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OK-who does best price on a buff hunt?
      #129027 - 08/03/09 09:12 PM

Cape buff of course......

Even if I cant afford it now, I always plan ahead.....

Any guide prices?



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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: empirevr]
      #129032 - 08/03/09 10:54 PM

It's never a good idea to use price as the deciding factor in choosing any hunt but especially a dangerous game hunt. You get what you pay for, or more accurately, you don't get what you don't pay for and if you choose the cheapest hunt, you'll get precisely that.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: shakari]
      #129039 - 09/03/09 12:40 AM


It's never a good idea to use price as the deciding factor in choosing any hunt but especially a dangerous game hunt. You get what you pay for, or more accurately, you don't get what you don't pay for and if you choose the cheapest hunt, you'll get precisely that.

Agree totally with the above statements--NEVER base your hunt on the cheapest price---will only lead to great disappointment--there are exceptions, but overall, not the way to go ...

Rather base it more on referrals, area and species you want to hunt, etc....



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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: Ripp]
      #129054 - 09/03/09 05:28 AM

What baffles me Shakari is how I can get quoted 15k US$ or more for a buff in South Africa but someone else is $5k in Tanzania ??? I'm lost.... big jumbo some blokes quoting 40K$ or more, the whole thing seems a bit of a lottery to me, to be honest all your quoted prices tie in very closely
with what my PH in SA quoted, it's these rogue low numbers that throw me ????? best, Mike

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: Mike_Bailey]
      #129063 - 09/03/09 07:00 AM


I don't understand your question completely but I'll try to answer the best I can and hope I either get your point or you can explain further.

The SA Buff hunting experience and pricing structure is totally different to elsewhere and so the hunter should decide what hunting experience he wants and go to tht country.

Regarding Tanzania, a Buff hunt there costs considerably more than US$5K...... if you meant US$5K more than the SA price, it actually costs more than that, but it's a totally different experience. In SA, you'll be hunting a known number of Buffalo behind fences and the PH will probably know which Buff you're gonna shoot before you even see it. In Tanzania, you'll be hunting in a true wilderness area in a country that has more Buffalo in it than all the other southern and east African countries put together.

Regarding the rogue low numbers........ it doesn't matter where those prices come from, they're promising something they can't deliver and just want to take your money. Remember the old saying. If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: Mike_Bailey]
      #129064 - 09/03/09 07:29 AM


What baffles me Shakari is how I can get quoted 15k US$ or more for a buff in South Africa but someone else is $5k in Tanzania ??? I'm lost.... big jumbo some blokes quoting 40K$ or more, the whole thing seems a bit of a lottery to me, to be honest all your quoted prices tie in very closely
with what my PH in SA quoted, it's these rogue low numbers that throw me ????? best, Mike


As Shakari states...when comparing S Africa vs Tanzania, Zim or similar, you are comparing apples and oranges...two totally different types of hunts, IMO, ...as he stated, the animals are usually either purchased or whatever and are in high fenced areas in South.....where in Zim, Tanzania and others--you are in the wilderness...the wild..or at least as wild as its going to be in todays world...

The lion hunts are very similar...which is why in south, the manes are usually awesome..but in a controlled situation..as in high fence...again typically in South Africa this is how lion hunts are conducted..Shakari is the expert as he lives there..but this has been my experience..

As Shakari stated, you need to decide how and where you want to hunt...Good luck..



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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: Ripp]
      #129067 - 09/03/09 08:40 AM

OK, I've got it Steve, and thx Ripp. If I want to go on a Buff hunt next year (pref with shot at a Sable) but want wilderness where do I go (I will not visit Zimbabwe). Also can I take a PH from another country ? thx Mike (looking for a Kudu, warthog as well )

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: Mike_Bailey]
      #129068 - 09/03/09 08:56 AM


OK, I've got it Steve, and thx Ripp. If I want to go on a Buff hunt next year (pref with shot at a Sable) but want wilderness where do I go (I will not visit Zimbabwe). Also can I take a PH from another country ? thx Mike (looking for a Kudu, warthog as well )

Niassa area of Northern Mozambique.

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: ozhunter]
      #129094 - 09/03/09 03:36 PM

Cape Buffalo cow "trophies" can sometimes be had for cheaper prices.

