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9.3×62 Mauser: Otto Bock’s Cartridge
      #386605 - 03/09/24 02:44 AM

African Expedition | The savage continent is waiting

9.3×62 Mauser: Otto Bock’s Cartridge
The unknown caliber
August 26, 2024

The great 9.3×62 Mauser is recognised in Europe and Africa as one of the best big game calibres ever, yet it is virtually unknown in some hunting circles in the United States.

Left to right: 9.3×62 soft, 9.3 solid, .375H&H, .416 Rigby.

Although slightly less powerful than the other two, the 9.3 packs enough punch to qualify as a general-purpose cartridge for African game.

When it was introduced in the early 1900s, America already had the .405 Winchester which was similar in power to the 9.3, and America’s love affair with the lever-action probably blinded people to the merits of this European cartridge. The 9.3×62 has earned lasting fame in the Dark Continent as an all-rounder and once was the workhorse and darling of many British and European farmers in Africa. However, like some other very good cartridges of the day, the 9.3×62 almost faded into obscurity after World War II.

Designed by Otto Bock and introduced in 1905, the 9.3×62 was exactly what many farmers had been praying for. Africa was a hunter’s paradise but a farmer’s nightmare. Plantations and crops were continually destroyed by herbivores while the many carnivores, especially lions and leopards, tried their best to deplete the domestic livestock.

Life in Africa was hard, money tight and luxuries few and far between. Most hunters thus could only afford one or maybe two rifles. For general hunting, they wanted an affordable rifle in a powerful enough calibre to not only take care of large antelope, lions, and leopards but also buffalo and elephants. Bock’s cartridge was available in the high-quality yet affordable bolt-action Mauser which, due to Germany’s involvement in Africa, was readily available all over the continent.

The terrain in Namibia is varied. In some parts, shooting distances can be short while fairly long shots (up to 250m) are common in other parts.

Because of the bushveld terrain which dominates large expanses of land in Africa, lightweight, handy rifles with enough short-range killing power and the ability to take the odd moderately long-range shot at plains game, were preferred. Although the slightly more powerful .375H&H – introduced in 1912 – was also available, most Europeans farming in Africa chose Mausers in 9.3 because the .375H&H was a proprietary cartridge in those days and British rifles were more expensive than the high-quality Mausers.

Also, the .375 H&H’s reputation was marred by bullet failure because the softnose bullets of the day were not strong enough for the .375’s high velocity, especially at short, bushveld ranges.

World War II, however, almost abruptly ended the golden era of the 9.3×62.

The destruction of the Mauser factory at Oberndorf cut off the main supply of Mauser rifles while post-war political changes and restrictions did the same for other arms factories all over Europe. Ammunition manufacturing was stopped in Germany and even Kynoch in the UK started dropping the production of many “African” calibres until they eventually ceased all production in the 1960s. British rifles, especially custom rifles, were still very expensive so African hunters and farmers turned to America for affordable rifles chambered for so-called all-around cartridges.

Africa now also became the domain of the American hunter and as a result American cartridges flourished in the Dark Continent. Winchester brought out their Model 70, a rifle based on the Mauser design, and being unfamiliar with European metric cartridges, Americans opted for this high-quality and also affordable rifle chambered in .375H&H.

The Holland & Holland cartridge thus replaced the 9.3 as Africa’s all-purpose cartridge. The 9.3 was dealt another blow when many African countries introduced minimum-calibre legislation for dangerous game.

Although the 9.3 served with distinction, a minimum bullet diameter of .375″ was set and this unfortunate legislation relegated this great cartridge to the rank of a non-dangerous game cartridge. Make no mistake, the 9.3×62 is not the ideal elephant charge stopper but with the right bullets, it is any day as effective as the .375H&H on pachyderms.

Some African countries (Zimbabwe is one) do allow the use of 9.3s on dangerous game these days. The 9.3 is also legal for buffalo in some of South Africa’s provinces but not in KwaZulu-Natal where I live. In Namibia, it is legal for all plains game up to and including eland, as well as leopard and lion but not buffalo, elephant, hippo, rhino, or giraffe for which the minimum energy required at the muzzle is 3983ft/lbs. A 286-grain bullet leaving a 9.3’s muzzle at 2360fps produces 3540ft/lbs.

