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Reged: 11/04/07
Posts: 1493
Loc: denmark
roe buck season in denmark opened
      #78931 - 19/05/07 07:58 AM

Hi all

so the season for spring roe buck is open, it happended on the 16 may as always and the weather wich has been summer like (20 degrees +) evaporated in a heartbeat, rain pouring down with no end to it for two days and a nice 10-12 degrees C danish spring at its best.
I have been working in the stables overtime with no breaks to do anything remotly fun like hunting due the foal and breeding season being at full speed right now. but finaly my better half came into the stables and said, go hunting your not doing anything anyway just standing there looking out the window. So before she could change her mind, i grabbed my winchester and went for a walk, sometimes its good to be abel to just take the rifle for a walk.
The sun had been out for a few hours drying everything incl. the roe deer, i just put my nose in the wind and walked for about 10 min to get to my favorit spot, wich is a small cluster of pine with some boulders that i can sit against and think deep while i enjoy the landscape.

so i got there and sat down overlooking a place where there are at least one nice buck coming in from time to time, and fell a sleep within five minutes or so..........

I woke to the sound of a small birch getting manhandled and with my eyes trying to focus a saw a buck but it was one that i had never seen before at this place, must be a newcommer. i focused on his head, or rather on what was on top and he fell nicly into the catagori of good for the freeser and nice on the wall.

i took aim at him, and just waited for him to get in the right position for a good lungshoot with as little meat damage as possible, it only took 2 min. or so. but felt like an eternety. finaly everything felt right and he went down with the shot(375 win is kinda overkill on a deer at 25 kg)


regards peter

SOME pics of him

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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: peter]
      #78934 - 19/05/07 09:08 AM


Congrats!! Nice way to start the season.

Re: "Win 375 is overkill for deer @ 25kg"....... He is dead isn't he? Sounds like it worked just fine.

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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: AzGuy]
      #78955 - 19/05/07 01:27 PM


Congratulations and Waidmannsheil.

(How do you say Waidmannsheil in Danish?)

Thanks for the little story and photos. I wish the early settlers to Australia had successfully introduced roe deer here, but they didn't. They would look perfect in our fields as well and a great hunting game animal.

That buck is a young one isn't he? Maybe two years old? Should be good eating.

John aka NitroX

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Reged: 11/04/07
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Loc: denmark
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: NitroX]
      #79006 - 20/05/07 06:25 AM


yeah well i always like that they stay put when i shoot them hence the "big" cal. no point in them running around when they are dead


weidmannsdanke, we say tillykke wich means congrats. or use weidmannsheil since a lot of the danish hunting tradition is either from germany or england. deer etc. mostly german tradition, pheasant shoot and the like england.
you might envy us for the roe deer but i would kill (hmmmm) for some of the boar hunting i have done downunder.
the buck according to his teeth is 3 years old with a very strange set of antlers, most times i see a set like this, it is atop of an old buck past his prime. i do have a few of them in the area, very good and difficult hunting on the old ones.


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Reged: 16/06/06
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: peter]
      #79014 - 20/05/07 09:02 AM

Weidmannsheil and tillykke ! It looks like You had a great hunt. I like hunting with big bores too and never ever did one of the shot roe deers complain ! Usually my .416 Rigby made less meat destruction than a .243 or 30-06, so I see no reason not to use it. Hell we hunt because we enjoy it, right ?


Wicked good hunting !!!

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Reged: 11/04/07
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Loc: denmark
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: Kalunga]
      #79047 - 20/05/07 05:13 PM

weidmannsdanke kalunga and you are damn right i do this for the sheer pleasure of it.


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Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: peter]
      #79053 - 20/05/07 10:00 PM

Godt jagt Peter!

I have always been disappointed that grand- and greatgrandpop didn't pack a few of those critters with them when they came over here! Of course they never saw where we live now but I can at least wish for a goodly number of the little deer here and around. I'd love to see them grazing in the fields along with the whitetails and the elk. And spring hunting?? Never knew there was a spring season for them.

Bucks only I assume?

Can you tell us a bit about the management plan that allows spring hunting? Are you on Jylland?

Great pictures and a fine looking buck, too. Quite fascinating to our eyes.

No overkill. The .375 Win is made for them. I am assuming you mean the levergun, not H&H Mag? Either way, really. I've killed many small whitetails with my old .375 H&H and it works. But the .375 Win levergun is a handy thing for walking around with.

What load did you use?

