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Hunting >> Hunting in Australia, NZ & the South Pacific

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Crocodiles again !
      #63014 - 25/09/06 07:16 PM

Last Update: Saturday, September 23, 2006. 12:00pm (AEST)

Govt turns down latest application for croc safari

The Commonwealth has today dashed hopes of a crocodile safari hunting industry in the Northern Territory.

Two Territory proponents recently forwarded a commercial hunting plan to the Federal Environment Minister.

They wanted domestic tourists to be allowed to cull 25 of the reptiles a year.

But Federal Environment Minister Senator Ian Campbell says he turned down a similar proposal last year and is not looking to approve this one.

"It's a stupid argument quite frankly - it's entirely incompatible with a modern approach to conservation," he said.

"The 600 that are culled under a license are culled using professional techniques that ensure there is a humane culling process.

"Getting amateurs in to take a pot shot at a croc is not a modern, sensible or humane approach and the Australian Government won't be having a bar of it."

Territorian Mick Pitman is behind the proposal and says the Minister has made an uninformed decision.

"I find it a bit ludicrous and a definite sign of him being uninformed because he didn't even look at our proposal before he made a decision," he said.

"So how he can he make a decision that is based on one side of the fence and not both sides of the fence.

"There's got to be a balance drawn here and there's definitely no balance when Mr Campbell and this issue is concerned."


John aka NitroX

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Re: Crocodiles again ! [Re: NitroX]
      #63015 - 25/09/06 07:17 PM

Now I thought the proposal had nothing to do with the Federal Government and only required a case by case approval by the NT government as with residents only being able to apply no export permits would be needed from the Federal Government ?

Anyone know any more? Certainly from the previous news reports that appeared to be the case.


John aka NitroX

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Re: Crocodiles again ! [Re: NitroX]
      #63055 - 26/09/06 03:58 AM

Interesting notes from an Aussie ABC network website. Designed for teachers as a student activity sheet.




There's been a lot of interest in Australia's crocodiles recently.

Because there are so many, someone thought it might be a good idea to allow a certain number to be hunted each year. That could mean money for indigenous communities, an attraction for international hunters and a reduction in croc numbers - which has to happen anyway. But as Sarah found out not everyone likes the idea.

The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile on earth. Males can reach up to 7 metres! They're found in the northern parts of Australia, as well as further north, in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and parts of Asia.

But the name saltwater crocodile is misleading, because they can also live in freshwater. And, freshwater crocodiles can also live in saltwater, but there's no chance you'd ever get the two mixed up. Freshwater crocs are much smaller, and a have a longer thinner snout. They're also shy, unlike their saltwater cousins, who can be very aggressive.

In the 40s and 50s, saltwater crocodiles were nearly hunted to extinction in Australia. That all changed in 1971, when they became a protected species. At that time there were only about 3000 of them in the wild. Fast-forward 35 years, and there are 75 000 saltwater crocodiles in the waterways of the Northern Territory. In fact there are so many crocs these days that wildlife authorities cull 600 of them a year, to keep the numbers under control.

So the Northern Territory government came up with a plan, charge people to go on safari croc hunts. Those in the business of farming crocodiles say people would pay up to $10 000 for the experience of hunting our crocs.
Under the plan, 25 crocs a year could be hunted, and the indigenous communities would make money from the hunters. The hunted crocs would have been among the 600 that were to be culled anyway. To operate these croc safaris, the NT government had to get the OK from the federal government in Canberra.

Pssst! Safari hunting in Australia isn't new, in fact, if you like the sound of a safari the Northern Territory is definitely the place to be. You can legally hunt wild pig, buffalo, camel, goats and cattle. Crikey!

But not crocodiles. The federal government has ruled that safari hunting of crocs won't be allowed. But it's the way it came to that decision that has annoyed a lot of people.

Do you know this guy? It's Steve Irwin, Australia's legendary croc hunter. He's dead set against the idea of crocodile safaris, he says it's cruel. And the federal government listened to him. This is the minister who made the decision against the safaris. He admits that he took the advice of the croc hunter.

Some say that if crocodile safaris went ahead it would ruin Australia's reputation as an environmentally friendly tourist destination.

This is Shady Camp, 150 km east of Darwin. Its muddy banks have the most saltwater crocs per square kilometre in the world. For now, these giant reptiles are safe from hunters. Eventually the territorial behaviour of the adult males will force the younger crocodiles out of this region where they were raised, and they'll have to find new places to live, which means they'll spread even closer to humans.

But if crocodiles attack more people, there could be more pressure to reconsider croc safaris.


Actually not a bad balanced article for once. Well done ABC.



Crocodile Hunting
Links provided
1. What is the largest reptile on Earth?
2. What are some differences between salt water and fresh water crocodiles?
3. What happened in 1971 to change the population of salt-water crocodiles?
4. What plan did the Northern Territory government come up with to cull the numbers of crocs?
5. Why was this plan not accepted?
6. Where can you legally hunt wild pig, buffalo, camel, goats, and cattle?
7. Do you think there is a difference between hunting camel and hunting crocs? Give reasons.
8. Why do you think Steve Irwin is against crocodile safaris?
9. What might happen if Steve Irwin thought croc safaris are OK?
10. Predict what could change the attitude towards crocodile safaris?

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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Reged: 06/01/03
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Loc: Victoria, Australia
Re: Crocodiles again ! [Re: NitroX]
      #63063 - 26/09/06 07:44 AM


What gets me is the crocs are shot anyway in Arhnemland to eat etc - so why not get a Great White Hunter to pay to shoot them and then eat it !!!

I think it all comes down to perception to the outside world.

Once I was driving to a town in the NT and in a small pool by the road - where a culvert went under the road to let water through - a small croc was sunning itself on the bank.
On the way back past 2 hours later, a group of Aboriginies had killed the croc, lit a fire and were cooking and eating it !!!

500 Nitro

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