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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

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.224 member

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What's your ideal in a double?
      #161756 - 09/06/10 05:54 PM

Just wondering what trips your trigger when it comes to a double rifle? What is it about them that makes you smile when you pick one up? What is it that you look for in your guns?

Personally, I'm a wood and engraving fanatic. I require that all my guns be functional. But if I'm being honest, I get much more use out of them as works of art. Unless I'm leaving on a trip, I have my guns out and hanging on my walls so that I can enjoy them. I have them hanging in the 3 rooms of my house that I spend the most time in. I love the craftsmanship that goes into any decent quality double / combination gun. For me, I'd rather spend money on a pretty gun than on a pretty painting.

There are many things to love about these guns. What is it about them that grabs your eye?

All the best,

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.300 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: WesF]
      #161759 - 09/06/10 07:01 PM

Hi Wes
I only have one double and my biggest buzz comes from wondering

1. who has owned it ?
2. about he lives and times of the men who made it
3. the journey that it has taken to get to me
4. what will the person be like who gets it when I'm gone

They are surely works of art and seem to have a life of their own or in better words a story to tell. I'm sure some guys here have rifles that have had famous (or infamous) previous owners which adds to the experience even further


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.400 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: Empire375]
      #161776 - 09/06/10 11:01 PM

My ideal would be a 10 lbs Webly 450/400 3" long bar extractor with light engraving and sturdy wood.


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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: bonanza]
      #161779 - 10/06/10 12:52 AM

Holland & Holland - in any caliber... I like dreaming. For now, I'm surrounded by my "working-mans" doubles. Functional, yet deadly.


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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: WesF]
      #161799 - 10/06/10 06:24 AM

Westley Richards .500 NE Drop Lock. I once had a plain WR in .500 NE, but the throats were eroded and the action was a bit off face, and there was no prospect of factory ammunition back in 1975, so I sold it.

Beautifully handling gun!

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.333 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: bonanza]
      #161817 - 10/06/10 10:10 AM


My ideal would be a 10 lbs Webly 450/400 3" long bar extractor with light engraving and sturdy wood.

Pretty close.... make mine 9-9.5lbs and I don't care about the engraving!

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: AzGuy]
      #161877 - 11/06/10 03:53 AM

My First, probably a Sabatti in 45-70

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.300 member

Reged: 27/11/08
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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: crkennedy1]
      #162825 - 26/06/10 12:30 PM

Hello Kennedy,
I have had quite a few doubles and to be perfectly honest with you the H&H I had was a real "DOG"! it was a 465 Dominion grade that was cased and I purchased it from the original owner's wife. If you fired the left trigger first, both barrels would fire! What a pleasant surprise. It was terribly inaccurate and I hated the beast. On the other hand my Rigby 470 and Westley 476 would shoot right and left barrel touching at 60 yards and never gave me any problems. I would not own another Holland if they paid me! I spent over two thousand dollars trying to fix the problems and nothing seemed to work. I would much prefer a continent gun over any H&H.

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.375 member

Reged: 05/12/08
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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: doubleriflenut]
      #162827 - 26/06/10 12:58 PM

This is because some Frenchman labeled their piece of crap with H&H and then duped you into buying it. I'll take my chances on Holland & Holland (though I may never be able to afford one) and you are welcome to continue to shop at Kmart.


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.416 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: crkennedy1]
      #162831 - 26/06/10 02:51 PM



This is because some Frenchman labeled their piece of crap with H&H and then duped you into buying it. I'll take my chances on Holland & Holland (though I may never be able to afford one) and you are welcome to continue to shop at Kmart.


--Self-Appointed Colonel, DRSS--

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: tinker]
      #162833 - 26/06/10 03:41 PM

Lenord/ Le Nord aka Leonard was as good a supplier to the trade as any. Most of the falling blocks etc were of that manufacture.

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: kamilaroi]
      #163293 - 03/07/10 08:33 PM

For me it'd be any really good quality British (not necessarily English) double in .500 and with as short a set of barrels as possible. I don't care about it's accuracy at 100 yards but rather at 5 or 10 yards.

Action type would ideally be round action or rising bite but I could be flexible on that without any problems.

I tend to like old classics in guns, cars and motorcycles that preferably have a bit of interesting history but would be more than happy with a new double rifle..... esp if it came from an interesting manufacturer.

As far as engraving is concerned, I'd rather have something traditional such as rose and scroll and/or limited engraving rather than badly done animals.... well done animals are fine but I'd have thought there's very people who can do that kind of work nowadays.... might be wrong though.

