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NitroExpress.com: Polish Hunting youth bans - plan to repeal

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Polish Hunting youth bans - plan to repeal
      #340206 - 18/04/20 03:33 AM

Let us support the Polish hunters - and ourselves.

Two years ago, the hunters in Poland were run over by anti-hunters in the Polish Parliament who managed to ban any people under the age of 18 from being exposed to hunting. The ban meant that parents are no longer allowed to educate their children in their way of life. The ban is essentially a human rights violation. However, it gets worse. The law states that hunters are committing a crime even if strangers under 18 suddenly appear in the middle of a hunt. Of course, animal rights activists are abusing this.

We have just learned that on the 15th or the 16th of April, a proposal to lift the ban will reach the Polish Parliament. The proposal is the result of nearly 100,000 signatures to lift the ban gathered by Polish hunters. They will probably need a lot of international support to get rid of this ridiculous violation of their rights as parents, hunters and human beings. Let us stand by them and thus do our best to prevent the spread of unjust, emotionally based anti-hunting legislation.

We will follow this carefully, and we will possibly come back with calls for action. Meanwhile, all hunters of the world can help by spreading the word that Polish hunters are battling their Parliament for what should be simple human rights.

Jens Ulrik Høgh
Nordic Safari Club - Communication

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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