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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Reged: 24/02/03
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Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle
      #2255 - 31/03/03 04:09 AM

I've yet to hunt D.G., but I'm starting to get ready. I'll probably use my Ruger 77 in 416 Rigby, with my Winchester Moder 70 in 375 Ackley Improved as my back up. I'm looking for suggestions for sight set-ups for both rifles.

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Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: mikeh416Rigby]
      #2339 - 09/04/03 07:54 AM

There are many workable set ups for a dangerous game rifle, that will work! All depends what type of rifle you intend useing!

My bolt DGRs are all CRF actioned rifles, and are set up with low powered veriable scopes, housed in Warne Quick detachable rings, and bases. They are mostly 1.5-5X20 Veri-X III leupold, with No#4 reticle. All have iron sights, and are the shallow "V" type on Island bases. Front sights are partridge type with a white tip, and a flip up "NIGHT BEAD" with a Wart hog bead.

My doubles are all fitted with with one standing, and One, two, and three flip ups. The standing is a shollow V. I have one double that is fitted with the afore mentioned sight set up, but has a Ashley Ghost ring that fits the back Warne scope base. This rifle uses a scope when hunting over bait, for Black bear, and has a lighted center reticle. All these sights are available from NECG, in the white for fitting on your rifle.

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: DUGABOY1]
      #2347 - 09/04/03 10:41 PM


Sure sounds like Dugaboy has got a nice setup !

"Sleeping under the African sky I can see nothing wrong with this world!"

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Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: SafariHunt]
      #2354 - 11/04/03 11:51 AM

You've got that right! I'm jelous.

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Reged: 09/02/03
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Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: SafariHunt]
      #2389 - 16/04/03 03:44 AM

Hi Mike,

I'd say that Dugaboy has got it pretty well perfect. I'm especially fond of that big old flip up white foresight.... it's especially nice when you have to go looking for a wounded Buffalo in the thick stuff.

Whilst I don't have a scope on my .500, my open sight set up is exactly the same as his.


Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

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Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: mikeh416Rigby]
      #2392 - 16/04/03 06:46 PM

On my 416 Rigby I've decided to go with a Leupole 1.75x6x32 scope in Warne Q.D.s, and replace the standard front sight on the Ruger 77 with a fiber optic sight from NECG. The rear sight will be taken to an engraver, and have a thin platinum wire inserted into it. Here's hoping it works.

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Reged: 06/01/03
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Loc: Freestate,South-Africa
Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: mikeh416Rigby]
      #2396 - 17/04/03 06:10 PM

I have changed nothing to my Brno 460 WBY Mag.I kept it as it is.I a difficult situation with any dangerous game I don't want to find a charging animal trough my scope.Swing of scopes and all these fancy gadgets works very nice and I'm Impressed with accuracy on quick release mounts but in the heat of the moment it takes time and time is last thing that you have.Straight forward open sights is the best for me.We are all used to it as most of us was tought to shoot with open sights.I remember hitting anything bigger than a sigaret but with my old BSA Meteor airgun when I was a child.A DG rifle must be straight forward and very simple to handle.A Basic rifle with a lot of power!!!

"Hunting is a way of life"
Bigfive,South Africa

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Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: Bigfive]
      #2696 - 09/05/03 05:02 AM

BIGFIVE , I will not presume to tell you what you should do, or shoot in your own defense, but it is my opinion, that you have the wrong idea of why a scope is installed in QD bases. These are not so you can yank the scope off durring a charge, where as you say "time is of the essence"! It is for those who hunt mostly with a scope, and if it is damaged, a spare scope, pre zeroed, is simply locked in place without any loss of hunting time, to rezero a scope! You see you are at home in the bush, but most of us must travel 15, or 20,000 miles from home to hunt there. I have plenty of extra scopes, and rifles at home, but that is a long jog to change a scope or rifle.

Let me tell you of a happening where this set up, paid off! It wasn't in Africa, but the same prenciple applies! I was hunting in the Saddelback Mountains of New Mexico. On foot, and 10 miles from my camp. I spotted the largest Muledeer I'd ever seen in my life. I started a stalk around the mountain side, to get with shooting range. I stepped on a slick rock, and the rifle being in my right hand, was about to over balance me and make me fall into the canyon below. I had only two choices, one was to drop the rifle, and the other was to fall. You may know I did not fall! When I retreved the rifle, the scope objective bell was looking down at the rear sight, and I colud see the deer was getting nervous, and about to go. Thanks to the QDs I simply slipped the scope off, and shot the deer at about 350 yds accross the canyon, with the iron sights. If I had not had the QDs , and Iron sights I would have had to leave, and I don't think he would have been there the next day.

In Africa, if I'm hunting with a bolt rifle,which isn't very often, I primeraly use a scope,my eyes not being as sharp as they were when I was fifty years old,that is 16 years ago, but have Irons on all my rifles. If I need to go into the thorn after a buff, I simply remove the scope and use the irons. This system works best for me, because I mostly hunt Buffalo, but I hunt the other species with the same rifle. The scope comes in handy when a long shot on something presents it'sself, or a shot taken on buffalo where a bullet needs to be threaded through a small hole in the bush, the scope lets me see the sticks that are in the way, but not seen with the naked eye. My plains game rifles are set up this way, and are all of legal chambering to take what ever I run across, I don't use small rifle in Africa. If I'm hunting Buffalo only, then I use a double rifle with IRONS, because I do not shoot unwounded Buffalo at long range. IMO, Dangerous game is only dangerous at close range, and to shoot one at 200 yds defeats the purpose of hunting dangerous game in the first place!

The way a rifle is set up, for any purpose, is a personal thing, and what you want is, what works for you, that, however may not be what works best for me!

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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Reged: 02/01/03
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Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: DUGABOY1]
      #2714 - 09/05/03 06:42 PM

That was a very good and knowledgeable post, thanks.

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Reged: 07/05/03
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Loc: Queensland Australia
Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: Mpofu]
      #2814 - 14/05/03 11:05 PM

The only thing I'd like to add to all that good stuff is that when the shooting gets real close, fast, and urgent, the most important thing to me is not what type of sights are fitted, but rather how well the gun fits.

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Reged: 15/05/03
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Re: Favorite Sight Set-up For A D.G.Rifle [Re: 4seventy]
      #2825 - 16/05/03 12:46 PM

I don't have experience hunting dangerous game, yet. I do have a 458 Lott set up and am getting ready to build another heavy off a TGR-S action I lucked into with a 1917 enfield in the wings. I think the ideal set up for a DGR would be a Trijicon Reflex sight. I have a Leupold Gilmore 4 MOA reddot on my Lott and it works great but you have batteries to deal with where my Reflex (also 4 MOA)is tritum powered. Both sights are rated for all calibers (Reflexes are mounted on MK 19s and M2s in the military) and are ideal as you keep both eyes open. I will have my Sako set up with a rear leaf that I can see through the Reflex (just like my M4 sights can be seen through the optic) so if for some reason the dot goes away the irons are visiable without removing anything. The Reflex and Reddot scopes are the fastest sight set up there is, that is way the military uses them for CQB. I have fired four rounds out of my Lott as fast as I can work the bolt on numerous occasions and the Gilmore works like a champ.
Jason Connerley

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