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Reged: 11/04/07
Posts: 1493
Loc: denmark
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: 9.3x57]
      #79057 - 20/05/07 10:48 PM

hi 9.3x57

yes roe buck only in the spring, the period runs from 16/5 until 15/7 we dont have management plans as such in denmark, as long as there is no decline in the population the greens will leave us alone.
i will check up on it, but i think we shoot between 100.000 to 150.000 roe deer a year in denmark

im living on sjaelland if you have google earth. the position is 55.13'03.12N and 11.59'46.28E

i took some video footage of a roe with two fawns greasing in my fields today. will try to put it on youtube later

yes it is the win 94 xtr in 375 win im using a factory load 200gr power point bullet works like a charm on anything up to red deer.

where were your ancestors from in denmark ?


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Reged: 27/02/04
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: peter]
      #79078 - 21/05/07 04:53 AM

Congratulations Peter! It looks like you will be having a lot of nice dinners in the near future.

I envy that you are allowed to hunt roe buck in the spring. We have to wait till august...


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Reged: 11/04/07
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Loc: denmark
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: EricD]
      #79280 - 24/05/07 03:39 AM

well erik
sometimes we danes get a little break from bigbrother so we dont think to much about the 50% tax and the 180% car tax.
i do hunt roe buck in sweden in august nice time of the year.


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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: peter]
      #79507 - 28/05/07 12:44 PM


Sorry for the late reply.

Very interesting that you have the hunting seasons you do. Here we have over-the-counter licenses for whitetail and mule deer, elk/wapiti, bear and cougar and lottery seasons on mountain goat and moose/elg but except for bear all those seasons are in the fall. I've never killed a deer or elk in the spring but of the 8 bear I've killed, several were shot in the spring and spring or fall they all taste good!

My Dad's people came from Bromme, Munke Bjergby sogn and from København, though the Københavners were actually transplanted Norwegians who settled there from Risør, Norway after the War ended in 1814. Yes, 1814. They were pro-Norwegian, pro-Danish and didn't like the sound of a Svensk administration in Norway so they hightailed it to The Big City.

The hunting blood in me comes from my mother's side though. "Old American" Irish and Welsh who settled here in the late 1600's.

What kind of horses do you raise? We have three mares on the place here, all Quarterhorse crosses. Pleasure horses really, though we use them for scouting hunting ground in the mountains, too.

Can you still find factory ammo for the .375 Win or do you handload for it also? It is becoming tough to find here. A forester friend of mine shoots one {a Marlin} and he has a tough tme locating ammo for it.

Funny, you shoot a quinessentially American caliber and I shoot the 6.5x55 and 9.3x57, two quintessentially Scandinavian rounds!!

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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.224 member

Reged: 19/05/06
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Loc: Sweden, Stockholm, norther sub...
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: 9.3x57]
      #79519 - 28/05/07 06:11 PM

Peter, is it ok if I add my buck here as well.

Ahh I´ll try, if you dissaprove I will witdraw.

I had the oppertunity last night to join a friend for some reed dear hunting, in the spring one buck are allowed and it´s a goof time to cull som bucks that are old and others that are small.

The hunting is fairly easy and one can pick and select well between the bucks as the expose them selfs quite a lot.

Well my friend and hunting host had been out a few times and had selected two bucks that was to be culled.

First of at arrival by car to the farm, we spotted two bucks and three does, one yearling, we where out at 7.30 wich where sort of late.

New to the ground I followed my host out on the grounds, stalking slowly we heard the local buck work his thing with one of the does.

At that time we deliberated and it was decieded for me that I should stay at a spot where one of the smaller bucks had been seen the previous days.

I stalked slowly in to place laying down in good cover in an alderberry bush.

Time passes and I hear comotion from the direction my host went. A text arrives at my muted cellphone, larger buck in company of limits, small single buck available.

Ten minutes later at 8.30 a old rather large buck appears at the edge of the wood from the direction my host left.

Slowly and cautiously he starts marking his the ground around him, eyeing him through my binoculars I judge him to be an older return buck, good to shoot, a narrow spiked buck with 2 spikes a 4 pointer in Swedish terms.

I text my host, and describes the buck, the return text gives me an all clear to shoot if possible.

The buck has slowly and deliberatly worked his way closer to my hide, I judge the distance to be 130-40 meters and me laying prone the shot seems to be good.

I slowly worked my rifle up a bit, ensuring that there are no small pieces of grass or other obstructing the bullets path.

A slow inhale, a half exhale, scope at 12X, cross behind the shoulderblade. It´s rather strange how one never seen to feel the recoile in moments like this, the shot rang out and the buck appearently hit, jumped, spun and ran for the woodline,

Above my scope I followed the buck and it reached the woodline prior to me being able to take a second shot.

Waiting 15 minutes I started towards the place where I thought I hit the buck, no bloodtrail.

I went to the woodline where he went out of my line of sight.

There I found a good blood trail, but it ended quickly.

Working in a fan like pattern I and my host started to work at finding the blood trail.

