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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Unacceptably ethical
      #251649 - 07/08/14 01:16 AM

Unacceptably ethical

Trophy hunting is often completely misunderstood. It isn’t hunting, but ignorance, that is the greater threat to Africa’s wildlife, argues Marcus Janssen.

I find it remarkable how many people in the UK, even keen game Shots, consider trophy hunting to be completely unjustifiable. “But what’s the difference between a grouse and a gazelle?” I will ask them. And I mean it – the justification behind game shooting in the UK is exactly the same as it is for hunting kudu, buffalo or even elephant in Southern Africa. The animal is humanely despatched and part of the substantial investment made by the hunter goes back into the management of that species in order to maintain a surplus in coming years. Without the surplus, there is no hunting.

The term ‘trophy hunting’ is an unfortunate one because it suggests that the ‘trophy’ or taxidermy is the sole reason for the hunt. The vast majority who hunt do it for the sport, the challenge and the enriching experience of being on safari in spectacular surroundings. For most, the ‘trophy’ serves as a memento, a respectful acknowledgement of a great hunt and an appreciation of the animal taken.

Wildlife conservation on any given piece of land – whether it be a grouse moor, a national park or a privately-owned game reserve – can only be justified if that ground generates enough revenue to be financially viable. Take away the grouse, the pheasants or the buffalo, and you no longer have an incentive to manage that landscape in a way that ensures the promulgation of wildlife. Simply put, wildlife must justify its presence in economic terms. And nowhere is this more crucial than in poverty-stricken sub-Saharan Africa. And it just so happens that one of the most effective ways of making wildlife pay, particularly in areas where photographic tourism is not viable, is through trophy hunting.

Why should the killing of a buffalo be any less acceptable than the killing of a grouse for the same reason? Both are cleanly and humanely despatched, they are consumed (in Africa, often providing much needed protein to impoverished rural communities), both generate income for the local economy, create jobs and the far-reaching conservation benefits to the relevant ecosystems cannot be overstated. But there is a tendency for people to ignorantly claim that every species, from leopard to elephant and rhino, aren’t nearly populus enough to warrant hunting. Again, think about that in the context of grouse or salmon – the sport that these animals provide is the very reason why there is a surplus. As long as there are people willing to pay good money to hunt big game, there is an incentive to supply it – and in order to supply it, you’ve got to manage their habitats.

Read more on Field Sports Magazine:

John aka NitroX

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