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Reged: 19/02/04
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Big Bore Forum with less Smoke
      #9493 - 19/02/04 01:00 PM

Also an expatriot from the AR Big Bore forum. While not as knowledgeable as some, have several big bore rifles and do big game hunting when funds allow.

Hunted several buffalo and pigs in the NT, also Banteng. Never really appreciated the significance of that jungle ox, until I read about the Kouprey. Almost become a "honored Aussie" one evening while on a pig hunt, when I met Mr. King Brown. Interesting!

This looks like a place where we can discuss rifles again.


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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: dakota45056]
      #9498 - 19/02/04 02:16 PM


Hope you enjoy NE.com.

I have had many encounters with the Common Brown, not a 'King' but neither is preferable.

You have hunted buff and banteng in the Top End. Way to go! A couple of great trophies.

Please enjoy.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: NitroX]
      #9582 - 20/02/04 09:07 AM

I don't understand the problem with AR, it is as good as any chat forum and sure carries a big following and two or three people walking away isn't going to effect anything at all....I know the guys that are coming over here, most of them personally and Mike who everyone is ticked at and he and I have had some good arguements, but he is an Aussie and speaks his mind, sometimes a little rough around the edges, but that is just his nature and heck, he is a good guy, you always know where you stand with him..and I like that in a man...Scott I don't know but nothing he has said has bothered me much...

Why can't you guys attend both forums, I do and so does Nitro express who runs this forum....

But you can rest assured that the trolls will come here also and that a forum where everyone is required to agree on every subject can get pretty boring in my opinnion and a forum that get censored has some drawbacks IMO....

I think mostly that most of you are just taking this stuff way to seriously...

I can remember the trolls of yesterday, like Bill Tibbe and a few others, not there were some real trolls, not just decenters that don't agree...

Am I missing something here....?????????? If so then tell me about it.

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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: atkinson6]
      #9587 - 20/02/04 11:05 AM

Ray, I see your point. It's just that it gets very tiresome when there's a lot more bullshit being flung around than useful information. It doesn't take a whole lot for me to get tired of bs nowadays. I don't mind discussions where opposing views are presented without rancor. I still go back and forth.

Lo do they call to me,
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them in the Halls of Valhalla,
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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: atkinson6]
      #9588 - 20/02/04 11:10 AM


Yes I agree with most of what you say.

Regarding AR I enjoy it as well. I belong to lots of forums and visit maybe six every week and four every couple of days. Sometimes just for a few minutes depending on what is posted.

The NE Team (ie members who have accepted to become forum leaders) have been having a discussion and we have been trying to put together a code of conduct for the forums. How we deal with 'trolls', off-topic discussions but mostly it is 'advice' on how members should behave in a civilised forum. Respect is a key word. AR used to impress me as almost everyone there was very civil and polite. That has disappeared in the last 18 months for some reason and is the sort of thing that is hard to recover.

One of the points raised is that we want to discourage members here from sniping or attacking other forums. Problems real or perceived at other forums should be handled at those forums or with their administrators. Eg problems at HA, handle them there. Problems at AR, handle them there. Same with NE.com. None of these forums have paid subscriptions, they are completely free other than a bit of advertising, and members can come and go as they wish.

Its best for topics to stay on topic and about hunting and shooting and related topics then everyone enjoys it more.

Trolls are a problem for every forum, sooner or later and in reality unless someone can invent a new "troll-bane" to get rid of them, action other than ignoring them or not reading their guff doesn't really have any effect.

NE.com has always aimed to be the members own forums. Within the code of conduct, which is mostly voluntary, and is aimed to make it more enjoyable for everyone, the members can enjoy their discussions and share their hunts and shoots at will. I hope we continue to have good discussions on double rifles, big bores, other shooting, hunting in Africa, Australia, North America or wherever.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: NitroX]
      #9589 - 20/02/04 11:13 AM

Nitro, this has nothing to do with this thread, but is it my imagination or has the speed slowed down quite a bit when accessing each thread?

Lo do they call to me,
They bid me take my place among
them in the Halls of Valhalla,
Where the brave may live forever.

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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: 475Guy]
      #9591 - 20/02/04 11:24 AM

My connection is very slow and my PC even slower. I would not be able to tell.

Visitor numbers has increased a little but on a daily basis is variable and is within the same sort of range. But should not have any affect on speed of the server for a long time to come.

I think it is your imagination - I hope.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: NitroX]
      #9598 - 20/02/04 12:39 PM

I've noticed no difference on my end and I'm still on a dial-up 56K.

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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: 475Guy]
      #9601 - 20/02/04 01:13 PM

475 Guy,

I have had no problems except once it stalled. I am on cable and late model computer.

However, all of these sites will have the odd slow time but I think because of posting on AR with the slowness problems that exist there you can become sensitive and put every slow spot down to a site a problem.


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.224 member

Reged: 19/02/04
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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: dakota45056]
      #9661 - 21/02/04 03:14 AM

About what Ray Atkinson said: Agreed there is a need for both forums and have no intention of not visiting AR, but the last few weeks have been a mess at the Big Bore site. Let the kids play a while, maybe it will all calm down. Actually, Ray, I am impressed by the Nitro site and it really has grown since last visited.

Never faulted anyone for pointing out some of the trolls as GS did in the Big Bore Forum, as it is difficult for someone who doesn't visit everyday to spot a sidewinder, but once spotted lets dis them and be done with them. Who ever said life was fair!!!!

Let's discuss rifles again!!!


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.375 member

Reged: 26/01/04
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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: dakota45056]
      #9664 - 21/02/04 05:09 AM

Never think for a moment that the trolls will not follow to this forum, they will, it is there pursuit to sling stuff on every forum and the more Nitro Express and others make references to them, the more will show up....

The best defense to a troll is do what saeed does, let them rant, and totally ignore them or hammer them on a post and chuckle at their retorts, mess with their minds..all in good fun...

Neva, I say Neva, take a talk forum very seriously....

I love a good healthy discussion on guns, hunting or the subjects at hand, and prefer they be civil but its hard to be totally civil all the time especially with those that make wild and varied claims on the 45-70, now that stirs up the troops and that is where the wars began for the most part, or mention of a fenced hunt, even though it is a million acres..Sometime its hard to believe that ignorance is bliss!

Bottom line is the trolls will come and go.

Another point is some folks, like Mike 375, Robgun, Pecos 45 and a few others who are pointed in posting and adamit in their belief are labeled as trolls by those who disagree with them and that is not acceptable...Everyone has a right to an opinnion.

The trolls are the liars, trouble makers, and outright scoundrels that resort to anything and use foul language constantly to get a reaction from others....They make claims and hide behind the internet and no one even knows who they are, like the Klu Klux Klan and Black Panthers they hide behind masks...

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Re: Big Bore Forum with less Smoke [Re: atkinson6]
      #9678 - 21/02/04 06:54 AM


I agree wholeheartedly to what you have said.

Now I hope everyone can just drop the entire "troll" business and get back to the business these forums are about. I hope I don't need to remind anyone of what that business is.


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