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Organisations & Associations >> Outfitters, PHs & Hunting Guides

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Reged: 02/01/03
Posts: 468
Loc: Pretoria RSA
      #669 - 08/01/03 07:20 PM

Hi All,

Here is a bit more info on Safari-Hunt :

I started Safari-Hunt as a booking agent to get back into the hunting indusrty and later have my own hunting company and still doing bookings for a number of outfitters. All the outfitters that I sell for on my site are concerned about their clients and give their best no matter what type of hunting.

I specialize in plainsgame mostly but recently added outfitters who has a 48 000 Hectare piece of land in the Klaserie located next to the Kruger Park with no border fence between the park and the land. The big five roams there but quotas for the big game are very limited hence forth the high quality of trophies. The other outfitters also have great concessions in Zimbabwe for other game and dangerous game. And one of the outfitters is fastly becoming one of the top outfitters in Tanzania.

I try to build a very personal relationship with all my clients to make sure that all their needs are looked after I accompany my clients as well on a lot of occasions. I'm also very open to make a deal and negotiate good prices for upcoming hunts. You tell me what you want and I will look for the best deal and quality.

Hunting is a big part of my life it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have a very deep passion for ethical hunting and nothing please me more than seeing a big smile and happy faces when my client takes a good animal on a good hunt.

So have a look around at my website and ask any questions you will see the prices are very competitive if you compare them and the quality very good. Hope to hear from you soon


"Sleeping under the African sky I can see nothing wrong with this world!"

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