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.375 member

Reged: 31/08/04
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Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance
      #39771 - 25/10/05 11:58 PM

As some may recall from earlier posts I bought a Thys double in 458wm in Febuary. Considered rechambering to 450NE 3 1/4" but was concerned about the dilema between practice time vs gunsmith time vs a hard travel dates and decided to leave the rifle a 458wm for this trip. I got back yesterday from my trip to Zimbabwe.

With this rifle I shot two tuskless cow elephant, two buffalo bulls, a buffalo cow and a Zebra.

The rifle performed flawlessly. Loading and extraction were perfect.

Due to concerns about dust etc I did a quick clean and regrease every day I carried the rifle and at least every other day whether it came out of the gun slip or not.

My PH prefered that only solids be used for buffalo and of course elephant. My ammo was loaded by JJ using 500gr Woodleigh bullets and it performed well. I never got the chance to crono the loads but best estimate is between 2050 and 2090fps (2050fps out of 24" barrels according to the book but my riffle has 26" barrels). Every recovered Woodleigh was perfect, with just a bit of lead pushed out the base.

My take is that for buffalo this is just the ticket. No exit from a front on shot but an exit on a hard quartering away shot which entered behind the last rib, exiting a bit inside the offside shoulder. Exits on broadside shots but not on a through the spine insurance shot.

For cow elephant my take is that this combo is just fine. Exit on side brain shot. Exit on missed frontal brain shot. This shot entered at eye level just to left of center (my veiw) and passes about two inches directly over her brain and exited a couple of inches above and behind her left ear (edited, should read "her left ear hole"). She was looking at my PH, several steps to my right. With this shot she shuddered and her eyes went blank and she was absolutely out on her feet. She fell over and never moved a muscle or reacted to frontal heart shot. Curiosity about her reaction had us cut open her skull to see how far off the shot was. Taylor wasn't all wrong.

Not so sure that this combo has enough juice for frontal brain shots on bulls. Didn't shoot one but their heads are just huge.

I got hit with food poisoning from something I ate at the airport in Jo'burg on the way home. Very difficult trip home. Will post on the hunt when I get the photos squared away and get some energy back.


Edited by JPK (26/10/05 04:27 AM)

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.700 member

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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: JPK]
      #39780 - 26/10/05 01:34 AM


Congratulations on a great hunt.

In reply to:

With this rifle I shot two tuskless cow elephant, two buffalo bulls, a buffalo cow and a Zebra.

Now that's a nice full "game bag".

In reply to:

Not so sure that this combo has enough juice for frontal brain shots on bulls. Didn't shoot one but their heads are just huge.

Talking from a 'armchair' only but if you can get 2050 fps with a 500 gr Woodleigh solid I don't see why a brain shot wouldn't have the goods.

It sounds like your double is doing very nicely. If it was mine, I would leave it as it is and enjoy it. You can always rechamber it in the future if you find extraction is difficult.

BTW if you only recently got back you must have hunted in fairly hot weather. No pressure or extraction problems during your hunts?

Sorry to hear about the food poisoning problems. I hope you "entertained" everyone on the flight home. Flying home from Bangkok once I had the same problem. You know those little "sick" bags that no one ever needs. I filled seven of them.

John aka NitroX

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.416 member

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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: JPK]
      #39791 - 26/10/05 02:56 AM


Congratulations on a very successful hunt!

It's tough to get cats in hot weather, but it's perfect for ele and buff, isn't it?

When you have free time, I would love to see a couple pics of your Thys rifle. At this point are you satisfied with it in .458 WM, or are you considering 450 No. 2?

Get well soon!

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.375 member

Reged: 28/10/04
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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: JPK]
      #39795 - 26/10/05 04:08 AM


Congrats on the hunt! And thanks for the info! I would love to see some pics of your trophies!


Double Rifle Shooters Society
.500 NE and .577 NE

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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: clark7781]
      #39802 - 26/10/05 05:04 AM

Nitrox, 500grns, Clark,

Thanks for the congratulations; 500grns congrats to you for your incredible hunt.

Nitrox, it was hot but the heat caused no pressure, extraction or ejection issues. There were just no problems of any sort with the rifle.

