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Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas
      #388253 - 16/12/24 02:05 AM

Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas


John aka NitroX

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: NitroX]
      #388256 - 16/12/24 06:25 AM

Been going on for a LONG time now. Back in 2009, we had some moose hunters from Texas. One was telling me of the problem with hogs then. I mentioned that I wish we had them, and he said: "Daryl, no you don't. Once they get established, they over populate and cannot be controlled. We even have feeders for them, then the lights come on and we shoot and shoot and shoot. There is no controlling them. The breed too often for that."


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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: DarylS]
      #388258 - 16/12/24 07:15 AM

I want to do a hog hunt. Not for trophy but for my freezer.

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: fjrdoc]
      #388263 - 16/12/24 10:18 AM

I think the "trophy's" (huge) are more in the Eastern States where at-loose domestic pigs have crossed with the Russian Boars.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: DarylS]
      #388268 - 16/12/24 12:09 PM

One of the most effective control measures we have is Drought. Not wanted by anyone but it knocks the stuffing out of their numbers. The down side is when the rains come their numbers do not take long to bounce back.

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: Rule303]
      #388269 - 16/12/24 01:06 PM

The video says one thing. People say you have to pay to hunt them, it's not free. So the problem is they want to make big dollars out of their problem.

John aka NitroX

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: NitroX]
      #388285 - 17/12/24 02:55 PM

Do we stil have big problems with pigs here still?

At least in the South?

In the tropical North certainly big herds and numbers.

In the South hunters used to go to Western NSW and shoot 200, 300 pigs. Numbers decreased, access was removed. Drought hit numbers a lot.

Do guys still shoot big numbers of pigs down South?

John aka NitroX

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: NitroX]
      #388286 - 17/12/24 03:02 PM

In Western Queensland, yes in good breeding times, no in other times. I think we are entering good breeding times due to the rain.

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: Rule303]
      #388529 - 30/12/24 04:00 AM

The video says one thing. People say you have to pay to hunt them, it's not free. So the problem is they want to make big dollars out of their problem.


In all the years I've been hearing about this pig problem I've only heard one rancher/ land owner invite people to come and try to kill them for free. There may have been more, but I haven't heard of them.

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: degoins]
      #388532 - 30/12/24 05:43 AM


The video says one thing. People say you have to pay to hunt them, it's not free. So the problem is they want to make big dollars out of their problem.


In all the years I've been hearing about this pig problem I've only heard one rancher/ land owner invite people to come and try to kill them for free. There may have been more, but I haven't heard of them.

That was my thought on the "problem" as well. The expense of it, seemingly due to the cost of shooting them from choppers & other methods not working on many at a time. They breed faster than they can be shot from the ground.
I believe the "time to be effective in controlling them" with single or even multiple hunters shooting them from the ground is over.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: DarylS]
      #388538 - 30/12/24 08:41 AM

Daryl,I agree its time for arial culling and using poisoned baits. Distasteful as that is to me I do not believe it can be avoided if they want to control the numbers.

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: Rule303]
      #388540 - 30/12/24 09:36 AM

Same with the damn wolves, but on a larger scale than those, even. When the numbers cannot be controlled by shooting, poison is the only option with these "types" of animals.
Even more of a problem with omnivores that eat anything and everything.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: DarylS]
      #388543 - 30/12/24 04:52 PM

The way to control big pig numbers is with lots of shooters doing a drive. Walkers and blockers. And disciplined shooters shooting safely. A Hunt Master knowing how to organise a drive. Easy with shotguns. Harder with rifles.

I would not be comfortable with trigger happy gung-ho sorts.

Night shooting with image instensivusing optics seems the most effective method in controlling stage populations of Feras in the last few years.

John aka NitroX

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: NitroX]
      #388549 - 31/12/24 02:02 AM

The wild hogs are becoming a problem in Southern Missouri. The State has made it illegal to shoot any on state land. The reason being is that this splits them up into smaller groups and they want them in larger groups because the DNR sets up large fenced traps for them. It is still legal to hunt then with firearms on private property.


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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: Longknife]
      #388551 - 31/12/24 03:38 AM

Screwy logic IMO.

John aka NitroX

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: NitroX]
      #388557 - 31/12/24 04:33 AM

While I cointinue to read stories of pig problems through the south USA, most of the hunting is on private land and there is a charge to hunt.

