I knew I wanted to use the double on deer and pigs. I took with me to Enid IMR 3031 and 350 gr Hornadys. I started with the same powder charge that George told me was safe with 480/500grain bullets as I knew it would be a safe load with the 350's.
To my suprise the 350's shot right with the heavy bullets.
I later tried 300 grain bullets in my 450/400 3 1/4" with the same powder charge that regulated with 400 grain bullets. EUREKA!!, they grouped right with the 400 gr Woodleighs.
Then I began some research, and applied some mathamatics. What I rediscovered [this must have need discovered in the early 1900's] is that if you take a bullet of approx 75% the weight of the "regular" load and use the same powder charge it will hit to the sights and regulate as good as the load the double was made for.
Example: 450 No2 480grain bullet X 75% = 360 grains.
475 WR 520 grain X 75% = 390 grains. [The WR load was 385 gr.]
450/400, 400 grain X 75% = 300 grains.
470, 500gr X 75% = 375 gr.

This formula has worked in my doubles and in another 470 Chapuis [350 Hawk with 75 gr IMR 3031]. I will test it in another 470 Chapuis in the near future.

If for some strange reason your double will not shoot lighter bullets properly, all hope is not lost, Just get some Hawk bullets in the standard weight with the .025 jkt for deer and pigs.
The secret is to match the bullet to the game being hunted.

As another strange coincidence In my 450 and my 400 the lighter bullets both chrono @2330fps. If you check the ballistics of the lighter bullets with the heavier bullets they have the same trajectory to 300 yards. Thus the 350 Hornadays at 2330 fps have the same trajectory to 300 yards as the 480's at 2150fps. It must be MAGIC, or is it mearly physics? All I know is that it works.
If you will recall the 375H&H was known to shoot the 235, 270 and 300 grain bullets to the same point of aim and they all regulated to the double rifle. This is because they were loaded THAT WAY, instead of to the max velocity possible with the lighter bullets.

Capt Curl...Who is the Nimrod???
Send me that 500 Nitro and I will work up you a good deer/pig/black bear/plinking load.
MMM... Lets see, a @ 425 grain bullet with @ 80 gr of IMR 3031. I will even work up a Nitro for Black load [very light recoil] for you.

It is all elementary Physics my dear Watson.
Or maybe Magic.

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.416 member

Reged: 09/01/03
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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: NE450No2]
      #21323 - 25/11/04 07:39 PM

I am not at all uncomfortable with the notion that some (perhaps most?) double rifles can be made to regulate with a number of different bullet-weights and loads. My question would be...

Are you seriously telling us that a .400 NE, for example, will kill pigs, goats and deer BETTER with a 300-gr bullet than a 400-gr bullet? ..when the rifle is regulated and sighted for the 400-grainer? ..and the trajectory of even a round-nose 400-grainer will deviate no more than ONE INCH from the line of sight, out past 125 yards or so?

What happens when your bopping along through the bush with your .400 double happily stuffed with 300-gr loads, and the buffalo of your dreams steps out at 20 yards!?

The only way to 'use your double to best advantage' imho is to settle on that one good load, then practice Practice, PRACTICE until you can hit the vitals of any target animal from any angle at any practical hunting distance.

Light-bullet loads are for that class of reloader described in Mickey's post above IMHO. No offence intended, burning nitro for ANY reason needs no justification, its all fun after all!

When the bull drops, the bullshit stops!

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.450 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: NE450No2]
      #21326 - 26/11/04 12:37 AM


Thanks for your further explanation on this subject.

A "nimrod" is a very dedicated hunter. Upon your query I looked to the dictionary to verify my use of the word in that manner. Webster's gives the origin of the word as coming from Genesis 10:8-9.

Out of further curiosity I went to my King James Version to read that passage. I quote it here:

8. And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
9. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.

I have been familiar with the use of the word "nimrod," meaning a dedicated hunter, since childhood. There was a summer camp here in Virginia named Camp Nimrod. It's located at Nimrod Hall, in Bath County, Virginia, on the Cowpasture River. My parents sent me there as a child. But not until this morning did I know the Biblical origin of the term.