500grns, the jury is still out. I will have to chrono the load, if for no other reason than curiosity. Richard believes that 500grns at 2100fps is minimum for totally reliable frontal brain shots on bulls. He believes 2150 or 2200fps are even better. Still, the rifle performed perfectly so far as function and that leaves me wary of making changes.

We had only female leopards hit baits, but we did get to watch a male lion on one of our baits for 15 minutes one morning, till it was bright out. He needed another year maybe two, but it was still great to watch. The buffalo hunting was great and the elephant hunting fantastic.

Nitrox, the flight home I was able to contain all my activity to the loo. Good thing since those bags just weren't big enough. High velocity out both ends, thankfully, alternating. Every muscle in my torso hurts now from the often repeated effort.

Photos asap.


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Reged: 27/02/04
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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: JPK]
      #39812 - 26/10/05 08:14 AM


Way to go! I was wondering if you wouldn't be back soon.

You definatly got a lot of action on your trip (although the food poisoning action wasn't necessary), and I look forward to seeing the pictures and hearing more!


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Reged: 15/03/05
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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: JPK]
      #39816 - 26/10/05 10:22 AM


Congratulations on your successful hunt. I am sure we are all looking forward to the pictures of your hunt.

I wish you a speedy recovery from the food poisoning.

Mauser Rifle

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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: JPK]
      #39818 - 26/10/05 11:50 AM


Congratulations and do post pictures whenever you feel well. As the owner of a Marcel Thys rifle you have a rare treasure since Marcel has retired and his sons have decided not to continue the business.

Best wishes and many more good hunts with your fine rifle!

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Mehul Kamdar

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.375 member

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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: mehulkamdar]
      #39845 - 27/10/05 12:47 AM

ErikD, MauserRifle, Mehulkamdar,


I am feeling much better today. Tried a little solid food this morning and all went well. I'm actually looking forward to lunch; what an improvement.


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.224 member

Reged: 16/03/05
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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: JPK]
      #39982 - 29/10/05 12:05 AM

Congrats on a great hunt and the information you shared with us on your DR! Since you hunted in Zim, would you mind sharing more info on where you hunted, whom you hunted with, and anything else you might be able to tell us about the political situation you found in Zim. I have been to Zim twice, planning on 2007, not sure which country, will be my boys first time to Africa so primarily a plains game plus Buff.
Thanks in advance.

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.375 member

Reged: 31/08/04
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Re: Thys Sidelock 458wm Performance [Re: detoews]
      #39989 - 29/10/05 02:04 AM


I'll be posting a hunt report with details and photos soon.

In the mean time, this was my first trip to Africa so keep in mind my limited experience. I hunted with Roger Whittal Safaris in Chewore in the Zambezi Valley and then at Roger's Humani Ranch in the Save Conservancy. Roger is one of three operators who share the Chewore South consession. Proffessional Hunter was Richard Tabor and I would definitely highly reccomend him, very competent guy. He's a very quiet guy, which I enjoyed. Others might want more banter. Also, I met several PH's who work for Roger and each was a good guy. Others here have hunted with some of them.

I loved Chewore. I liked Humani. There is less plains game in Chewore, in fact, there is no comparison. Humani has tons of game. There are elephant at Humani and buffalo too as well as lions, white and black rhino and leopards. Its no tame place but it just isn't as remote and wild as Chewore.

If my son or sons were on the young side, I think Humani would be great. Always something to see or stalk, relatively flat for the most part. If my sons were older, I'd split the trip and go buffalo hunting, taking advantage of any plains game opportunities, in Chewore and then move to Humani for several days.

If a son, daughter, wife... were going to hunt or sight-see/game view seperately from me and my PH at Humani, I would make sure that he or she hunted with or was accompanied by a fully qualified PH and not an aprentice PH or guide. Some of the elephants down there are very agressive and down right nasty.

Roger Whittal Safaris is not a really big operation and you won't get lost in a crowded schedule. Roger is very accomodating too. I signed up for one safari and at the last minute and during the safari it evolved, according to my wishes, into a very different safari. For example originally, no elephant were on the agenda. EricD's hunt report pushed me over the edge and a mere 10 days before I was scheduled to depart I sent an email asking about elephant possibities. In the end the safari kind of revolved around elephant since that was my new found desire. Very accomodating to these changed desires.

Hope this helps, feel free to PM me with any further questions.


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