An acquaintance of mine was involved as a PH working for an outfitter in a Selous concession and catering mainly for Italians. His quoted prices were far better than a lot I had seen. The reason? They took a higher proportion from their quota, meaning the trophies were probably lesser standard. No first hand knowledge of how their operation went.

Another way they can be cheaper is outfitters whom split a licence with 2 bulls and instead sell it as a 2x1 short buffalo hunt.

South Africa is also more expensive simply due to supply and demand. A lot of demand and limited supply means much higher prices.

End of season specials for unused quota can be a way to get cheaper prices. I missed out on a very cheap cape buff trophy - simply never saw a good enough one to shoot - by doing a cow elephant hunt in the Zambezi. The hunt was bought at an SCI auction - immediately after it was turned it - and I had the opportunity to take additional cow elephant or a cape buff trophy - by just paying the buff trophy fee. Would have been $7500 for a seven day cow elephant and cape buff hunt, if I had taken a buffalo as well.

John aka NitroX

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: NitroX]
      #129110 - 09/03/09 06:31 PM

I think you've made a good decision in wanting to hunt in a true wilderness area....... and nothing is better than that experience.

If you want Buff and sable then you either need to rule out Tanzania bacause sable only occur on longer licences or you need to accept a high cost for the same reason. The good news is that if you do go for a long licence, you get an awful lot of other species on it as well. Someone mentioned split licences for Tanzania. Technically, these are illegal and I'd recommend you avoid that. Sure they happen but they're not to be relied on. Tanzania has 4 sets of game laws and although they contradict each other in some/many aspects, they're all very clear on that issue. - If you even want to discuss that particula subject, I suggest you don't do it on a public forum.

Mozambique might be a good option for you, but you need to be very cautious about who you book with and where you book. It really is cowboy country up there and whilst there are some very good, well established guys operating in the country, there are also some very dodgy buggers. Try to stick to the coutadas and with companies that have been operating there for a long time.

Regarding taking a PH from another (African presumably?) country..... cover hunting is fairly common practice in many African countries but it really depends on which 2 African countries are involved and will also depend on the outfitter involved.

Feel free to e-mail me at shakari3@mweb.co.za or by PM if you need additional info.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: shakari]
      #129203 - 10/03/09 06:57 PM

Alright-apart from as per usual finding a contradiction in the question I ask(!) can we simply say; How much does it cost?

1 buff bull.



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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: shakari]
      #129209 - 10/03/09 07:48 PM


Someone mentioned split licences for Tanzania. Technically, these are illegal and I'd recommend you avoid that. Sure they happen but they're not to be relied on. Tanzania has 4 sets of game laws and although they contradict each other in some/many aspects, they're all very clear on that issue. - If you even want to discuss that particula subject, I suggest you don't do it on a public forum.


You are probably right. And it was also illegal two or three years ago too.

John aka NitroX

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"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: NitroX]
      #129219 - 10/03/09 08:55 PM


Prices vary from country to country and according to product quality in the same way that different cars are different prices but FWIW, and hoping John doesn't mind me quoting figures, we sell a 1x1 10 day hunt in the Selous Reserve Tanzania inclusive of charters etc for US$19990 plus trophy fees. You can take 2 Buff for US$2200 each plus a few plains game. Full details are on my site or you can e-mail me at the aforementioned address.

In fairness, it should be noted that Tanzania is at the expensive end of the African safari business but it's also as good as it gets. As I think I said before, according to the Frankfurt Zoological Society, Tanzania has more Buffalo than all the other southern and east African countries put together.


I am right. Until a year or two ago, it was common practice to offer split licences and pretty much everyone accepted it, but the GD have now warned that it's a case of do it at your peril and (to be brutally honest) I for one, know on which side my bread is buttered.

The real difference in attitude has come about with the new generation of game scout and other staff. In the old days, the scouts learned their craft in the bush and knew the old adage about rules being for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men. The new guys coming through now have been trained in college and learned a lot of their knowledge from books and are more at home with a briefcase than a rifle........ this'll probably change in a few years time as they gain more practical experience but at the moment, that's how it is. I guess its a case of the times, they are a changin'......... at least for now!

I hope that doesn't sound like a criticism. The new guys are different but not necessarily worse. Some depts, such as the anti poaching one are better than they ever were and will get feet on the ground within a few hours of being called if needed.