I am intrigued by your experience with bullets of 75% weight using the same powder charge as a full weight bullet. I have never tried that, but will do so.

I've not owned a .45 cal. double rifle. However, I owned and shot extensively a Wiinchester M70 .458 Win Mag. I developed loads for the 500 gr. Hornady and the 350 gr. Hornady. I used different powders for the loads, loading each bullet to its full potential. The points of impact were six or seven inches different at 100 yds., though both bullets gave outstanding accuracy. If I still had my Mod 70 I would seat some 350's on the charge I used for the 500's and see what happens!

I do have two .375 H&H double rifles, both regulated for 300 gr. RN bullets. I think I'll do a little experimenting with them. I would like to have a 235 gr. load to work. The 235 Speer is a great bullet. I used to shoot it by the hundreds in a M70 I had in .375 H&H, and killed a 6x6 elk with it in 1987.

Again, thanks for your further explanation. Your theories give me something to try.

Question: How do you work it in reverse?

My 9.3x74R is regulated for the 15 gram bullet (232 grains). Every load I have tried with 250's, 270's, and 286's spreads the barrel groups apart (right barrel shooting well to the right, left to the left). I would dearly love to have a good safe load for the heavier bullets. I'm using the 235 Hawk now.

Any of you nimrods have a suggestion for my 9.3?

Happy hunting to all,



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.333 member

Reged: 23/02/04
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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: Marrakai]
      #21327 - 26/11/04 01:08 AM

In reply to:


Being one of those unfortunates consigned by dint of circumstance to reside in an area where the only bovines around are things like Herefords, Angus, Friesians etc, and since their owners take a dim view of me using them for target practice, I have by nessessity taken to persueing other creatures to hone my skills.

Perhaps I am just old fashioned, but I do believe in dispatching them with a minimum of fuss. Besides, they usually have a few mates, and being a reluctant reloader, I find it much more satisfactory to turn my attention to them, rather than wasting the output of my reloading bench on putting down cripples.

Now, Mr Woodleigh's excellent 215 grain .303 pills at 2000 fps in my dainty little double do an excellent job on many critters, but I'm afraid are pretty hopeless on the Giant Grasshoppers we have in abundance around my way. Since I am rather partial do this little piece (I do like to take it out for a stroll every so often), I hit upon this ruse of feeding it with Mr Taipans .311" 124 grain Hollow Points.

This turned out to be an excellent strategy - having similar effect to that of a bolt of lightning! This gives me more opportunity to get on with the important business of wholesale killing!(a "bomb-up" if you will!)

Besides, there IS something curiously satisifying about connecting in mid-hop, and seeing them drop, STONE DEAD!

So that's why.....it's even MORE fun!

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.416 member

Reged: 09/01/03
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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: 470Rigby]
      #21328 - 26/11/04 01:54 AM

Have you tried Mr Taipan's 215-grainers in the dainty double? They are very soft lead gilded in cigarette-paper-thin jackets...

Plenty of Ker-Splatt! on the grass-hoppers I would have thought!

I use 'em occasionally in a Lee Speed and a Martini Enfield, both elegant Army & Navy sporters with fast-twist barrels. Suitably delivered, the 215-gr Taipans are indeed bombs on pigs!

When the bull drops, the bullshit stops!

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.400 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: Marrakai]
      #21331 - 26/11/04 03:57 AM

In reply to:

I am not at all uncomfortable with the notion that some (perhaps most?) double rifles can be made to regulate with a number of different bullet-weights and loads. My question would be...Why?

Are you seriously telling us that a .400 NE, for example, will kill pigs, goats and deer BETTER with a 300-gr bullet than a 400-gr bullet? ..when the rifle is regulated and sighted for the 400-grainer? ..and the trajectory of even a round-nose 400-grainer will deviate no more than ONE INCH from the line of sight, out past 125 yards or so?

