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UAE Caracal buys Merkel
      #83674 - 08/08/07 01:23 AM

"Caracal International acquires Merkel for hunting"

Caracal based in Abu Dhabi has acquired full ownership of Merkel, hunting guns and light weapons.

Caracal is believed to be associated with Saeed al Maktoum of Dubai.

Full story:



Caracal Int. acquires Merkel for hunting
posted on 15/07/2007
Caracal International, a light weapons manufacturing company based in Abu Dhabi, announced that it has acquired full ownership of the German company Merkel for hunting guns and light weapon industry the deal is seen as a significant boost to the nascent Emirati National Company and an outlet to the international markets.
Under the deal, Caracal International will acquire the German company's production lines in Germany, USA and its distribution networks in Europe and America. These networks are currently distributing several products of other international companies particularly in the American markets.
Hamad Khalifa Al Neyadi, Managing director of Caracal International said, "We are very pleased to having closed such a successful deal, which will soon give our company significant presence in the global markets". He pointed out that this deal is part of Caracal's strategic plan and leaves no doubt about its ambition and capability in reaching and competing in the world markets. He added that acquiring the ownership of Merkel means that we now have a strong distribution networks for our products of light weapons.
He reaffirmed that Caracal is progressing by leaps and bounds in spite of the fact that it began operation only last year as the first national company for the production of light weapons in the UAE. He expects that the company will make its mark in the world markets, and particularly the American market, which is considered the biggest in the world for light weapon sales.
Established 150 years ago in Germany, Merkel owns a series of weapon production and distribution companies for different types of hunting guns. The company has a staff of about 200 employees, and produces classic and modern state-of-the-art light weapons based on the most advanced weapon industrial technologies.
Al Neyadi said that over the last four years Merkel has developed and provided highly advanced equipment and is currently producing about 50 types of highly sophisticated light arms and hunting guns, with a yearly production capacity of more than 10,000 units.
Merkel's products address and satisfy a wide range of hunting and sport shooter clientele around the world. This has also opened the door for technology transfer and exchange of expertise and knowledge between both sides.
He went on to say that, Caracal International would overtake the sales of its new Merkel Company in the Gulf and Middle East and South East Asia markets. It will also continue its development process to transfer technology to UAE and the Gulf region for the benefit of its people in cooperation with Merkel Group.
Al Neyadi added, "From Abu Dhabi we are now actively addressing and opening new markets for Merkel products in the Gulf, Middle East, Asian and African markets".
Caracal was officially launched at the International defence exhibition (IDEX 2007) under the directives of the UAE leadership to fulfil their strategic vision to develop the defensive capabilities of the armed forces as the first national defence company and displayed its first product. The Caracal pistol was highly appreciated by all visiting military delegations for its superior quality.
Caracal represents the core of light weapon industry in the country which will make UAE one of the world defence weapon manufacturers. Caracal is a UAE national arms manufacturing company, based in Abu Dhabi that develops and markets products and accessories, while pioneering new standards and advancing technology to deliver innovative solutions.
By the end of 2006, Caracal was formed and registered in Abu Dhabi. With that, the foundation was laid in the GCC, for the first time, for a highly advanced pistol manufacturing industry comprising of machining, surface treatment, quality control and assembly line. It aims to establish and foster a globally recognized high-precision industry in the UAE and serve as a role model for emerging UAE industries.
The company will take the lead or initiatives in the development of advanced products, set new standards in design, safety and reliability, and open up a new line of research and technology in the small arms industry. It will also produce advanced and high-quality products and accessories that are both user-friendly and responsible that exceeds customer's expectations. It will always deliver the best value for money to its customers without compromising on quality. (Emirates News Agency, WAM)


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Re: UAE Caracal buys Merkel [Re: News]
      #83677 - 08/08/07 01:35 AM

Plus also Heckler & Koch hunting firearms division:


HK subsidiaries Heckler & Koch Jagd u. Sportwaffen and Merkel are purchased by Caracal Co. of the United Arab Emirates.


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.333 member

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Re: UAE Caracal buys Merkel [Re: News]
      #83679 - 08/08/07 01:41 AM

Translated by Google:

Visor - Int'l weapon Magazine News

17. July 2007

Caracal buys Merkel and Heckler & cook hunt and sporting guns

The rumors bubbled already on the IWA. Now it is official, and olive Schmider, leader selling/marketing of the HK hunt and sporting guns GmbH, left
on demand of VISOR the cat from the bag:

In Abu Dhabi resident Caracal LLC (see Titelstory in VISOR 5/07) is international since at the end of of June/at the beginning of of July of new owners of the Merkel as well as the Heckler & cook hunt and sporting guns the GmbH in Suhl plus its selling daughters in the USA. The two acting managing directors Olaf sour and Adrian Ayad will resume the enterprises on the basis of the success of the letzen three years. In particular Merkel could the conversion by more than 70 per cent increase (compared with 2003) and also still the jobs by 25 per cent increase. The success key for this was called investments in new plants and products as well as an optimal Marketingstrategie. The enterprise center remains also after the owner change in Suhl. Olaf sour: “The location Suhl offers with its far beyond the region admitted to quality image the correct conditions and conditions for our growth goals in the German and international market for hunt and sporting guns.” SN
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