The 9.3×62 fits into standard-length actions and can therefore short, lightweight rifles can be built around this efficient cartridge.

When 9.3 ammunition became scarce many hunters had their rifles rebarrelled but faithful fans kept the cartridge alive because they realised that Otto Bock’s mild medium bore was all they needed for the African bush where shooting distances seldom exceed 150 to 200 yards. Another factor that African hunters like, is the minimal amount of meat damage this cartridge causes. Meat damage might not be a factor for trophy hunters but to meat hunters, it is very important.

The terrain in Namibia is varied. In some parts shooting distances can be short while fairly long shots (up to 250m) are common in other parts.

The 9.3×62 launches a 286-grain bullet at 2360fps and when zeroed to print three inches high at 100 yards it is dead on at 200 and six inches low at 250 yards. Many Americans are obsessed with high velocity and long-range shooting but believe me, there is no need for magnums and true long-range shooting in Africa. Yes, you do get the odd long shot but even that should not be a problem because most hunters (and Professional hunters/guides) nowadays own rangefinders and once you know the distance to an animal, and of course the trajectory of your bullet/load combination, placing a bullet where it matters at 300 yards is not difficult.

Those who want to flatten the 9.3’s trajectory can switch to the various 250-grain bullets. Nosler’s excellent core-bonded Accubond comes to mind. Launched at 2550fps and zeroed at 200 yards it drops less than four inches at 250 and less than 10 inches at 300 yards. For any Plains game, even Cape Eland this bullet will do the job with accurate shot placement. There is a myth that African plains game animals are much tougher than American game, but that is nonsense. Yes, we have our tough customers such as buffalo, blue wildebeest, warthog, and gemsbuck, but no animal with a hole through its heart or lungs will ever get away. Hell, my favorite kudu, gemsbuck, and blue wildebeest rifle/calibre combination is a Remington in .30-06 stoked with 150-grain Nosler Accubonds or 130-grain GS Custom bullets (a South African manufactured monometal expanding bullet).

Faithful fans would not allow the 9.3×62 to die and it has been making a strong comeback in recent years. Today Norma, Sako, Highland, RWS, and PMP all produce factory ammunition while many more companies, including some from America, market 9.3 bullets as components, both in conventional and premium grade designs. Barnes and Woodleigh from Australia for instance, are known for the excellent solids they produce.

IMR4046 and IMR4320 seem to be the most suitable American powders for the 9.3×62. With these, it is possible to load 250-grain bullets to almost 2600fps while 2400fps is possible with 286-grainers. Speer markets a 270-grain bullet and Woodleigh produces a 320-grainer.

Points in favour of the 9.3 are its manageable recoil, the fact that it fits in standard-length actions, and that it is easy to form 9.3 cases from .30-06 brass. (Prime .30-06 cases, load them with 9-grain Unique followed by an over powder wad of cotton wool or toilet paper and uncooked rice – filled to the shoulder – and another wad. Fire this “blank” off in a safe direction in your 9.3 and voila, you have a 9.3 case).

Although the 9.3 x62 is a so-called mild medium bore, it is deadly on game. The lower impact velocities of the bullets ensure that they hold together and penetrate deeply. A friend, Nigel Woodroffe, is an avid 9.3×62 fan and he uses his rifle exclusively with open sights to hunt all sorts of bushveld game in South Africa. He has shot a very large number of blue wildebeest, many with solids, and has also dropped buffalo and elephants with this rifle in Zimbabwe. Whenever we go to the range together I am always offered a few shots with his 9.3 and I find this mild-mannered cartridge very easy to shoot accurately from the offhand position.

By the way, talking about shooting. Americans should practice shooting off the so-called “African” shooting sticks from the standing position as this is the position most often used in bushveld conditions. Long grass and other vegetation make it almost impossible to shoot from the sitting or prone position and despite the many trees there never seems to be a handy tree stump or branch close enough whenever an animal presents a clear shot. The shooting sticks I refer to is actually a bi- or tripod with legs long enough to accommodate an adult when standing upright. I prefer a tripod because it is much steadier than any bipod will ever be. Several companies in America market these, (usually made of aluminum), but in Africa many hunting guides use home-made sticks of bamboo or long wooden dowels.

