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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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What was the bait to get you going?
      #16074 - 22/06/04 12:35 AM

What was the thing that started your interest in hunting in Africa? A movie, a book, a friend or acquaintance? A magazine article? A display at a museum? Cold hard logic?

You don't have to have got there yet if the bug has already bitten but not yet scratched.

Please tell.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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.300 member

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16086 - 22/06/04 04:02 AM


The summer of 1957, I was allowed to take a train trip(9hr) to a relatives and my brother gave me a copy of the book "Pori Tupu", written by Oskar Koenig. Good read......I was seven years old. That Fall I was enrolled in the first grade at Emma Conn Elementary School in Raleigh, N.C. From the school library, I checked out a book, that was pointed out as something I would like by the school Principal, Joseph Jefferson; the book was "Hunter" by John A Hunter. I guess my Brother is initially to blame for lighting the fire and Mr.Jefferson for fanning the flame. I've been traveling ever since. In the not too distant future, Steve Robinson will have the chance to finish me off.........should be a good one. One final thought: Today, can you imagine a public school library having "Hunter" on the shelves, much less having the Principal recommend same? Times have changed............and not for the better.


"Where there's a hobble, there's hope."

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16097 - 22/06/04 11:23 AM

I always had a love of the outdoors, and spent as much time as possible fishing, playing in the woods, looking for snakes, fossil hunting, etc. At the barber shop where I'd go for my monthly hair cut, I'd look at the magazines like True, Outdoor Life, Field & Stream (and if no one saw me, some of the other magazines that were out of bounds for a young lad). My father never hunted, but I had an uncle who did. When I used to visit Uncle Vince, I would sit for hours just looking at his mounted deer head on the wall of the stairway landing. I knew that someday I would be a hunter. When I was in the service, my first overseas tour was on the island of Taiwan, and there were a lot of wild pigs on the island, back in the mountains. One of the guys in my unit was from North Carolina, and one day he asked if I would like to go hunt hogs with him, as the cook in the chow hall told him that he'd bar-b-que it if he brought one back. I jumped at the chance, and we checked out a couple of M14s from the armory, along with some ammo, and off we went. We ended up killing 5 pigs that day, and I was hooked on hunting. After my enlistment was up, and I returned to the states, one of my cousins sold me a custom built 30:06, and took me deer hunting with him. On opening day, he put me up a tree stand, and about 20 minutes after the season opened, I had what looked to me to be a huge 10 pointer pass my stand. I managed to get off a shot, in between shakes and shortness of breath, and the deer took off. My cousin heard the shot and a few minutes later showed up at my stand. I told him I shot a monster, but it ran off into the laurel. We quickly found the trail, and about 100 yards later found my "monster" forked horn buck. WOW! Talk about ground shrinkage! My cousin was laughing, I was jumping up and down, and must have walked a mile around the deer that was lying on the ground. I eventually was fortunate enough to hunt all over North America, taking deer, black bear, antelope, caribou, and sheep.

One day I walked into my gunsmiths shop, and he just asked if I'd like to go to Africa with him "next month". I said sure, but there was no way I could afford Africa. When my friend told me the price for this hunt in Namibia, I was stunned at how reasonable the price was. I say that, because I always wanted to hunt the big bears in Alaska, but they were just way to expensive, plus the success rate on Brown Bear was probably around 50% at best. I just wasn't willing to spend $12-$15,000 for a 50% chance. The plains game hunt for Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok and Impala cost less than $6000.00, including air, my wife came along, we were treated royaly, ate great meals, had our laundry done every day (my wife couldn't believe they ironed my underwear), spent 3 days sight seeing in the cape region of South Africa, and just generally had the time of our lives. Since then, I've been hooked on Africa. I still hunt and fish here at home, but try to save enough so that I can still go back to Africa every 3 years or so for another plains game hunt. Next year I'm taking one of my nephews to Namibia for a plains game hunt, and it's a joy to see the excitement in his face. Last week I gave him a couple of safari shirts from Cabela's, and he was like a little kid on Christmas morning. I guess you can say that Africa is in my blood.

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.224 member

Reged: 10/02/03
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16102 - 22/06/04 01:06 PM

I come from a family that has always hunted, quail especially, and read "The Old Man and the Boy" when I was in grade school. Loved the book and went looking for more.