It took us 10-15 minutes to see in the diminishing light in the wood that the deer had weered a 90+ degrees turn when it entered the woodline and fell within 7 meters of the spot where I last saw it.

Phuuuuu my relief was huge as well as the smile to go.

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Reged: 11/04/07
Posts: 1493
Loc: denmark
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: Husqvarna]
      #79522 - 28/05/07 08:35 PM

you are more than welcome to post here

nice buck and good story, funny that you swedes can get something good out of the tjernobyl disaster
(hunting for spring roe buck)

Edited by peter (28/05/07 08:36 PM)

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Reged: 11/04/07
Posts: 1493
Loc: denmark
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: 9.3x57]
      #79523 - 28/05/07 08:56 PM

What kind of horses do you raise? We have three mares on the place here, all Quarterhorse crosses. Pleasure horses really, though we use them for scouting hunting ground in the mountains, too.

please see this www.axelved.com the breed is callede Irish cob aka gypsy cob aka gypsy vanner aka heavy cob, perfect for the things i need a horse to do that is. trail riding, pulling wagons, hunting from the back of them(only a few will accept that) they also do all the usual horse sport stuff, they are gaining a following in the states, prices are high though

Can you still find factory ammo for the .375 Win or do you handload for it also? It is becoming tough to find here. A forester friend of mine shoots one {a Marlin} and he has a tough tme locating ammo for it.

yes i just buy it in the shop, it is just my toss in the back of the car rifle. so the minute ammo is hard to find it will get a new barrel.

Funny, you shoot a quinessentially American caliber and I shoot the 6.5x55 and 9.3x57, two quintessentially Scandinavian rounds!!

this is just one gun of many, im working on a internet gun cabinet like cpt curl has it, will take a while though.

you got some danish expresions in what you type , do you speak any of it ?


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Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened [Re: peter]
      #79692 - 01/06/07 01:43 AM

Great roe deer pictures and stories. Very interesting! I take it that roe deer do not lose their antlers/horns?

Peter, yes, I have heard of Irish cobs. Interesting horses.

We do a little hunting, mostly grouse while we are scouting in the fall, off the horses though I dismount for the shot. The horses hear a lot of gunfire around my place so they are pretty stable, but I don't shoot from off their backs. We hold them and they flinch a bit at the shot but don't go anywhere.

Unfortunately Grandpop didn't pass the Dansk off to us so I am embarrassed to say I do not speak any of it. I really wish I did. Heck, I barely speak English...

One of the nice things about the .375 Win is that cast bullets can be used at full power and handloaded for hunting with not a lot of loss in performance.

I couldn't bring up the google-earth {remote, slow dial-up here...}. About how far are you from Bromme? That is very pretty country there. I've travelled around Denmark a bit and really enjoyed it. Spent a little time on a farm in Næstved, too. That was all back in 1985. Would like to return!

Husqvarna: What make/caliber & scope is your rifle?

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Reged: 27/04/06
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: peter]
      #79693 - 01/06/07 02:35 AM

Well done guys!

how heavy do larger roe deer bucks get?
I am not that familiar with them.


Double Trouble,
Speak not of what you do not know.
Listen up when it's time to.

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Reged: 28/06/04
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: Double_Trouble]
      #79733 - 01/06/07 09:59 PM

Roebucks being true deer, cast their antlers in october. Dressed weight (as we usually refer to) lies between 33-49 lbs. Add 25% for live weight.

3 shots do not make a group, they show a point of aim or impact.
5 shots are a group.

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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: André]
      #79734 - 01/06/07 10:46 PM

Thanks André:

I see my confusion now. I and my son and daughter hunt a variety of animals here on the ranch and in the area but whitetail deer are our really our favorites. As a comparison, our deer shed antlers from December-March and thus in the spring do not have developed antlers at all. The pic's of Peter's and Husqvarna's roedeer show large developed antlers in the spring season {when our deer have no antlers at all or only knobs starting to grow} so I thought the roebucks must not shed them. But if roebucks begin shedding antlers in October that explains the mystery. They must go through their velvet stage in the winter and begin rubbing in late-winter? That would give them the time to show hard antler by this spring season.

There is something quite interesting and curious about the roedeer to me and my son. We never tire of seeing pictures of them. They are so much like our whitetails and yet so different. In pictures they LOOK similar in body to our deer but only a fawn whitetail around here would be carried like Husqvarna carried his. A mature whitetail buck here weighs 150-250 lbs {68-114 kg's} with some rare examples going even bigger than that. With our mountains and rough terrain making for very tough work getting them home, we sometimes wish our whitetails were a lot smaller!!

And again a difference is that we have so many hunters, hunting being the sport of the masses that a spring season would never do here like the roebuck season in Danmark and Sverige.

