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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Reged: 24/02/03
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Why such a difference in trophy fees?
      #9033 - 15/02/04 12:15 AM

I'm planning on going back to southern Africa next year on a plains game hunt, and while doing my research I've found quite a difference in trophy fees for the same animal in the same country. For example, in Namibia some outfitters are charging between $700.00 US and some charge up to $1800.00 US for Kudu. The one I found charging $700.00 averages 53 1/2". So it can't be based on trophy quality alone. Why is the range of fees so wide?

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Reged: 22/08/03
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Re: Why such a difference in trophy fees? [Re: mikeh416Rigby]
      #9040 - 15/02/04 01:14 AM

Now that Namibia has been re-discovered, it's become popular like RSA used to be. Once an area gets popular, everybody wants to go there and like anything else, prices are determined by what the market will bear. Just look at how Tanzania and Botswana have increased their prices over the years. They were known for their big ele's and buffs in the record class and all these guys who had disposable incomes went and spent their money without a blink of an eye.

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Reged: 09/02/03
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Re: Why such a difference in trophy fees? [Re: 475Guy]
      #9067 - 15/02/04 05:56 AM

Waall Ektually (as they say in Africa) There's a lot more to it than that. One factor is how under or over populated a particular species is. If they have a big surplus then they may drop the trophy fee to get more animals shot. Then there is the drought factor, some species in some areas might not have sufficient water available so again they might lower the trophy fee, then there is the price & availability at game auction, (if they use game auctions) then there is the glamour factor and of course the time it takes for that particular species to reach maturity etc etc. Of course as you say the supply & demand factor is always there in every business. To say nothing about how the outfitter chooses to cut his cake. Some like to charge high camp fees and lower trophy fees and some the other way round.

The thing to be really cautious about is the place that offers a low camp fee and a low trophy fee...... There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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Reged: 22/08/03
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Re: Why such a difference in trophy fees? [Re: shakari]
      #9068 - 15/02/04 06:30 AM

Oh, I hear you. If the deal sounds too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true. As a growed up man, I find that if I go into a deal with both eyes open and watching my "6", I won't get screwed.

Lo do they call to me,
They bid me take my place among
them in the Halls of Valhalla,
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Re: Why such a difference in trophy fees? [Re: 475Guy]
      #9084 - 15/02/04 11:13 AM

I found that when searching around for different outfitters you will most likely end up quite more confused after the search then before, trophy fees being no different, and the more people you talk to the more you can see the honest ones stand out. I belive some outfitters lower day rates and raise trophy fees to hide cost, that bothers me personally as you know the PH will be concerned with bringing in quantity of game to recoup his cost on the front end and truthfully I would rather pay more up front because running around Africa with 10K or more in cash and travelers checks doesn't seam a good practice to me.

I may just have been born in the wrong time frame or simply operate different then the average person (of this I know to be true) but the economics of the thing is it cost what it cost so tell me up front and lets get on with the hunting and done with the games.

James F. Nixon III

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Reged: 23/11/03
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Re: Why such a difference in trophy fees? [Re: NONE]
      #9088 - 15/02/04 12:48 PM

My Outfitter and I talked about this at the Harrisburg Outdoor Show. He mentioned all the factors already stated, but also said it has to do with if the outfitter works in Dollars or Rand and value of the Dollar against the Rand.

Some outfitters figure all there operational expenses in dollars and charge in dollars. Other operate in Rand and do the conversion to dollars.

The Rand has been right around 10 to the dollar for a while, but has recently gone up to 6.5 to dollar. My Outfitter said he was able to hold the line this year, but next year if the Rand doesn't go back down he is going have to raise his rates. He said others have already raised their rates to compensate

He also told me that bookings are up this year over last year and the year before.

DD, Ret.

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Reged: 26/01/04
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Re: Why such a difference in trophy fees? [Re: DoubleD]
      #9149 - 16/02/04 09:04 AM

I doubt that anyone is hiding anything, they simply have a different price structure...The Safari business is no different than any other business, some just expect it to be.....

Some are high on trophy fees and cheap on daily rates and visa versa, others the opposite..Its up to you to figure the difference out and make a choice, nothing is criminal nor unethical about this....

There are a lot of great deals out there for the carefull planner, but there are a bunch of rotten apples in the world in every business...

Hopefully I can say without critisism that the use of a booking agent may be the best route to go, as he should have all that worked out to your benifit, but of course that is your call not ours.....

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Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 362
Loc: Freestate,South-Africa
Re: Why such a difference in trophy fees? [Re: atkinson6]
      #9266 - 17/02/04 06:46 PM

Totally agree with Mr Atkinson.

"Hunting is a way of life"
Bigfive,South Africa

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