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Reged: 19/02/07
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370 Sako Magnum
      #93215 - 02/01/08 12:09 PM


Read that Federal is going to offer two new loads for this caliber which is like its European counterpart, 9.3x66mm, in stopping power..

The new loads are a 286 gr Barnes TSX and a 286 Nosler Partition.

Has anyone tried these??



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Re: 370 Sako Magnum [Re: Ripp]
      #95984 - 05/02/08 01:06 AM

Just read another article on this--apparently this is a joint effort between Federal and Sako..

It is known apparently by European hunters as the 9.3x66mm Sako--

The article suggests basically this is basically a 30-06 type case necked up to accept 286 gr. .366-inch bullets--rated by Federal at 2550 fps.

The article states it is between the 9.3x62 and the 9.3x64 in terms of muzzle energy..with it producing only 150 foot-pounds less then the .375 H&H.

For more info read the March issue of Shooting Times--page 60



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Re: 370 Sako Magnum [Re: Ripp]
      #95986 - 05/02/08 01:27 AM

No personal experience, but I seem to remember that it was introduced by sako to show off their model 75 actions. I guess it was aimed primarily at European market for elk (moose) and boar hunters. Think it has been around for a couple of years as the 9.3x66 but whether it is loaded by Norma or Lapua I don't know.

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Re: 370 Sako Magnum [Re: JabaliHunter]
      #96042 - 06/02/08 02:43 AM

Interesting info.

I can verify that neither Lapua nor Norma loads the 9,3x66/.370 Sako Mag.
The only factory loads I've come across are Sako's and Federal's loads.

Smart of them to market it as the Sako Magnum - a much more selling name especially on a market where the metrics never really have succeeded.

This has been discussed on the forum before but I must repeat that I fail to see any purpose or benefit of the new caliber, at all.
As Ripp points out, it has less energy than the formidable 9,3x64 Brenneke - to which it is also in Europe rather difficult to find factory ammo. RWS does load it, as does Hirtenberger, I think.
According to Sako's advertising when the caliber was new, it had the same energy level and trajectory as the .375 H&H. Interestingly, in their brochure they also published the trajectory curves where one could see the flatter trajectory of the .375...
How they achieved a flatter trajectory in some loads was simply through using a lighter bullet. Whoopee.

In saying that I see no purpose, I do of course see the caliber's potential especially on elk, bear, and wild boar. But with the 9,3x62 already existing, tried, popular and excellent by all means and not wanting in power plus the x64 being on the market as such for the recoil enthusiasts I simply don't see a place for it.
Boddington makes an interesting comparison considering the 9,3x64 Brenneke perhaps the only more suitable all-round safari caliber than the .375 H&H.
Additionally, given that in many African countries the .375 H&H is the minimum, Sako would have done better in introducing something in that category, maybe.
I suspect they may have been caught off guard by Art Alpin claiming the label for the .338-06. Given that Sako & Federal commercialized the .338 Federal they would have had a good chance in repeating it with the -06. That way Sako would have got its name on a caliber which they much wanted to do. There hasn't been a Sako caliber since the 7x33 I believe.

A.k.a. Bwana One-Shot

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Re: 370 Sako Magnum [Re: Schauckis]
      #96305 - 08/02/08 06:58 PM

..the 9,3x66 ballistics from the Sako-Cartridge is already existent since 70 years in a more compact as well as heavier constructed case: namely - 9,3x64 Brenneke.....

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Reged: 19/02/07
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Re: 370 Sako Magnum [Re: escard]
      #96320 - 08/02/08 11:28 PM

I believe the main reason is "New sells"---however as pointed out by the above comments--but there will be articles about the new round and they will sell some new guns and ammo..Sako and Federal mus have felt they were being left out of the mix with all the new products by Ruger and Hornady..
Agree with the above..really no need for this one ...



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Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: 370 Sako Magnum [Re: Ripp]
      #96331 - 09/02/08 02:40 AM

I am old enough to remember the Recession days of the late '70's and what happened to the gun industry, limping along as it did, with quality spinning down and many metric and Euro cartridges more-or-less unavailable in the States. For the last 20 years we have lived thru a real heyday of availability and with the cartridge companies virtually doing the work of the wildcatters of days-gone-by.

I seriously wonder about the plethora of cartridges that have been introduced in the last 10-15 years and what the "life expectancy" of them is, that is, when a crunch hits and the slow runners have to get culled from the stables.

I wonder which of the recent newbies will survive and which will get canned?

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