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Reged: 15/10/09
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Loc: Alaska, USA
70 North Air Taxi--charged for a flight not taken
      #256451 - 09/11/14 10:36 AM

This is to inform you of an unfortunate circumstance that happened two hunting friends and myself whilst hunting caribou in the arctic. Last week I filed a complaint with both the BBB and the Attorney General's office in Alaska against 70 North Air Taxi out of Deadhorse and the owner, Mike McCrary.

In a nutshell, the contract we signed and were bound to states if she shoot excessive animals we will be charged $1500 for an "extra meat haul". We were given different bits of information: one was that we are allowed only one caribou each, that we could take up to 4 caribou, and that a 5th caribou was "iffy" if an extra haul would be needed. If an extra flight was needed, it is certainly understandable to pay for an extra flight.

To make this short, we were charged for the extra flight but it was not needed. We were within weight limits for our three scheduled return flights to camp but were charged for a 4th flight that was not taken. The owner will not reply to my emails (3 of them) so I filed with the proper authorities. I do not have a receipt for the $1500. Mike operates a "cash only" basis for his charter flights.

A prominent attorney looked at the contract and told me a company can't charge for a flight that was not taken. He will take my case for no charge if we go to court, but the AG and BBB are the first steps.

I should also mention here we and other hunters at Happy Valley were charged $2000 for the flight out and back for caribou. To my dismay I have spoken to other hunters who are charged a flat fee of $750 per hour for flight time. This equates to nearly 1/2 of our cost. Others were charged far less, too.

If any of you hunters have flown with 70 North and were charged for an extra flight feel free to contact me as you should have a refund coming if the flight was not actually taken.

We were taken back by the level of professionalism of the 70 North outfit. The camp manager told us humorous stories of two groups of university paleontologists battling with each other in camp (U of Chicago and UAF), of being told we were not welcome in the office for food or drink as the college groups were there and took precedence, and, of course, the mis information and outright dishonesty of the "extra meat haul" fee.

Personally, it was an embarrassment to bring a prominent physician and the CEO of a large international company with me and be treated like this.

This was the 4th year I have booked with 70 North and certainly be the last. I will look to other flight services in the area. There is no doubt my complaint will prevail but it is sad when a company puts a small profit ahead of integrity and honesty.

Cheers, mates.

Thanks for your feedback and here is an update on the situation.
Bob Gill, co-owner, offered a refund to me as long as I stopped the "hostilities" i.e. don't publicize the business practices of 70 North. I refused to compromise as right is right and a company can't charge for a flight that is not taken. Here is an interesting comparison for you folks who wish to hunt caribou and fly out of Happy Valley.

70 North $2000 per person, one caribou, $1500 per extra animal
additional notes: some are charged $1750 per person and some the plane is $750 per hour
Arrowhead $2600 per person, two caribou, wolf, grizzly, and change camp if needed
Full Curl $2500 per person, two caribou
Broooksflier $2500 per person, two caribou, wolf, grizzly, or wolverine

Here are some posts and emails from others regarding 70North. My comments follow.

Last year four of us flew with 70 north for dahl,grizzly, caribou and wolf. Cost was $1750 per person with 2 flights in in the Helio allowing 1200 lbs total.
The customer was very pleased with his service. Note his charge was $250 less than many pay.

We were extremely happy with 70 nNorth, they made and extra flight on the way out at no extra charge.
Some are charged an extra flight, some are not as with this customer. In my case I was charged for a flight not taken!

Before I booked with a transporter, I did quite a bit of research and found enough complaints about 70 North's business dealings that I looked elsewhere.
I, now, will agree with the business dealings.

Bob wrecked their 206 a couple weeks ago. They probably need your extra funds to cover costs of a new rig!
Actually, the crash was after my unjust fee.

Mike has a long and well earned reputation for shady dealings. He used to work for Branch River in King Salmon until Van fired him.
I will email and research and look into this.

I also think their pilot Bob pushes the weather and makes questionable decisions. Not someone I want to fly with.
I can't agree with this as I've flown a lot in 30 years here and feel Bob is a safe pilot.

To sum up, my complaint with the BBB and AG are both in process and both agencies have contacted 70 North. Prior to my filing, I made four attempts to contact Mike and all of my communications were ignored. We'll see what happens now and for those of you who wish to hunt the high arctic, you won't have a better experience once in the field. Just be very careful with whom you fly.

Here is a copy of my contract. Note at the bottom the "extra meat haul." This contract will now be amended for the next season and perhaps just a flat fee for more than one animal as it is obvious the charge to me was bogus and illegal.

Good luck, gents. I hope to see you double rifle men at the summer's shoot and feel free to stop by anytime.


Cal Pappas, Willow, Alaska
Cal's Log


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