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Hunting >> Hunting in Australia, NZ & the South Pacific

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Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded)
      #19987 - 25/10/04 12:09 AM

Spent a few days at Watervalley Game Reserve with a German hunter friend chasing Asiatic deer. Didn't get a really big chital stag as was the objective but did see several hundred other deer and several big ones. My friend intends to return for a red stag.

Some photos to enjoy.

Some red stags in velvet

Some rusa deer

Young Rusa stag

Rusa stag

John aka NitroX

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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: NitroX]
      #19989 - 25/10/04 12:25 AM

Another Rusa stag with farm house behind

Sambar stag and hinds

Red Stags in velvet on sky line

Just a few deer and three different species

Chital stag and hinds plus spiker

John aka NitroX

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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: NitroX]
      #20005 - 25/10/04 11:49 AM

Nice clear photo's Nitro

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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: NitroX]
      #20015 - 25/10/04 10:43 PM


Are those critters good eating or do they tasted like wild scrub brush?


Of course his pics are nice and clear, he's the Administrator and owner of the site! He's got to show everybody else how to post clear pics.

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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: 475Guy]
      #20016 - 26/10/04 12:18 AM

IMO deer from the wild taste far better than the farmed version. The variety of grasses and browse.

The last chital photo was a little disappointing as the animals are blurred. They were standing in shadow and about to jump the fence into scrub and disappear. Shot (on disk) with a 300 mm ultrasonic image stabilised lens kneeling down without support.

This stag could have been shot by my friend if he wished. But later that morning (we finished the hunting at noon) we found a much larger one who made a clean get away.

BTW we also found another two smaller hard antlered stags and two or three in the group that we very nice but unfortunately in velvet.

The photos displayed here were originally 6.3 mega-pixels reduced down to about 100 to 120 k and then reduced to about 80% quality and compressed by 50% to get the size down to 20 to 70 k. Prior to modification they are so clear, crisp and colours so fine it is disappointing to reduce them.


Forget about the photos. The deer in them are what excite me!

John aka NitroX

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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: NitroX]
      #20045 - 27/10/04 01:22 AM

Some more

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: NitroX]
      #20047 - 27/10/04 01:26 AM

Another three:

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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Reged: 26/02/04
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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: NitroX]
      #20065 - 27/10/04 02:26 PM



Thats a fine chital on the fence. Good length and obvious weight.

Cant believe those reds on the hill are in very early velvet! Why so much more advance than the others?

Cheers mate


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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: Matt_Graham]
      #20089 - 28/10/04 09:40 AM


I think I was told the reds started to cast antlers in August (!) and are in hard antler by the end of January.

As can be seen some have well development antlers already and some are still only fresh. Quite a wide season I think.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: NitroX]
      #20090 - 28/10/04 09:53 AM

Just a few cast-offs

Not just deer

Aah the much sort after deer of our hunt, a rare photo, elusive chital.

This photo was from the deer farm, the velveting paddock, but check out these wapiti

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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Reged: 08/01/03
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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: NitroX]
      #20115 - 28/10/04 10:47 PM

I take it these deer species are grazers? Our whitetails would die on grass.

Do they have all of these species running together or in seperate pastures? How big is the ranch?


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Re: Wonderful Watervalley (best viewed theaded) [Re: AspenHill]
      #20124 - 29/10/04 01:20 AM


I understand there are several separate sections.

One section has reds, fallow, chital and sambar.

Another section has the same except for rusa and no sambar.

Another large section has wapiti but I haven't seen that section.

Maybe more. A large area has lots of lakes for which Watervalley is nationally awarded and in season duck shooting. I hope to be there then next year along with 600 (!) other duck shooters. That amount of water to me is fantastic SA and Aust in general (South of the tropics) being quite dry.

The wapiti herd above is not hunted but utilised for velvet deer farming. Still impressive to see hundreds of bulls from horizon to horizon.

Sambar and rusa will interbreed therefore they need to be separated. Same for reds and wapiti. Some interbreeding may have occurred at one time but they shoot thousands of deer for export venison so many of them would have been taken out.

I would imagine most of the feed is grazing though there are large areas and strips of bush which allow the trphy stags to escape too all too easily.

Total size is in excess of 100,000 acres (40,000 ha) behind wire.


If you venture down this way and the time is available and OK for my work I'll take you for a hunt down there.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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