I found "Use Enough Gun" in the city library and remember reading it while sitting in a tree house, watching the horses below turn into zebras! Promised myself I'd hunt Africa someday...

Grew up, lost interest in hunting for awhile, then got back involved, this time in big game hunting, and eventually bought a Win. 70 in 416 Rem.

I was sitting in the living room fondling my new gun (stop laughing, you do it too!) when my wife walked in and asked what "this one" was good for?

"African buffalo, lion, stuff like that."
"Do you want to hunt in Africa?"
"Sure. Always planned to, just haven't got around to it yet."
"Well, save the money and we'll go."
"You want to go to Africa???"
She walked out of the room and has forgotten the discussion, but I do and we went to Namibia last year!

And, of course, Becky had as much fun as I did.

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Reged: 18/03/04
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16103 - 22/06/04 06:59 PM

Wow! very thought provoking.. I won't bore you with the stories of walking to school bare footed in the snow.. and oh yes, up hill both way's... Nor did I have fantasies since birth, of hunting Africa.. Nope nothing so romantic..I was a local deer, boar and upland game hunter with the ocasional black bear under my belt. every other year a Elk hunt in Wyo or Colorado if I could swing it. One day I woke up and decided to go to Africa. Yes, I did mortage the house. hunted in Zambia and haven't looked back since. I now work 50-60hr weeks to afford my Africa fix... I am actualy some what envious of those who at an early age dreamt of hunting the dark land and made those boyhood dreams come true..... Salute...


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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: 450Dakota]
      #16106 - 22/06/04 08:53 PM

I started to hunt in 1990 when I was 22 years old. After a couple of years I lost the hunting area and had big problems to find places to hunt. Then I started to read hunting travel catalouges and Africa started to become a dream. In 2001 a friend and I decided that now is the time to live so we went to Poland for a hunt and loved it, we thought of making the sme next year when we found a bargain offer for Africa for july 2002 and took it.

A lot of people tell you they got hooked on Africa etc but I must say that does not apply for me....

BTW trip # 5 to Africa will be in september


Christer Hansson

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: cchunter]
      #16192 - 25/06/04 02:18 PM

For me, I actually don't remember!

I remember enjoying the low grade Tarzan movies as a kid and actually when I was about 8 had a moment of clarity when I realised I enjoyed hunting, the Tarzan movies always showed hunting as bad, but hunting wasn't bad so the movies were indoctrinating.

My father did not hunt but did shoot animals and birds as pests to protect crops. My grandfather and his ancestors were great hunters but only locally.

I remember watching "Out of Africa" around about 1986 or 7 and that built up my resolve to go and live in Africa. But the spark was already there as I had already decided I wanted to live there after I finished University.

Did not read Capstick till years later and never saw an African hunting video to a decade later. Probably after hunting there in fact.

What probably sparked the desire was a series of articles in an Australian magazine by Col Allison about his Zimbabwean safari for buffalo, elephant, sable and assorted other game. Back when $250 to $350 a day was the daily rates for a big game hunt and Black rhino cost $4000. Dangerous to use prices quoted in a magazine as the hunt may have been ten years earlier.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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.224 member

Reged: 26/06/04
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16233 - 26/06/04 02:33 PM

I wish it was something to do with a book I read early in life, or a "mentor" of some sort, or cold hard logic. But it was simply "cold hard life". In Dec 2002 I found myself 2 months beyond signing divorce papers, and 1 month prior to my 40th birthday, taking care of 10 month old and 2 1/2 year old daughters. Whether it was an early midlife crisis or just the knowledge that I needed something to look forward to in order to keep on the straight and narrow, I don't entirely know. But bottom line, a very good friend convinced me to take the plunge. He doesn't know it yet, but I will never be able to thank him enough.

At first blush I had some doubts. I have hunted and fished all my life, valuing a certain independence in those pursuits. But the more I learned and the more I got into the deal, the more important it became as something I could give myself. The more important it became to embrace an adventure and for once step outside the comfort zone. And although it is only hunting for Christ sake, in the end, it gave me something that has changed my life - the knowledge and the conviction that I am more than just your standard cliche of the middle-aged, middle class divorced white guy who lives for nothing other than paying a big child support bill. It gave me back something that is hard to explain, a focus, an outlet, something to strive for, in short...the ability to dream.

My first safari ended a few weeks ago, my lifetime of safaris is just starting. At the risk of sounding stupid and to use the words of Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption, "I hope".

