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Best auto-loading 12 gauge
      #155519 - 05/03/10 06:44 AM

What is the best all around auto-loading 12 gauge shotgun?


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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: bonanza]
      #155545 - 05/03/10 11:44 AM

IMHO the Browning A 5 and its various versions from Remington and others. What is your favorite?

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Mehul Kamdar

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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: mehulkamdar]
      #155549 - 05/03/10 12:35 PM

I'm not sure I can speak to what's the best, but I really like my Beretta AL391 Urika, I've had it for about ten years.
It's a peach and eats anything I feed it, and doesn't seem to care about the weather or condition.
It just shoots, and tends to make flying things hit the ground quickly.
I also have a factory rifled barrel for it, and as a rifle it's slick, handy, and accurate.


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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: tinker]
      #155580 - 05/03/10 10:50 PM

the browning auto 5 is imho the only political correct semi auto shotgun, the only!

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.333 member

Reged: 26/02/07
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: lancaster]
      #155581 - 05/03/10 11:05 PM


I was sometimes engaged in shooting auto shotguns in IPSC-courses.
The Benelli M3 Super 90 was and is a fantastic and reliable gun to shoot, has a magazine capacity of 8+1 in the standard configuration, good sights and a useful trigger.
I can really recommend this gun, with one exception:
If you do intend to hunt in company with older hunters of the let me say more conservative breed (I'm in south bavaria/Germany...).
Then I switch to O/U Browning 12ga or Auto 5 in 16 ga for shorter range/smaller birds or 12 ga for ducks.

best regards &

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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: tinker]
      #155651 - 06/03/10 09:11 PM

I agree,the urika is one good gun.I too have had it for over 10 years and never a problem.

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Reged: 23/05/08
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: iqbal]
      #155655 - 06/03/10 11:26 PM


I was born 100 years too late

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Reged: 07/03/07
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: controlled_feed]
      #155664 - 07/03/10 01:44 AM

I grew up with an A-5 16 gauge (pre-war, safety in the front of the trigger guard, 2 9/16" chambers) which had belonged to my grandfather. I loved it until I had occasion to shoot other semi-automatics. Compared to the other guns (Remington 1100, Browning Double Automatic, Winchester 50)the A-5 action cycles incredibly slowly and I felt as though I could hear the parts sloshing around inside the action each time I fired it.

I have to admit that the Remington 1100 is a cheaply made piece of engineering and that most shooters I knew who used it on the skeet field routinely kept a replacement trigger group handy to use when the one they had in the gun broke down, but when it worked right, it had pretty fast lock time and cycled as quickly as my M1A service rifle. It was also the predominant American skeet gun of the 70's.

It's all in my head, I know, but decades of shooting skeet, first with a Winchester Model 12, then with a Browning Superposed, and finally with Perazzis and Merkel O/U have made me used to an instantaneous second shot, and yes, I do believe my Model 12 Winchesters are faster than an A-5.

I admit to being hypersensitive. On Thursday I was shooting a sporterized SMLE, not quite a Lee Speed, and I was aware with each shot of feeling something like a spring vibrating. I finally realized that it was the magazine spring I was hearing, as it seemed to resonate with each shot.

Still, I have an A-5 in my safe: a very early European model, with a cheekpiece stock, extremely low serial number, and chambered for the 16/65mm shell. I am not immune to nostalgia. (I also have a Double Automatic, a Remington 58, an 1100, a Winchester 50 and even a 59, complete with fiberglass barrel and choke tubes.) Chacun à son goût!

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Reged: 07/04/09
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: xausa]
      #155921 - 09/03/10 10:44 PM

G'Day Fella's,

As you may already realise, the Australian Government no longer trust us with such firearms, so most get by with doubles of some description (SxS or U&O) or Mr Browning's Lever Action.

As a firearms dealer, I'm permitted to own almost anything I desire and whilst I do have a soft spot for the Mr Browning Auto 5 shot gun I cant help it, I'm a chronic Remington 1100 and 11-87 bloke!!!