Marrkai, there is a very good reason WHY! No 1 is, because premium bullets for doubles are expencive, and some are not lucky enough to be where WOODLIEGH bullets are cheap, and available over the counter. The fact is, if the cheap bullets regulate the same way, you can shoot a lot more with your Double. That can only pay off when you are on a Buff, and things happen fast. Woodliegh bullets here in the USA are $75 US for 50 bullets, in common calibers, and go up to $100us for fifty in the odd calibers. The little Hornady's are $25 Us for 100 bullets in the smaller calibers, and about $30 us for 50 bullets in the larger calibers.
In reply to:

What happens when your bopping along through the bush with your .400 double happily stuffed with 300-gr loads, and the buffalo of your dreams steps out at 20 yards!?

There isn't much chance of running into a water Buffalo in Texas! Maybe a Texas long horn, but they are pets, and land owners frown on anyone shooting there cattle. When we go where the bulls bite, we take the regular softs, and solids used for that purpose. Since they group the same the hold is the same, so no adjustment in hold. If we did all our shooting with premium bullets, we wouldn't get 1/10th the practice shooting we do with the cheaper bullets! When you are a poor working stiff, it kinda makes sense, don't you think!

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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.375 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: DUGABOY1]
      #21335 - 26/11/04 06:19 AM

DUGABOY1, good post. I would like to add that yes Marrakai the lighter bullets kill deer and pigs much faster than the heavier constructed Woodleighs. You will always get the best results when you match the bullet to the game. Reread my original post, the lighter bullets hit the same place, regulate as good as the heavier bullets, and have the same trajectory. Check the Hornady book, compare the 500 grain at 2100 fps and the 350 at 2300 fps, they are nearly identical. I have confirmed this by shooting.
Once again it is a method to use your double rifle to its fullest.

Capt Curl,
Try this load in your 9,3x74R with the 286 grain bullets, start a few grains low and work up, but with 65 grains of IMR 4831, Fed 215 primer and Norma brass the 286 Woodleigh soft, the 286 Nosler Partition, the 285gr. Hawk all hit to the same place and regulate well to 200 yards. The Speer 270 hits the same place at 100 yards, but I have not tested it at 200.
With the 270 Speer 59 grains of RL-15 shoots very well but hits in a different place.
Try the IMR 4831 loads and let me know how they shoot. Which 9,3 do you have?

Also the lighter bullets have less recoil making them more plesant to shoot.
And I have not even talked about using Nitro for Black load technology.
In the 450 No2, how about a 400 grain cast or jacketed bullet at @ 1800fps. Or a 300 grain jacketed bullet at @ 1870fps. These loads are very plesant to shoot and hit with the sights and regulate well at 50 yards. Their trajectory is different from the full power loads [they drop more due to less velocity] but they still make good deer/pig and plinking loads.
Using my loading practices would make even a 577 or a 600 Nitro fun to shoot. And the more you shoot the better you will be with your double when after DG.

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.333 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: Marrakai]
      #21339 - 26/11/04 08:27 AM

In reply to:

Have you tried Mr Taipan's 215-grainers in the dainty double?

Yes, I have - but - you can't get any deader than DEAD - which is what the 124 grainers do.

So, while I fully subscribe to Burkie dictum "Somes Good - More's Better", I just can't see the point of applying that to putting money in Mr Taipan's pocket!

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.450 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: NE450No2]
      #21340 - 26/11/04 09:48 AM


Mine's a 9.3x74R. It's an old Pre-WWI German SxS with the "Muzzelverschluss" action. Several days ago I posted a picture of it on another thread on this forum:


I have tried the really slow powders with the 286, but I'll have to check my records to see what loads I tried. They all spread. I'll take a look at my range records.




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Reged: 07/05/03
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Loc: Queensland Australia
Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: CptCurl]
      #21353 - 26/11/04 03:09 PM

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My 9.3x74R is regulated for the 15 gram bullet (232 grains).