Sorry, probably more than the original asker wanted to know, but that makes it no less true.

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: jhrod]
      #16243 - 27/06/04 12:50 AM

Great story! Do you have plans to go back any time soon?

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16247 - 27/06/04 03:26 AM

No bait, I was always interestered from a very early age and I read a lot of history and hunting books.

So I can't spell, so what?

Those who beat their swords into ploughshares, will plough for those who don't!

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.224 member

Reged: 26/06/04
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: mikeh416Rigby]
      #16249 - 27/06/04 06:41 AM


Depends on what you mean by "soon". Wish I could say it would be next year, but I suspect I'm looking at 2006. Although if I can kick a little butt at work and qualify for a bonus this year, I certainly wouldn't cross 2005 completely off the list. I am up in the air a little, I would desperately like to go back to Zim for more plains game, and will do so if that option is still available, but I also have a jones for nyala, for which I understand KZN in South Africa is the place. Safari #3 a few years later, well..god help me I'm having some serious thoughts about Cape Buffalo. And of course, I am doing my best to "brainwash" my daughters, my ultimate safari dream being to take them with me in 10-12 years.

In a way and pleasantly, the first safari is not yet completely over as I am having a blast plotting/scheming how to have my trophies done at the taxidermist and where they are going to go in the house. One of the few good things of past domestic events is that now I get to decorate however I want. Next year at this time, my living room will be "mine" rather than the formerly "ours" - redecorated to accommodate heads and some African art and curios I picked up over there. Maybe not a total "theme" or "trophy room" as much as invoking a feeling of being there.

I'm a very fortunate man, insofar as I have a mother, brother and sister who are incredibly supportive of all this garbage. Along with the friend mentioned in my post, websites such as this one and accurate reloading, and the incredibly open and friendly nature of everyone I have met who are African hunters, I look forward to being involved with this stuff in one way or another until I'm worm food.

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: jhrod]
      #16256 - 27/06/04 02:13 PM

Sounds like you've got a good plan going. If you're serious about BIG Nyala, email a friend of mine in KwaZulu-Natal. His name is Allen Hallett. africacalls@nitrosoft.co.za

As an update, Allen Hallett has now retired from guiding. He's devoting all his time to his family, and his wildlife art business.

Edited by mikeh416Rigby (11/07/07 09:40 AM)

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: jhrod]
      #16278 - 28/06/04 01:29 AM


If your first trip was in 2004 and the next is in 2006 you are doing well.

My first trip was in 1988 but no hunting. Planned to get back within 5 years. First safari in 1994, again aimed for 5 years but next in 2002.

Congratulations on your first safari. Please feel free to tell us about it and post any photos.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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.224 member

Reged: 23/03/04
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16327 - 29/06/04 01:08 PM

It was the Capstick books many years ago, and my son recently. I am a life long hunter, but only in North America. Last winter, my older son, age 22, mentioned that he would like to hunt Cape Buffalo at some point during his life.

He will graduate from college this year and plans on marriage in January. So, I thought what the heck. I booked a hunt in TZ and SA in August as his graduation present. I guess I've always wanted to hunt Africa, and the chance to do it with him before he enters the job market and marriage was just too good to pass up.

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Reged: 06/01/03
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Loc: Freestate,South-Africa
Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: KWTX]
      #16334 - 29/06/04 08:34 PM

Born in Africa,grew up in Africa.
As a child I remembered the shotgun behind the kitchendoor and the .308 hunting rifle on the gunrack in the lounge.Pelletgun behind my own room door.My second birthday present was a .243Brno wich is still my favourite today.
My farther was a hunter and my grand farther was a hunter.He was born in 1885 in the Freestate Province of South-Africa.After the Anglo Boer War against England he refused to swear allegiance to the British Crown and he and a mate went into East Africa(German Colony at the time) with their ox wagons as Ivory hunters and hide traders.They ended up in Kenia as coffee farmers and stayed there until 1916 when they were deported back to South-Africa for some or other reason.their land used to be in the south of Kenia not far from Kilamanjaro and the Tanzanian border.Being back in South-Africa it was very difficult to be a gun owner as a Boer and he never hunted again.But with that hunting blood in your veins you never really give it up and thus my father was also a hunter until 1996 when he passed away.He hunted South-Africa extensively and hunted Rhodesia and later Zimbabwe.He also hunted South-West Africa(today Namibia)Today I am the one of the Groenewald family that continue the tradition.Or otherwise with us you can call it our culture or part of it.Iv'e got a little one on the way wich is due in November and hopefully a pelletgun or a rifle will trigger the love for the bush and the animals as carried over to me.