Nowadays many Americans hunt in Namibia, my country of birth, which as you probably know, was a former German colony. Here the 9.3 also enjoyed great popularity. Overseas hunters favour Namibia because it is in some ways more user-friendly than South Africa. Importing your hunting rifle is easier than doing so into South Africa and this sparsely populated country still has that real “wilderness” ambiance while the hospitality of the people is simply out of this world. Certain hunting areas in South Africa are very commercialised and you often hunt within sight of towns, airports, and busy national roads. Namibia is safe and affordable, has an excellent road network, and a wide variety of species.

In the south, the semi-desert topography consists of rolling plains interspersed with rocky hills or koppies, mountain ranges, and, in places, fairly deep canyons. Although it is an open and very rugged country, the clever use of the rocky terrain will enable an experienced hunter to stalk close enough to get within 200 yards of his quarry.

Central and northern Namibia is savannah and bushveld country where it is normally not necessary to take shots in excess of 200 yards unless you are one of those lazy hunters who shy away from proper walk-and-stalk hunting.

Most hunting in Namibia is done on private land or ranches which we prefer to call “farms”. But do not be misled by the term “farm”. Properties are huge and the size of the average farm is around 12,000 acres. Many properties are of course much larger due to the amalgamation of various farms.

On many all the inner fences have been removed and you can travel many, many miles in all four wind directions without seeing a single fence. The latest statistics show that less than 40% of the country’s hunting grounds are fenced.

For the average plains game safari, you really don’t need anything more than Otto Bock’s mild 9.3. It is plenty of gun for all antelope up to and including the regal kudu, as well as gemsbuck and eland. In the Namib desert shooting distances sometimes stretch beyond 300 yards and many would prefer magnums for such shots. However, when you book, enquire about the terrain in which you will be hunting and if it is open savannah or woodland and dense bushveld, the 9.3×62 will not let you down if you do your bit.

This grand old cartridge is quite popular in southern Africa and with good reason. It has flattened game with monotonous regularity for 103 years and will probably do so as long as we have hunting on the Dark Continent.

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Rifle Hunting
Koos Barnard

Koos Barnard is an ex-professional hunter and a full time gun writer, having published hundreds of articles. He was born in Namibia and has been a keen hunter since his youth.
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John aka NitroX

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Re: 9.3×62 Mauser: Otto Bock’s Cartridge [Re: NitroX]
      #386606 - 03/09/24 02:46 AM


Nice looking rifle.

John aka NitroX

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Re: 9.3×62 Mauser: Otto Bock’s Cartridge [Re: NitroX]
      #386610 - 03/09/24 03:54 AM

thanks for sharing with us. I know Koos personally. He lives about 120km from me. I visited him a few times and we share some hunting stories and talked about rifles the whole day long! he is a journalist and writer for hunting magazines here in SA. His knowledge of firearms and all things hunting is impressive. I have a lot of his articles and can share some with the forum if you want?

Regarding the 9.3x62... it is very well loved in Africa. All the old timers know it and always talk about it! I have 2 rifles chambered in 9.3x62, as well as a 9.3x64 Bren. Anything that the 9.3 is shot at die!! End of story. It has perhaps the perfect balance between velocity and penetration. The std 286gr bullet just work! From springbuck all the way to elephant. I personally know a lot of old hunters that used the 9.3 on buffalo and they swear by it! Some of them reason it is better than the 375?? I just opened the door for a serious debate...

"the real Africa is still out there... you just need to know where to find it"

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Re: 9.3×62 Mauser: Otto Bock’s Cartridge [Re: Vintage_Canvas]
      #386619 - 04/09/24 07:43 PM

The lovely pictured rifle looks a lot like my Whitworth M98 .375, except it has a different safety and an ebony forend. My 375 is a standard action 375 H&H Magnum. I need to choose projectiles and seat them to a length fit. Loading into the maga one requires an insertion with the base of the cartridge and pushed in backwards and downwards.

My only o.e is my Tikka 512SD under and over double rifle. I've only used 286 gr Woodleigh SPs and FMJs. But 14 buffalo, plus scrub bulls, horses, donkeys, pigs and deer to its tally.

