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Reged: 25/12/02
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Well not cool, actually quite hot, but the results weren't bad.

Not a monster but a representative stag from the area. And some nice chital steaks and venison for the table.
-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"
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Another pic.
Karamojo Orion!

-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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.416 member
Reged: 05/01/03
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Loc: Pend Oreille Valley, Idaho
What the Hell kind of rifle is that? One of those Wild West things?
-------------------- Lovu Zdar
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In reply to:
What the Hell kind of rifle is that? One of those Wild West things?
Mick, don't be too hard on Nitro. I believe he was just getting some practice in for the Western Action Christmas Cowboy Extravaganza Shoot! 
Don't know about that bloody scope on the thing though! They don't allow scopes do they? Isn't that one of those totally bloody useless 1.75-6 shortarse Leups? Send it up to me when you're finished with that scope Nitro as I think I know someone who's looking for one to put on his double! 
Yeah, ok, it's a nice stag, well done!
Edited by 4seventy (30/11/04 01:49 PM)
.450 member
Reged: 01/01/03
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Well done John..congrats on your stag,i have noted the trad leaves in mouth too,ok not quite traditional oak leaves but tribute anyway,something that not many in Oz would know about either.
-------------------- Get off the chair away from the desk and get out in the bush and enjoy life.
.700 member
Reged: 25/12/02
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That's one of those new fangled lever-actioned magazine double rifles, didn't ya know. 
It actually has a good trigger for a LA and shoots better than 1/2 MOA. Light weight and short so good for carrying and in .308 no problem on these little Chital. Also the chital sit in smallish clumps of thick bush but also can require a long shot so combining the two is not a bad idea.
This stag is the result of a combined four and a half days hunting, with the previous trip providing some useful scouting information.
"Orion" only missed out on a larger stag on the last evening by a whisker. A small bit of luck extra and a second stag would have been ours.
The leaves in the mouth is courtesy of my hunting mate, "Orion" plus a Waidmannsheil afterwards too of course.
-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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Reged: 08/01/03
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Nice buck!
-------------------- ~Ann
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Reged: 25/12/02
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What I like about them is it gives one an excuse and opportunity to do some Southern Hemisphere Spring hunting. When a lot of the other stags have cast.
And these deer were the wildest at the place and definitely not standing around.
In reply to:
Isn't that one of those totally bloody useless 1.75-6 shortarse Leups? Send it up to me when you're finished with that scope Nitro as I think I know someone who's looking for one to put on his double!
Well spotted. It is a 1 1/2-6x Leupold Compact. Originally bought for my .375 it didn't fit in two piece mounts being too short. So now resides on my .308 BLR in Warne QDs. So I could shoot that "Western Cowboy Christmas Extravaganza" if I wanted too. 
It also has a good post cross-hair reticle, just perfect for a double. 
-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"
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Reged: 09/11/03
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How do you like that little BLR? I had one in 7mm-08 that shot right along with a decent bolt rifle. Nice buck...are they as good eating as I've heard?
We ARE having a cool November; it got down to -3 F the other morning. The dogs are all enjoying sleeping in the house...
-------------------- Hunt with Class and Classics
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Reged: 25/12/02
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I like the .308 BLR quite a lot but haven't used it that much. As I said peviously the trigger is OK, the rifle is light, short, fast shooting and accurate. And .308 is a respectable cartridge.
Not traditional but "Orion" wouldn't let me take home his vintage 6.5x54mm Mannlicher-Schoenauer ......... Which also isn't bad 
November in the South Hemisphere is of course Spring and in this area starting to heat up. It had been cool but we managed to get a couple days in the 33 deg to 37 deg C range.
Chital are a new discovery for me as they can be hunted this time of the year and make a nice change. Three other stags have been taken in the last month or so too, one of which I had my eye on in October but he was still in velvet.
-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"
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Reged: 25/12/02
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Loc: Barossa Valley, South Australi...
The story
As you might remember I spent about three days at the same place in October showing a German acquaintance around. He had a couple of opportunities at stags like this or better but turned them down. Also saw some larger ones which escaped or where in velvet.
Now having done some decent "scouting" and knowing the location of four or more hard antlered stags and probably a couple shedding their velvet, I deciced to head back and my mate "Orion" also volunteered to come as well.