"Hunting is a way of life"
Bigfive,South Africa

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Reged: 11/10/03
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16472 - 07/07/04 11:05 AM

My earliest memories of life were of childhood in Zambia (Lusaka mainly) I remember Vic falls and elephants surrounding our car at some stage. When Zambia started to get bad we moved over to OZ where I got into hunting. Dad was never a real hunting fan but I liked to listen to his stories of hunting trip with his work mates in Zambia.
Add regular doses of Wilbur Smith, Beverly Harper, Robert Ruark and nearly every book in the Safari Press line up and I got even more hooked.
Only thing is I have to start doing less reading about it and buying guns to do it , and get my arse over their for a hunt.

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Reged: 13/07/04
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #16628 - 13/07/04 02:18 AM

My older brother actually got me to Africa. I had done a little bird hunting and occasionally sat in a tree stand on opening day seeing only does, but really wasn't much of a hunter. David went to Africa and fell in love with it. He returned evey year, at least. He kept urging me to go but there was always some reason to say no. Than he contracted cancer. He went into remission and my Wife agreed that I had to go this time. Ten days in Botswana, buffalo and plains game, it was a trip that I will always treasure. Three years later, after my Brother died, I took my two sons back to Botswana. Next year I'm taking my Wife. Some day in the distant future I hope to take my Brother's grandsons.

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Reged: 15/06/04
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #17558 - 04/08/04 02:42 AM

Back in the late 80's. I worked a job with a friend who introduced me to the Capstick books. With each passing book, I became more and more enthralled. Ruark's Horn of the Hunter was like throwing lighter to the coals. I attended several Houston Safari Club Annual Shows which introduced me to the length & breadth of African hunting. As a working stiff with a family, however, it was still a dream. At a Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, I met Dr. John Morgan, who showed me that a safari can be "affordable." Still I was not convinced. The clincher was a fellow elderly gun club member who I shared my dream with. He informed me that he had the same decision to make at my same age, he opted to wait, which was a mistake, as it never occurred. In 1996, I had a little descretionary $$ from selling a house. With reservations, I took the plunge. Plains game hunt in Zimbabwe and SA. Best investment I ever made (other than my wife who accompanied me!). Can't wait to get back once my kids are all through with school. Until then, this forum is an excellent support group during my absence!

Long story short: Books, friends, & fellow hunters made this dream come true.

in Houston
Always looking for BSA Lee Speed
commercial sporting rifles

"A man and a gun and a star and a beast are still ponderables in a world of imponderables." Ruark

Edited by BSAJoe (04/08/04 02:45 AM)

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.416 member

Reged: 27/02/04
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #17561 - 04/08/04 06:30 AM

I remember that as a kid I always preferred to watch nature/animal programs that were filmed in africa. For some reason the animals there facinated me more than others, although all animals were intersting to me. I could also spend hours walking around the Natural History Museum in NYC. This time was equally devuded between the African section and the dinosaurs, although I covered the whole place over and over again. Never seemed to get boring even though the exibits rarely changed. When I was about 10, I befriended some of the workers at the local zoo. This zoo had a very young lioness that had been donated by some rich lady. Apperantly it had been her pet for awhile, until it got too big for her to handle in her home! Since this lioness was pretty tame, and I was there constantly, the lioness kind of "got to know" me. Eventunally the staff let me in behind the "outer perimeter" and I was allowed to pet her. To me as a kid, it was a fantastic experiance.

Years past, and TV programs from africa continued to be the sole link until I was 19 in 1988, and sailed across the Indian Ocean with 2 other guys in a 50 foot ketch. When I left the boat to go home after about 8 months, my flight back to Norway was from Jo'burg. I ended up staying in RSA
for 3 weeks including a visit to Kruger and the nabouring park Sabi Sabi. It was then that I knew I would have to return some day to hunt!

10 years passed without any oppertunity to go down there, but the thought was always at the back of my mind. But then a possibility came along. Our honeymoon! It took me a whole minute to convince my wife to be that a combination of hunting plainsgame in Zim and a photo safari in Botswana would be much more fun than lying around on some beach. The trip lasted 3 weeks and when we returned home my wife wanted to move to Botswana!

