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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: DarylS]
      #388886 - 14/01/25 09:00 PM

a CZ with zielvier on claw mount, czech proof in 1942

Ernst Steigleder Suhl 7x64 https://auctions.springer-vienna.com/de/...p;currentpos=20

Waffen Halger Kiel, Oberndorf action SN 262967, having a new barrel in 6,5x57 but the orignal Halger Magnum barrel comes with the rifle
hope it come back in original configuration


carabine Rival 10,75x68, having the wrong bolt


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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: lancaster]
      #389065 - 22/01/25 06:41 PM

its not a high end handmade mauser, only a sporter but interest none the less. one of the very few factory cartridges made when nobody ask for was the 7x54 Lapua.
a 6,5x55 swedish necked up to 7 mm to copy the 7x57 Mauser. there was never a factory made rifle for this round beside of the fact it was so close to the 7x54 Fournier they use it without asking questions. the cartridge was probably startet in the early 1950s and it was maybe right when all the bolt action rifles were surplussed but the original 6,5x55 was to good. very few rifles were ever change for this cartridge so it was obsolete before it startet.
you can have it for 150 euro in finland https://www.tori.fi/recommerce/forsale/item/9665453?ci=5

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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: lancaster]
      #389081 - 23/01/25 07:48 AM

Not made by any big factories but after WWII local gunsmith shops built here in Finland many hundred rifles. Mostly to Mauser m96 and Arisaka m/99 actions. Most of them have very low barrel twist for light bullets. LAPUA 5,1 gram is very good. This caliber has "cousin" 7x53R made for Mosins.


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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: Igorrock]
      #389086 - 23/01/25 07:13 PM

the 7x57 is king
you have different military 8 mm cartridges from 8x50R to 8x63 and there are also different 6,5 from 6,5x53R to 6,5x58 but there was allways one 7 mm.
there are wildcats based on different military rounds like 7x53R Mosin, 7x54 Mas, 7x54 Lapua/Swedish Mauser, 7mm -303 Brit
also a 7x56 carcano. everyone want to copy the 7x57 Mauser. with the years I became a strong believer in 7x57.
when talking with beginners my advise is - your first rifle should be a 308 Win.
and when you need another one buy a 7x57 rifle.

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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: lancaster]
      #389093 - 24/01/25 10:07 AM

Lancaster, as you should know, both 7x53R and 7x54 has been designed for hunting big forest birds. After WWII finnish moose was very rare animal so shooting these birds was the easiest way to hunt for food.
At war time 1941-42 SAKO developed their 7x33. Itīs donor case is 9x19 Pb. This kaliber is good for bird hunting with dog but only for quite short distances so VPT (Finnish goverment ammo factory) developed two calibers for longer distances. This happened just after war time so the easiest available donor cases were 7,62x53R and 6,5x55. Light 7 mm bullets by SAKO were too very well available so 7x53R and 7x54 were quite locical solutions. At that time 7,62x53R was banned for any hunting purposes.
Later SAKO developed 10,1g half jacket bullet for those who wanted to hunt moose with bespoke caliber rifles. But on year 1969 new law banned these calibers for that use.


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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: lancaster]
      #389095 - 24/01/25 12:10 PM


when talking with beginners my advise is - your first rifle should be a 308 Win.
and when you need another one buy a 7x57 rifle.

Solid advice

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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: lancaster]
      #389186 - 29/01/25 07:31 PM

prewar Suhl made 98 in 7x64 with a Zielsechs https://www.waffengebraucht.at/waffen/repetiererbuechse/mauser-7x64--597780

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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: lancaster]
      #389192 - 30/01/25 07:12 AM

Nice one Lancaster - great calibre too!

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Re: Mauser rifles at auctions [Re: 93x64mm]
      #389201 - 30/01/25 09:01 PM

short action in 6,5x55, SN 119948 https://bestguns.de/Auktion/2983/Seltene...Repetierer-in-6,5x55SE.html

the side mount points also to sweden

another kurz in 6,5x55 coming from sweden,SN 117729

9x57, SN 765544

short action in 6,5x55 coming with a second ( maybe the4 original barrel in 6,5x54 )https://bestguns.de/Auktion/2831/Seltene-original-Mauser-Kurzsystem-Buechse-in-6,5x-55-und-54-!!!.html

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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