While I think it would be fun to hunt pigs during the daylight hours witha handgun or double rifle, the more successful hunting is at night using thermal optics. Many hunters use AR10s and AR15s.

The large hogs (over 250#) are just pure domestic pigs that have escaped.


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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: NitroX]
      #388561 - 31/12/24 12:14 PM


The way to control big pig numbers is with lots of shooters doing a drive. Walkers and blockers. And disciplined shooters shooting safely. A Hunt Master knowing how to organise a drive. Easy with shotguns. Harder with rifles.

I would not be comfortable with trigger happy gung-ho sorts.

Night shooting with image instensivusing optics seems the most effective method in controlling stage populations of Feras in the last few years.

Good luck with that approach in Australia. The area's they cover are people poor. The only proven way is with baits and pig traps. Unfortunately we do not have the hunter numbers needed. This comes back to, The Govt's, Education system and nowadays, understandably, Farmer reluctance to let shooters on.

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: Rule303]
      #388567 - 31/12/24 05:31 PM



The way to control big pig numbers is with lots of shooters doing a drive. Walkers and blockers. And disciplined shooters shooting safely. A Hunt Master knowing how to organise a drive. Easy with shotguns. Harder with rifles.

I would not be comfortable with trigger happy gung-ho sorts.

Night shooting with image instensivusing optics seems the most effective method in controlling stage populations of Feras in the last few years.

Good luck with that approach in Australia. The area's they cover are people poor. The only proven way is with baits and pig traps. Unfortunately we do not have the hunter numbers needed. This comes back to, The Govt's, Education system and nowadays, understandably, Farmer reluctance to let shooters on.

True. But it's also called a social community attitude. It wouldn't happen over night. But over a period of time a property or properties could develop a team or club approach . A week of pig drives, even a long weekend or three. A series of drives on a property or several properties. Make it an annual event. It can be done. But it takes some effort by the landowner or property manager. I'd do it. Boar or Pig Drives are a social event.

Of course pigs will colonise from neighbouring properties.

I remember Marrskai talking about a group of hunters from Darwin going to the Kimberley region for group pig hunts. He reported shooting over 600 pigs. Kymberley is a long distance from Darwin.

We do fix drives with shotguns on three or four Saturdays, in February and March. On a bunch of properties from a 0n hour or two away. Lots of guys doing it. Lots of interest. Word of mouth and introduction onlh. It's been going for years. And it's antecedent is a Hunt Club, that went on for close to a hundred years, every year except for WW2. Us untrustworthy "Germans" living here for a hundred years weren't trusted by the ten Shilling Poms arrived "the year before" from Blighty, to have .22s or shotguns. Between a hundred and fifty up towards 300 foxes shot per year. The local farmers and sons and daughters are often involved. The local farmers often ask one of the farmers sons "when is the fox shooting group coming to my property?"

So it can be done. But "Rule303" you are correct, difficult terrain, the tyranny of distance, regional outback locations, small local populations, all make it much more difficult. The local of "social community" attitudes in general make it more difficult. Independent individualism is not always positive. Teamwork, social bonding, social cohesion, camaraderie can also be positive.

The younger fitter members do the driving walking, The older less fit members do the stationary blocking. The Fox drives have more blockers. But it means all sorts of people can be involved. The Fox group has guys doing it for decades and some elderly guys shoot until the year of their deaths. Great they can still participate even if they can't climb through fences anymore.

Social BBQs or dinners are a good part of it.

Using rifles, not shotguns, makes it more difficult. I'm not sure what is required for safety. I have been part of moose group drives in Sweden and Norway. Only one guy and a dog "driving". Others are blockers. Modern GPS trackers, mapping software, handheld screens might work to monitor shooting ceasefire?

It'd be good for guys doing drives to comment. Maybe I'll start a new educative thread.

John aka NitroX

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: NitroX]
      #388573 - 01/01/25 12:23 AM

Hordes of pigs have taken over my rifle!

They're everywhere!




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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: CptCurl]
      #388583 - 01/01/25 10:51 AM

Nitrox you are correct about the drives and organized hunts helping with Community Spirit. We need far more of it.

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: Rule303]
      #388584 - 01/01/25 11:35 AM

Doesn't get any better than that for a single shot, Curly.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: Hordes of pigs causing problems in Texas [Re: CptCurl]
      #388585 - 01/01/25 03:28 PM


Hordes of pigs have taken over my rifle!

They're everywhere!


Hunting the wild Hogs the old way. One well aimed shot at a time.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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