My ideal sights would be simple shallow vee on a quarter rib at the back and the untraditional (is there such a word?) but very effective red fibre optic foresight at the front.

If I had a choice between ejectors and extractors, I'd choose ejectors.

Nice to dream for a few minutes!

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

Edited by shakari (04/07/10 12:55 AM)

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.400 member

Reged: 21/09/08
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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: crkennedy1]
      #163295 - 03/07/10 08:53 PM


This is because some Frenchman labeled their piece of crap with H&H and then duped you into buying it. I'll take my chances on Holland & Holland (though I may never be able to afford one) and you are welcome to continue to shop at Kmart.

Nonsense !

Edited by grandveneur (03/07/10 11:55 PM)

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.333 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: grandveneur]
      #163351 - 04/07/10 08:46 PM

Well I don't have any doubles yet but I would love a Westley Richards 500NE Droplock with Colour case hardened reciever, stalker safety and single rear fixed sight. I would not mind if they put on a flip up night sight either.

That's my lotto dream double



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.375 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: Cinghiale]
      #163361 - 04/07/10 10:54 PM

H&H Royal, early style with the longer lock plates and sans frame bolsters in 500/450. 500/465 would work too, but I like the .458 bore for bullet selection. All of the Hollands I own are excellent guns, maybe I have just been lucky.

New website http://www.bertramandco.com

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.375 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: bouldersmith]
      #163383 - 05/07/10 05:59 AM

An H. Englund blitz clam shell or Max Ern rising bite with 3 sets of barrels. Everything made in the best possible high tensile steel available. Calibers, 450 3-1/4 NE, 375 Flanged and 30 Flanged. 26inch barrels and ejector.

Martin Hagn falling block double in 9,3x74R, 24 inch barrels.

Flat checkering, rose n' scroll, light scroll some other elegant engraving without fairytale animals No gold or jewel encrusted stuff


© "I have never been able to appreciate 'shock' as applied to killing big game. It seems to me that you cannot kill an elephant weighing six tons by ´shock´unless you advocate the use of a field gun." - W.D.M. Bell: Wanderings of an Elephant Hunter.

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Reged: 23/03/06
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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: Yochanan]
      #163384 - 05/07/10 07:11 AM

Max Ern is by far my personal favorite gunmaker currently building guns. I would dearly love one of his tip open single shot side-lock rifles.....simple perfection.

New website http://www.bertramandco.com

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: bouldersmith]
      #163385 - 05/07/10 07:44 AM

My ideal? That's tough.

I like big ones:

I like little ones:

I like some with scopes:

I like some with hammers and damascus barrels:

It's just hard not to like them.




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.224 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: CptCurl]
      #163454 - 06/07/10 07:02 AM


I think you've hit the problem on the head. There's too much to like about DRs!

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: WesF]
      #163460 - 06/07/10 08:40 AM

And man, what a problem!

I've been struggling for 25 years or more. Still addicted.




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.416 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: CptCurl]
      #163482 - 06/07/10 03:34 PM


In the spirit of "a picture is worth a thousand words" your post suggests that if the picture is of a fine double, then it is worth a million.

In that spirit, my ideal would be a made for me hammer side by side in 303 - a using gun that I would hunt as much as I could with. While everyone admires Sienna Miller, its who we return to who makes life worth living.

Good hunting, everyone, and let's have some more opinions!

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: mehulkamdar]
      #163491 - 06/07/10 06:07 PM

The doublerifle has its place and time as for hunting. For me the ideal double is a heavy caliber rifle for close encounters of 50 meters and downwards. Once distances gets over 100meters, my scoped and ironsigted .416Rigby offer more versatillity. If I were to go to Malaysia shooting elephants in the thick jungle, a heavy bore a la 10 or 8 bore would shine. Its the conditions of the terrain, thats desides for me, what batteri is ideal. A scoped hammerless in .577Nitro could offer veratillity..Ironsights for close range work and the leftbarrel( rear trigger) sighted for 175 yards using scope..but then again its all a compromise, if no other guns was available here and now.

Edited by rigbymauser (06/07/10 06:09 PM)

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.300 member

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Re: What's your ideal in a double? [Re: rigbymauser]
      #163517 - 07/07/10 01:29 AM

I have it!

My ideal in a double is that the one in my hands hits the target, with both barrels on the mark.

Sadly, I have a way to go with mine.

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