Rolf is correct in what he say's about the Benelli shotgun!
This design is the fastest thing I have ever fired!!!
It's rotary bolt head arrangement functions noticeably quicker than any Gas Operated Autoloader but it has more recoil than a Gas Gun!!!
I have used all the above, for both Hunting and Shooting IPSC for the past 30 years but not since 1996!
These days I usually only shoot the Pistol part of this fantastic discipline!!!


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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: Homer]
      #155963 - 10/03/10 10:35 AM

yes you can be faster but my 1100 gets it done on the first shot........most of the time...well usually......ok when i do my part 1100 gets my vote


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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: bwananelson]
      #156126 - 11/03/10 05:26 PM

G'Day Fella's,

Bwana Nelson, the Benelli really shines when shooting Multiple shots at really Big critters (Porkers) or Multiple targets (Porkers, Daffy's (Daffy Ducks) or IPSC targets), that require more than one really quick shot!

But like me Bwana, the 1100 will do me just fine!!!


"Beware the Lolly Pop of Mediocrity,
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.224 member

Reged: 29/11/07
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: lancaster]
      #156353 - 13/03/10 12:02 PM


the browning auto 5 is imho the only political correct semi auto shotgun, the only!

Couldn't have said it better

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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: jaguarxk120]
      #156354 - 13/03/10 12:44 PM

had unlimited doe tags in pennsylvania one year and on one drive killed 1 buck and 4 does that 1100 killed many pennsylvania deer multiple targets no problem multiple blood trails well glad they dropped fast


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.275 member

Reged: 04/02/04
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: bwananelson]
      #159235 - 20/04/10 01:14 PM

I mostly shoot a remington 11-87 or 1100.

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Reged: 05/09/05
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: bonanza]
      #159237 - 20/04/10 02:39 PM

Beretta AL 390 in 12 and a youth 20.

"Recoil is insignificant when there is a tiger on the head of your elephant" The Maharaja of Cooch Behar

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.275 member

Reged: 09/08/05
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: gatsby]
      #159242 - 20/04/10 06:03 PM

For me, the Beretta 391 Extrema. It's not pretty, but if I wanted a good looking gun I wouldn't choose an auto anyway. It's been drop dead reliable with light trap loads, as well as heavy 3" loads, and it'll take 3 1/2" though I never saw the need to use them. Recoil even with 3" loads isn't bad (thinking back to memories of my Benelli) and it's easy to break down without a lot of little parts to go missing (like O rings).

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.224 member

Reged: 18/04/11
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Re: Best auto-loading 12 gauge [Re: smicha6551]
      #179410 - 19/04/11 09:08 AM

Hi there all.

I know this is an older thread, but being a new member, & as this is a subject dear to me, I thought I'd pop in a belated opinion, if y'all dont mind.

I've owned a couple of Remington 1100s - great autos.
A few winchester 1400 - bloody good knock about guns.
A winchester Super X - brilliant but bloody heavy
2 Berettas - best one was an A301 with the old extrenal collar mobil chockes - a really beautiful gun.
A KFC - rubbish.
A Breda - good, solid knock about duck gun.
Then I've also owned 2 Browining A5's.

Well, as I see it there are two main attributes an auto needs to possess.
'Pointability' (same applies to any shotgun really). As any gun that doesn't point well is useless, no matter how well it's built, & Reliability, jammed auto = single barrel.

The A5's are in a class of their own.
Due to the long recoil system they utilise, the fore end is slimmer than most gas autos & therefore sits lower in the fore hand, therefore making handling better, & the reliability of these guns is legendary. I've hunted with A5's for over 30 years & NEVER had a single malfunction.

I know there's plenty of great guns out there, I certainly dont mean to sound like I'm putting anyone's pride & joy down. I've owned plenty of 'gooduns' & have appreciated them all, but JM Browning's masterpiece Auto5 stands alone as the epitome of the perfect duck gun I reckon.
Nothing has ever been made to match it IMO, & nothing ever will.

Bill Allen
Melbourne Australia.

Edited by BillA (19/04/11 09:19 AM)

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