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.375 member

Reged: 18/11/03
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Loc: Hunting classic Indian game!
Hunting in France 2007
      #69681 - 17/01/07 07:31 PM

Hello all,

I just got back from another good hunting trip in France. It was a full schedual with hunting and visiting friends and familly. I had hoped to visit our local Robin de bois (JB), but unfortunately some of the bad moments of the trip intervened and I did not make it (next time we go East JB!). I finally got to do a long time dream of mine, go stalking red stag on the open hill, no fences, just wild stags. Some driven boar and some rough shooting for woodcock were all on schedule. We first went down to the Pyrenees mountains for three days of red stag stalking. I was all set, 9.3x74r double rifle with some great handloads with Woodleigh bullets, and my French guild gun for woodcock. I got all my winter clothes and good broken in boots for trekking up and down steep hills in the winter. Then my least favorite airlines, Delta, proceeded to loose ALL my luggage, gun case included. I really hate flying Delta, they seem to always have the lowest fares when I travel, but they always do something wrong.

So there we are in the end of December in the Pyrenees Mountains at the height of ski season with no rifle, no long underwear, no hiking boots, no wool pants, no sweaters, etc. I was lucky that I always hand carry my binoculars, a jacket, hat, and shooting gloves with me… So we proceeded to hunt in my street shoes, and in the same pair of pants and same shirt… Well I hoped those stags don’t have too keen a sense of smell… What really saved us was the fact that the winter was so mild and quite warm. If it really had been as cold as it should have been, we would have been miserable. Now the really bad thing was that I was that I had to use the guide’s rifle… A Blaser R93 with a synthetic stock… How could it get worse… Well at least it was in a good caliber, 9.3x62! The safety really sucks on this rifle because it a cocking mechanism like a Krieghoff… More on this later…

The terrain of the hunting area was better than I could have dreamed. Rugged like Alaska with rocky snow covered mountains and tall trees, but with accents of old world charm and quaint local architecture. The mountains were quite steep, with some snow on the ground. Of course Southwestern French cooking is also not to be missed!

However, our blessing of warm weather made the deer very scarce. We hunted hard the first two days with no deer actually seen. My guide was quite distressed, telling me it was not normal.

Always glassing...

Up the hill...

Down the hill...

In the snow..

On the last day while my guide and I were diligently glassing the hills for stags, my better half (with no binoculars) points and says, “Hey are those deer there?” Well so much for us “hunters” and our binoculars… We spotted a group of 6-8 deer moving about 300 meters down on a lower hill moving up hill to a valley between our hill and another. We quickly sunk back to the other side of our hill to ambush them as they made it across the valley. We made it but not quite fast enough the deer almost made it into some trees, hinds first and then stags. The guide set up the sticks and I aimed at what looked to be a nice 10 pointer about to move into some trees. As I aimed I had the devil of a time getting the safety to disengage. By the time I got done monkeying around with the dad blasted thing the stag had slipped into the trees. We thought all was lost. It was the last day and the deer had made it into the trees. We had worked the trees the day before and they were thick without much visibility. Then one last stag was seen moving, he was younger and smaller, but hell this was the last day. First thing I disengaged the safety, and aimed over the sticks. Shot was made at about 150m or so. Good hit in the lungs with the bullet passing through and breaking the far shoulder and exiting (man I love 9.3s!). The stag ran for about 50m and then collapsed. He was a nice little 8 pointer, not the largest stag, but a good honest one after wonderful hunt.

Spotting the deer

Making the sneek...

Taking the shot.

After the shot.

A local hunter's trophy room.

I am waiting for some pictures of woodcock and boar hunting in the South and in Brittany and will post them soon along with tourist pictures…

In regards to action he should devote himself to hunting...

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.416 member

Reged: 09/01/03
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Re: Hunting in France 2007 [Re: Chasseur]
      #69685 - 17/01/07 09:45 PM

Great recount, Chasseur. Thanks for tossing it up for us.
Stags on the open hill, marvellous!
The big fellow is there for next time.
When are you going back!

I hate inept airlines too, but what I really like is that bizzare boar mount in your last photo! Do they spread the cape like that often in France?

When the bull drops, the bullshit stops!

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.375 member

Reged: 27/04/06
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Loc: Canada
Re: Hunting in France 2007 [Re: Chasseur]
      #69695 - 18/01/07 04:09 AM

Chasseur: thank you for the recount!

Well done and tell your wife that she took some fine photographs! as well as did a marvellous job guiding the two of you!

you will get the big buck next time you are there.. Bon Chance!


Double Trouble,
Speak not of what you do not know.
Listen up when it's time to.

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.375 member

Reged: 18/11/03
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Loc: Hunting classic Indian game!
Re: Hunting in France 2007 [Re: Double_Trouble]
      #69700 - 18/01/07 05:03 AM

Thanks guys!