2 more years passed and a new hunting trip was taken, this time to Namibia with my wife and my mother. Who's also a hunter (mainly of Moose and Ptomigan, a type of grouse). The 3 weeks in Namibia was kind of a part of my devious plan for the future. To see how keen my wife was on africa. And since she yet again expressed how much she loved being in Africa, I sprung the question a few months after our return to Norway: "How about driving from Norway to RSA for a year?". After a half minute of thinking, she said yes, that would be a great idea!

Planning commenced shortly after, despite everyone telling us it was lunicy (keep in mind that stuff like this was quite uncommon here in Norway), and in July 2002 we drove up to the North Cape to start our trip. It would be from this northern most point, down to Cape Agulas, the southern most point in africa. All in all it took a year to do, travelling through 20 African countrys living in our tent, some quite "unrestfull", and it ended up being a 65.000 kilometer trip. Most of them on tracks or off road since that was the only way to get to places far off the beaten track.

The problem now is that I'm torn between going on a hunt in a year or 2, or shipping the Land Rover down to Durban to drive up to Norway via some of the countrys I missed; Angola, DRC, CAR and Cameroon... This would be a "shorter trip" of about 3-4 months, and most likely by myself, since my wife is, and will be, occupied with our new baby.
A couple of friends have mentioned that they'd like to join me for a shorter stretch or 2, which might be handy in some areas.

It's a hard decision to make (hunting for say 2 weeks, or "exploring" for 3-4 months), and I'll have to wait a bit and see! The funny thing is that it's cheaper to do the longer trip, since living costs are low when travelling like this... On the other hand, I dream of hunting elephant every night too... A mix of both would be the ultimate solution, although I fear that I'd have to start prostituting myself to finance both at the same time! And I'm unfortuantly not that good looking so I wouldn't make much money anyway by doing that!

Erik D.


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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: EricD]
      #82196 - 11/07/07 06:57 AM

An old thread but back to the top.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #83705 - 08/08/07 10:25 AM

I dunno , I lived on Elmer and Jack as a lad , Elmers large bore fanatacism always intrigued me ( still does , its HIS fault I love 'em )and , Jack's ability to take you with him to some exotic remote part of the world for his beloved sheep , and writing so majically , that when he felt the cold mountain air in his face , you felt it too ..

Jus' hooked me and I said " I gots to do this " .. I've been fortunate , that since 1982 , at the ripe old age of 25 , I have been to Africa , four times ...

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: Schamankungulo]
      #83849 - 11/08/07 02:29 AM

back in the mid 80's i had covered much of north america and happened on a life sized mounted nyala at an sci convention. One look at that beautiful antelope & i knew i just had to go get one. i guess the rest is history, mother africa had her teeth in me but good, never let go either

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.577 member

Reged: 19/02/07
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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: NitroX]
      #83858 - 11/08/07 04:25 AM

Awesome question and yes quite thought provoking..

I grew up on a farm in North Dakota--we had a dairy farm, small grains, etc.. we were quite a ways from any town so to keep ourselves occupied we shot ground squirrels by the bucket load.. seriously, we were shooting .22 single shots at 5 and 6 years old so I have always loved to shoot and hunt. remember this was before all this polictical correctness bs you see now..

As to AFRICA, after I moved to Montana, one of my clients is an avid hunter and he invited me to go along back in the late 1990's however I could not afford to do so at that time..however the seed was planted.. and the business has since done much better.. so I was able to go with another friend in 2004 on a buffalo/plains game hunt--went again in 2005 for buffalo/leopard and am booked to go in May of 2008 for lion,hippo,buffalo and croc....

Everyone is correct about the bug..as it appears during any of my free time I am either reading, watching a dvd about Africa.. Once she gets in your blood its hard to get rid of..but then, who would want to...


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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: Ripp]
      #83859 - 11/08/07 04:36 AM

I doubt a day goes by that the bug doesnt bite in one form or another .. Whether its reading forums like this one , or a book , or loading and shooting a big bore .. Doesnt take much ..

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Re: What was the bait to get you going? [Re: Schamankungulo]
      #83861 - 11/08/07 07:08 AM

You know, not to sound corny or whatever.. and this will probably make me sound really old.. but its a place where a man can still be a man... if that makes any sense... the open outdoors, the adventure, danger.. all the above..makes for an unforgetable experience...



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