Having to work we missed out on some lovely cool weather and hit weather in the mid to high 30's (celsius) so midday's would be spent lounging with cool early mornings and the last hour and a half before dark being hunting time. The chital and most of the deer spent the mid-days lying up in thick patches of scrub anyway.
Checking out the various locations of the herds we sorted out where the best spots might be and found one very long stag with a good sized thinnish antler but the other antler being only half the length. He could stay where he was. Also sighted a couple of rusa stags one of which looked huge but was several hundred metres away. Eventually the andrenalin worked of and we worked out he was youngish with probably not enough weight in his antlers. Another perhaps longer rusa was found but again thinnish. This stag had a broken or damaged withered leg, probably as a result of being shot in the front leg and escaping. Otherwise he was still in OK condition and was near to water.
The chital are very fast to go to cover and generally do not stand around. I did get some photos this time though. We sighted some stags occasionally and would you know it? Everytime they stood with their antlers in the branches until they moved off, perhaps giving a tantilising glimpse of hard antler.
At one choice location we did spot a long wide antlered stag in the evening. He moved into thicker cover and we left to wait for a half-hour to see if he would again come out to feed. I did notice some hinds running off across open country behind the hill and as luck had it the herd had been seriously winded even if they did not appear to be and had left for different parts. The next day the herd was not in existence but the day after a few hinds were again around.
Orion had advised me he wanted only a 29 or 30 inch stag to beat a previous one and I was to hunt first. Of course I said we should take it in turns but he was adamant.
While it felt longer it was only on the evening of day 2 that we sighted this stag and he was off at a slow trot. I had decided instantly that he was long enough to take, aiming for a representative 26 inches or more, so as he ran away I had him in my sights with the post-cross-hair up his "own" and luckily he turned just before the scrub and another animal moved from behind to allow me to take an very angled shot at just behind his shoulder.
He dropped instantly and hardly moved. The 150 gr factory load had taken him in the neck, which I at first thought a terribly bad shot, before realising the bullet was probably less than 2 inches to the right of where I aimed.
A "waidmannsheil" photos with the sprig in the hat and one as a last meal, he was gutted and hung to cool in a tree while we looked for another stag for the twenty minutes of light remaining. Then back to the hut, skin off and cape off, Orion being a butcher gave me an experts lesson in the best techniques (I am entirely self taught and not at all to his standard .). The next morning the carcase was boned out and put in the freezer to chill.
This last day was to be very hot and I don't remember if we got off that morning for a look or not. But as luck would have it we did find a good stag that evening, maybe a couple inches longer. Unfortunately we had to go through a gate and the stag was less than 50 metres away in for once a thin patch of scrub. Using the vehicle for cover we got to within 30 metres of the three stags and I drove the Lancruiser away as a diversion while Orion stalked around the scrub to try for a shot. The stags however were off and away. If they had stood for a second or two longer another chital stag might have been in the freezer and a nice long rack as well.
-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"
.700 member
Reged: 25/12/02
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Loc: Barossa Valley, South Australi...
Some more chital photos.
Chital hinds doing what they do best. Running away.
 A chital hind. Beautiful colours.
More running in pretty "park-like" country.
-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"
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Loc: Barossa Valley, South Australi...
Now for the boys.

-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"
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Loc: Barossa Valley, South Australi...
-------------------- John aka NitroX
Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"
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Reged: 10/08/05
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Nice smallish deer - like a Texas whitetail & spotted, like a young fawn.
-------------------- Daryl
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Reged: 07/04/09
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G'Day Fella's,
Congratulations, well done and good to see NitroX. Thank goodness for the forsight of our for fathers, to introduce these beautiful animals to Oz.
I have the same Leupold, on my Ruger .375 H&H.
D'oh! Homer
-------------------- "Beware the Lolly Pop of Mediocrity,
Lick it Once and You Will Suck Forever"
.416 member
Reged: 12/03/05
Posts: 4835
Loc: Nevada
Looks like a good day for you. The photos of the other deer look nice too!
We have one of the takedown models of that lever rifle here, also in 308 Great field gun for sure.
-------------------- --Self-Appointed Colonel, DRSS--
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Reged: 19/02/07
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G'Day Fella's,
Congratulations, well done and good to see NitroX. Thank goodness for the forsight of our for fathers, to introduce these beautiful animals to Oz.
I have the same Leupold, on my Ruger .375 H&H.
D'oh! Homer
Yes ..beautiful animals indeed... congrats
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