Marakai: Yep, the big one is waiting, thats why I've GOT to back, or at least stalk more red stag in the futre I've seen that spread cape a couple of others times in other trohpy rooms and in gun stores so while its not the only style, it seemes to have a following there. I agree its a really impressive mount. On my last day of hunting my gunsmith had an invitation for a boar hunt with an aristocratic doctor client of his and I tagged along. No boars that day (story later with photos), but his "hunting lodge" was quite impressive with trophies from all over the world, mixed in with his exotic ancient weapons collection, and the lodge was complete with his TWO wives! Unfortunately, since I didn't know him I didn't take pictures of his tropies...

DoubleTrouble: I'll pass on my complements to my better half, I'm trying to convince her that she needs to change profession to become a hunting guide/wildlife photographer

In regards to action he should devote himself to hunting...

Edited by Chasseur (18/01/07 05:07 AM)

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.416 member

Reged: 11/01/05
Posts: 2655
Loc: Saverne, Alsace, France
Re: Hunting in France 2007 [Re: Chasseur]
      #69757 - 19/01/07 04:07 AM

Congratulations Patrick

I am so sorry that You weren't correctly outfitted.

Do You know that in France Fedex, DHL and UPS are available.
Should have You called me, You'd have received garments, shoes , rifle (classical one, no plastic for sure)and ammo the morrow.
But it's more fun to suffer and worry. Endly the success is more exhilarating.

Please, a favour ; don't air everywhere that we French use to have more than one wife.

"I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."

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.416 member

Reged: 27/02/04
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Re: Hunting in France 2007 [Re: Chasseur]
      #69773 - 19/01/07 05:33 AM

Thanks for the interesting report and picturse Patrick.

The scenery is really beautiful, and I can understand that you want to go back. Hopefully arriving with you baggage next time!


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.375 member

Reged: 18/11/03
Posts: 771
Loc: Hunting classic Indian game!
Re: Hunting in France 2007 [Re: Chasseur]
      #69911 - 21/01/07 07:03 PM

I finally got my other pictures in so here goes some more!

With one of my good friends we went down from Paris to visit another of my friends in the region of the Dordogne Valley for some driven boar hunts. They are a fun group of local farmers and village people who organize their own drives every weekend.

Here we are going out to our posts and some other members of the hunting group waiting for boar to come:

By the end of the day we got four boars. Again because of DeltaAirlines I no firearms so I borrow an old O/U shotgun that had slugs. It was not a "precise" weapon to say the least. Well at least that my excuse for missing with both barrels at a one of these boars...

On our last day we played tourist and visited some of the chateaus of the Dordogne Valley, simply wonderful... Its one of my favorite areas in France (that the boars, and the food are why I keep going back to this region).

Then on to Brittany...

Hunting for woodcock. The weather was to warm and there was only one flush this day. But it was a good, tough day of bird hunting in real Breton "Argoat" the old forests of Brittany.

Then on to a day of driven boar hunting. No boar seen, but lots of roebucks. Of course this was after roebuck season...

Looking down the line of posts:

The piqueur (the handler of the dogs with his three customary tools: the hunting horn, the whip and the long dagger):

I borrowed one of my gunsmith buddy's used guns in his shop a mint condition GDR Merkel Drilling in 16/16/7x65r. I really feel in love with it. I'm working on a deal now...

Speaking of drillings. My buddy used his beautiful Ferlach double rifle drilling: 9.3x74r/9.3x74/20. My crappy pictures really don't do it justice....

In regards to action he should devote himself to hunting...

Edited by Chasseur (21/01/07 07:27 PM)

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.416 member

Reged: 11/01/05
Posts: 2655
Loc: Saverne, Alsace, France
Re: Hunting in France 2007 [Re: Chasseur]
      #70132 - 25/01/07 04:32 AM

Thanks Patrick

very interesting. You were very organized, you could hunt mountain game, then big game in driven hunts and upland shooting with the woodcock and in 3 differents regions.

You display the real misery of the french hunters. When one looks at the guys around the wild boars after the driven hunt, one cannot overlook that they are old people. Most of us are old, few young hunters. We do our best to coax the young but it's not easy.
Thanks for this grand report.

"I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."

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.375 member

Reged: 27/04/06
Posts: 577
Loc: Canada
Re: Hunting in France 2007 [Re: larcher]
      #70548 - 31/01/07 08:10 AM

C'est Magnifique Chasseur!
looks like you guys had a blast!
and I am sad to say that you are right Larcher, it seems that a lot of the younger generation have more interest in video games than they do in the great outdoors,,,, a pitty!

in looking at that crowd you hunted with Chasseur, I would say that there are some real characters in the gang and I bet there were plenty of laughs to be had not to mention some fantastic wine!

Good Photos! ....Merci beaucups!


Double Trouble,
Speak not of what you do not know.
Listen up when it's time to.

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