Roedeer, rådyr, das Reh, chevreuil, whatever they go by, they are indeed fascinating animals and we really enjoy seeing posts about the hunting of them!

Thanks guys!

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Reged: 11/04/07
Posts: 1493
Loc: denmark
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: 9.3x57]
      #79862 - 04/06/07 12:49 AM

well lets see if i got it right.

See the video here

this little flick is of a young buck that i let go because he looks promising. he is one of the scatter bucks as we call them as he is to young and weak to make a spot his own yet but if he survives 07 he will be a good one for 08.

we are also a lot of hunters in denmark but all the hunting around here you either got to own your land or lease it from a land owner and it aint cheap. an eksample 40 hektars of forest will run you up a bill a year round 5000- 5500 $us a year round my neck of the woods( you get 2.5 acre per hektar) so if you like the smell round here it cost you low end dbl rifle a year.


ok so it dident get it right will work on it later got to go hunting now

Edited by NitroX (04/06/07 03:16 AM)

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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: peter]
      #79877 - 04/06/07 03:35 AM


I have placed the link you provided into a new forum which hopefully will display the film.

See it here

Short film: Young Danish roe buck

Hopefully it works!

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: NitroX]
      #79885 - 04/06/07 04:54 AM


I don't get any picture. It looks to be working but a blank.

Lovu Zdar

A Man of Pleasure, Enterprise, Wit and Spirit Rare Books, Big Game Hunting, English Rifles, Fishing, Explosives, Chauvinism, Insensitivity, Public Drunkenness and Sloth, Champion of Lost and Unpopular Causes.

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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: mickey]
      #79888 - 04/06/07 05:09 AM

I got the same result on YouTube itself. I think the reference might not be correct.


Can you post the actual web page reference that is displayed on the actual YouTube page. Thanks.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: NitroX]
      #79890 - 04/06/07 05:24 AM

Thanks Peter for adding the video but I unfortunately can't see it, or youtube for that matter. One of the downsides to living where I do. S-L-O-W connection and download speeds...

Interesting about the lease fees.

OK, Peter, here is a theoretical question for your 40 hectare lease:

How much game might be shot on such a tract of land?

{I do understand that this can vary wildly, as on my own place here [245 hectares/540 acres] I have places where we rarely see game of any sort and other places where we shoot lots. But I am assuming a piece of ground would be leased [knowingly anyway] for its productivity, i.e. game trails and the like. Nevertheless, what might be a normal take in a year for a guy who kicks in 5 thousand bucks for a place to shoot?

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Reged: 11/04/07
Posts: 1493
Loc: denmark
Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: 9.3x57]
      #79906 - 04/06/07 07:01 AM

hey all

looks like youtube needs a 24 hours upload time before it comes on so i will keep trying it will work in the end..... maybe niicky my better half should have a look at it. i will ask her to do it tomorrow.

hey 9.3
around here a lease like that will be managed like this.
one guy leases it, then he brings 2 other guys for the deer hunting part charging them 1500$ each.
then he will set some 600-800 birds out for the consortie that he makes and bring in 7-10 guys for the bird hunting. these people will then pay 2000$ each for 7-8 shoots during the season for them and a guest.
the deer hunting will usualy bring 3-4 roebucks 3-4 roe or fawns plus what sika or fallow deer there is around. round my place that will be fallow deer.

leasing land cost 115$ pr. hektar at the moment, with birds coming in at 10$ a piece al expenses paid.(buying the chicks and taking care of them in the forest the 2 months before the season opens as the law demands) if you just want to buy a shoot at a estate the price pr bird is 30-40$ depending on who you are and the name of the estate,

that is the rough cut of it, prices vary depending on how close you are to the capital, and how good the population of deer is.

40 hektar is really one of the smallest of leases more normal is 100 hektar and up. on my small piece of land i shoot 1-2 deer a year, and i got too many birds to know what to do with.

hope that clears it up a bit if not just ask then i will try to answer more specific.


p.s. saw the buck again today he is living on the wild side

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.224 member

Reged: 19/05/06
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Re: roe buck season in denmark opened as well in Sweden [Re: peter]
      #79926 - 04/06/07 05:08 PM

I saw this quick Q, above, thought I should answer it.

Husqvarna: What make/caliber & scope is your rifle?

My rifle is an Sako Varmint 308 Win, the barrel is shortened 2' by previous owner and though rather heavy she is my beast of burden

Currently I have the rifle scoped with a Weaver V16, 4-16x40 Duplex and AO, I have found the scope 100% reliable.

I use the Sako optilock mounts they are fool proof.

I will get a Swarowski 6-18x50 mounted for the fall when lowlight conditions will become more of a problem.

Best regards Chris

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