I wouldn't be overly unhappy about that situation.
That 232 gn Norma PPC in 9.3 is a very good bullet IMO.

I have shot many wild pigs and goats with a 360 No2 double using those bullets and they never let me down.

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.450 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: 4seventy]
      #21355 - 26/11/04 11:44 PM


I agree. The 15 gram bullet is a dandy. Still, if I could find a load for the 286 that would regulate I would be delighted to have that versatility.

As I said, I am using the Hawk 235. Try as I might, I have been unable to find a source for Norma or RWS bullets in the 15 gram 9.3 in the US. Believe me, I've looked. If anybody can help me in this search I would be most grateful.

Best to all,



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Reged: 07/05/03
Posts: 2210
Loc: Queensland Australia
Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: CptCurl]
      #21376 - 27/11/04 11:09 PM

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Every load I have tried with 250's, 270's, and 286's spreads the barrel groups apart (right barrel shooting well to the right, left to the left). I would dearly love to have a good safe load for the heavier bullets.

Have you chronographed these loads to be sure they are up to the correct velocity?

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Reged: 07/05/03
Posts: 2210
Loc: Queensland Australia
Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: NE450No2]
      #21377 - 27/11/04 11:34 PM

Talking about using a double to its fullest.......
One of my doubles goes into a soft bag at the beginning of my hunting season and lives on the floor between the drivers seat and the transmission hump of the open 4WD hunting vehicle for 3-4 months.
During that time it will get the absolute crap bounced out of it over many thousands of kilometers of bush where no roads or tracks exist, be called upon to shoot Boars, Bulls and Brumbies, get rained on, get mud on, get sweated on, get blood on, get stomped on and get lots of dust on!
By the end of a 4 month season the dust has penetrated right through the canvas and foam soft gun bag and I have to wrap the action in a cloth inside the bag.

I don't know whether this constitutes using a double to its fullest but it sure is getting used, which is exactly what I bought it for!

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.400 member

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: 4seventy]
      #21381 - 28/11/04 02:47 AM

4seventy, you are a man after my heart! That is what a hunting rifle is suposed to be used for, hunting, how ever it comes!

I don't do it now, but when I lived out West, one of my doubles was in my Jeep, if I was in my jeep, and it got used almost daily. I used to work for a major airline, and worked at night, by choice. I hit the deasert evey morning, to hunt. I shot everything from jack rabbit, to Mule deer, and black bear with that double. Admittedly, I utilized Cast, or cheap domestic bullets there, and only used premium bullets when I went to Alaska, Australia, or Africa. The only dangerous game we have here are brown, and polar bear, and there are damn few Cape, or water buffalo in the field here, so good bullets are not needed, and are expensive! With the cheap bullets, I can shoot ten times the amount I could afford, if I used Woodliegh bullets.

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: 4seventy]
      #21383 - 28/11/04 02:56 AM

In reply to:

Have you chronographed these loads to be sure they are up to the correct velocity?

My thoughts, exactly! If the bullets are shooting high, and wide, they need speeding up, to bring them down, and together, by reducing barrel time! Your bullets are leaving the barrels too late in the recoil arch!

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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Re: Using your double to its fullest [Re: CptCurl]
      #21482 - 30/11/04 08:32 AM

I assume you have asked the Norma's distributors listed at www.norma.cc. If they are not willing to import the 9,3 bullets you may contact Norma directly. I know of a somewhat similar situation where Norma was most helpful.

In case private import is possible (I don't know the american import rules) : The german firm Frankonia Jagd sells both Norma Oryx, RWS Tlm and Blaser CDP 285 grs, as well as RWS Tug 293grs in 9,3mm. Prices are Euro 75 for 100 Norma bullets, and Euro 30,60 and 49 for 50 bullets of the other types. The Frankonia export department has the german phone number 01 80 / 53 72-684.

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