I question Koos claim the 9.3x62 was the popular African all rounder before the .375 H&H Magnum claimed this title. Maybe in ex-German SW Africa aka Namibia. And among a minority of Afrikaner South Africans. Certainly in the English Press the 9.3x62 was virtually unknown.

There are often spurious arguments that the 9.3x62 and the .375 H&H are virtually the same in power and velocity. The calibre is only 2.5% larger. But let's say, take a .30-06 case opened up to .375,it will NOT be the equivalent to the H&H Magnum cartridge.

I also have not heard the claim the .375 suffered from the reputation of having too soft soft point bullets. My readings said it had the opposite reputation. Noted manybSPs of the era were unreliable for very large game . Therefore the often preference for FMJs. But this efficiency was common across the board and markedly in such as the 10.75x68. Harry Manners switched his 10.75x68 to the .375 H&H Magnum exactly for this reason. And successfully used the .375 for thousands of buffalo and numerous elephant.

Ammunition for the .375 will be found in gun shops, when the 9.3x62 factory ammo will be very missing.

I'm sure lots of farmers bought very useful Mauser 9.3x62 rifles. Cheaper and versatile than a British H&H Magnum length Mauser. Hard hitting on medium game. Excellent on medium driven game. Larger plains game Marginally adequate on large and dangerous game.

Disagree with the last comment? Remember a 6.5 can kill a buffalo. It's those 5% of times when things don't go well, one really feels the need for something bigger. Getting injured or killed might be the result. Good shooting with the 9.3 will work. But are you happyand confident to use it during a charge,min the long grass, jess, thick scrub at very close range?

The 9.3x62 is a no nonsense cartridge.

I've often thought having a nice handy Mauser rifle in 9.3x62 would be nice. But why not just use my better .375 more? Use an existing rifle more, spend the money on shooting it, hunting with it, rather than yet another rifle sitting in a gun safe.

The ,375 H&H Magnum is chambered by virtually every gunmaker and larger bore rifle models. No problem finding affordable rifles for a long long time.

The .375 H & H Magnum rightfully holds the undisputed title as the world all rounder.

John aka NitroX

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Re: 9.3×62 Mauser: Otto Bock’s Cartridge [Re: NitroX]
      #386633 - 05/09/24 01:23 AM


I question Koos claim the 9.3x62 was the popular African all rounder before the .375 H&H Magnum claimed this title. Maybe in ex-German SW Africa aka Namibia. And among a minority of Afrikaner South Africans. Certainly in the English Press the 9.3x62 was virtually unknown. ………….
I am sure lots of farmers bought very useful Mauser 9.3x62 rifles. Cheaper and versatile than a British H&H Magnum length Mauser. Hard hitting on medium game. Excellent on medium driven game. Larger plains game Marginally adequate on large and dangerous game.

The 9.3x62 was popular not only in the former German colonies Namibia, Tanzania, Ruanda, Cameroun and Togo, but in pure British ones like Kenya too. Reread Finn Aagard’s articles, already posted here:
Or what Taylor wrote in African Rifles and Cartridges. He called the 9.3x62 the .366 (9.3MM) Mauser and was writing about pre-WW2 times, of course. quotes:
“It was immediately acceptable and has ever since been the most widely used medium bore in Africa.”
“It’s a big asset to the professional hunter when he knows that no matter in what part of the continent he may be roaming, he can find shells for his rifle.”
“Having said that it’s the most popular and most widely used medium bore in Africa, there isn’t a great deal more that one can say about it – that just about covers everything.”

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Re: 9.3×62 Mauser: Otto Bock’s Cartridge [Re: kuduae]
      #386635 - 05/09/24 02:12 AM

I also have 2 Mausers chambered in 9.3×62mm. I like them both, but the Oberndorf with 22" bl. is my favourite.
One note, please do not use the 270gr. Speer in this ctg. It is too "soft" a bullet for game larger than perhaps 100 pounds. I will not use this bullet even for our NA deer.
If bone is hit, the bullet simply comes apart into tiny pieces. This was my experience with an impact speed of approx. 1,800fps, a 200 yard shot with initial vel of 2,300fps.
Sould note here that the 1905 ballistics on the 9.3×62 was a 286gr. soft or solid at 2,175fps and it wasn't until 1923 that the ballistics were improved to 2,320fps or thereabouts. This, according to John Taylor, I think.

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