What will be interesting is what will happen about the unenforceable mistakes in the game laws. For example when they were being written up in the 60s(?) they made the mistake of saying you can't shot a flatdog within 200 metres of water. Effectively, that means pretty much every one that's been shot since then was technically illegal!

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

Edited by shakari (10/03/09 10:11 PM)

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: shakari]
      #129249 - 11/03/09 04:14 AM

I guess I should have also tried to give you a bit of info on a few other, most popular countries etc. Sorry about that.

Zim will be a cheap option but the politics and human rights etc are a stuff up. if you do go there, you need to stick to the well established companies and avoid the fly by nights.

Botswana, usually good but pricey and concessions are slowly being turned over to photo safaris now. A good hunt though if you can find the right operator and area.

Mozambique. Getting more expensive (isn't everything) but very tough hunting in most places...... esp for Buffalo. If you go there, don't go late in the season, because it gets hotter n hell. Also stick to the Coutada areas if you can. Again, avoid the new operations and fly by nights. Orgasinationally, the country is a super mega bugly stuff up and has been for years, so again stick to someone who knows the ropes.

Namibia. Good and bad areas and operators. Ask a lot of questions about fences, game populations and also PH experience.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

Edited by shakari (11/03/09 04:31 AM)

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: empirevr]
      #129251 - 11/03/09 04:25 AM


Alright-apart from as per usual finding a contradiction in the question I ask(!) can we simply say; How much does it cost?

1 buff bull.



You can go with a couple places in Zim for US$10,000. or less--



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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: Ripp]
      #129257 - 11/03/09 06:46 AM

I think Ethiopia is might of of the most expensive places in afrika to hunt...its still very wild, not over-runned and as afrika as not even "King Salomons mines" could portraite afrika.

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: rigbymauser]
      #129295 - 11/03/09 06:34 PM

shakari have you an 'album of trophies' on your site,I didnt find it if so.

Get off the chair away from the desk and get out in the bush and enjoy life.

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: gryphon]
      #129297 - 11/03/09 07:04 PM


We didn't put a gallery on there because every other bugger does and we wanted to be different. So we just scattered them throughout the site.... mainly on the hunting destinations pages, but a few elsewhere as well.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: shakari]
      #129337 - 12/03/09 07:31 AM

Try Roger Whittall Safaris. I booked through Safari Outfitters. Don Crane is a real nice fellow. Tell him Max sends his regards. I think Roger is running some promotional specials.

One day at a time...

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: shakari]
      #129341 - 12/03/09 09:36 AM


What do you know of the buffalo hunting in Zambia? I'm after a "wild" hunt and am considering all options except Zimbabwe.

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: SharpsNitro]
      #129347 - 12/03/09 11:13 AM

Benin Tanzania Ethiopia Cameroon Botswana pretty wild still in my experience Botswana and Tanzania offer the best buffalos in Africa but they dont come at what would be considered reasonible prices but the caprivi has great buffalos also

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: thorshammer]
      #129367 - 12/03/09 05:18 PM


It's some and some in Zambia. Some areas are unfenced ,true wilderness and some are fenced.

For me, the best (not the least expensive) country to hunt Buffalo in is Tanzania. It beats everywhere else by miles.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: shakari]
      #129397 - 13/03/09 07:26 AM


Thanks. I've been leaning towards Botswana or Tanzania, Zambia seems to be a dark horse so I've been trying to get more information about it.

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: SharpsNitro]
      #129441 - 13/03/09 04:50 PM


Zambia seems to be a dark horse so I've been trying to get more information about it.

Occasionally one sees reports of guys hunting buffalo in Zambia free range. For some reason they don't seem that common, maybe simple number of hunts available(?).

If looking for a buffalo hunt there I would contact the main outfitters and see what they are selling.

I would like to hunt the Luangwa Valley one day myself.

John aka NitroX

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Re: OK-who does best price on a buff hunt? [Re: NitroX]
      #129448 - 13/03/09 08:58 PM

I think one of the biggest problems is that Zambia probably has fairly small quotas (as does Botswana) in the true wilderness areas and as John says, it's probably a good idea to stick to the main outfitters. Historically, the game dept there also has a bit if a habit of moving the goalposts at ahort notice. Although, unfortunately, that particular habit seems to becoming increasingly popular all over Africa.....Makes it helluva hard for us operators though.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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